National Institute for Physiological Sciences Takemura Lab Sensory & Cognitive Brain Mapping
National Institutes of Natural Sciences National Institute for Physiological SciencesNational Institutes of Natural Sciences National Institute for Physiological Sciences


Journal Articles


  1. Takemura, H.*, Palomero-Gallagher, N.*, Axer, M., Gräßel, D., Jorgensen, M.J., Woods, R. & Zilles, K.* (2020) Anatomy of nerve fiber bundles at micrometer-resolution in the vervet monkey visual system. eLife, 9, e55444. (*: equal contributions)

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  2. Takemura, H., Yuasa, K. & Amano, K. (2020) Predicting neural response latency of the human early visual cortex from MRI-based tissue measurements of the optic radiation. eNeuro, 7(4), ENEURO.0545-19.2020. 1-18.

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  3. Kaneko, T.*, Takemura, H.*, Pestilli, F., Silva, A.C., Ye, F.Q. & Leopold, D.A. (2020) Spatial organization of occipital white matter tracts in the common marmoset. Brain Structure and Function, 225(4), 1313-1326. (*: equal contributions)

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  4. Minami, S., Oishi, H., Takemura, H. & Amano, K. (2020) Inter-individual differences in occipital alpha oscillations correlate with white matter tissue properties of the optic radiation. eNeuro, 7(2), ENEURO.0224-19.2020 1-11.

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