Collaboration paper with Dr. Kato (ExCELLS/IMS), Elucidating the Unique J-Shaped Protomer Structure of Amyloid-β(1-40) Fibril with Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Burton-Smith et al. was published from . Int J Mol Sci.
Collaboration paper with Dr. Oda (JT Bio Res Hall), Nanoscale visualization of Drosophila E-cadherin ectodomain fragments and their interactions using DNA origami nanoblocks, Oda et al. was published from JMB.
Mounia Lahfa has joined ths lab as a postdoctral fellow.
Collaboration paper with Dr. Segawa (IMS), Structure Determination of Tweezer-shaped π-Extended Tetraphenylenes without Recrystallization by Microcrystal Electron Diffraction, Sugiyama et al. was published from Chemical Letters.
Collaboration paper with Dr. Takemura (Tokyo Univ Sci), Subnanometer structure of medusavirus capsid during maturation using cryo-electron microscopy, Watanabe et al. was published from J Virol.
Collaboration paper with Dr. Takemura (Tokyo Univ Sci), Complete genome sequence of Tornadovirus japonicus, a relative of Pacmanvirus, isolated from the Tamagawa River in Japan, Waschestjuk et al. was published from Microbiol Resour Announc.
Collaboration paper with Dr. Ueno (Tokyo Inst Tech), Fusion of amyloid beta with ferritin yields an isolated oligomeric beta-sheet-rich aggregate inside the ferritin cage, Maity et al. was published from Biomater Sci.
NIPS EM Workshop 2024 with TARA center "Expanding cryo-EM applications: from drug discovery to analysis of organic compounds" (Oct. 29~30th at Univ. Tsukuba). Registration is OPEN now. Deadline: Mon. Oct. 14th
Collaboration paper with Academic Scinica (Taiwan), Use of phase plate cryo-EM reveals conformation diversity of therapeutic IgG with 50 kDa Fab fragment resolved below 6 Å, Lin HH, et al. was published from Sci Rep.
Murata has been appointed as a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University. On May 11th, we will introduce our laboratory at the graduate school entrance examination information event.
Postdoc position for cryo-ET is available. Details are here.
The new fiscal year has started!
Our lab. belongs to Department of Physiological Sciences,
School of Life Science, The Graduate University for
Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).
Copyright (C) 2021 NINS Murata Lab. All Right Reserved