Research Topic: 2009
03.30.2010 Metabolic adaptation of mice in a cool environment
03.01.2010 FAST (Flexible Accelerated STOP TetO-knockin): a versatile and efficient new gene modulating system
01.04.2010 Functional and structural identification of amino acid residues of the P2X2 receptor channel critical for the voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating.
12.14.2009 Excitation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons by thyrotropin-releasing hormone
11.19.2009 Relationship between neural responses and visual grouping in the monkey parietal cortex
11.19.2009 Color Selectivity of Neurons in the Posterior Inferior Temporal Cortex of the Macaque Monkey
11.10.2009 Input-Specific Intrasynaptic Arrangements of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors and Their Impact on Postsynaptic Responses
09.30.2009 Role of the ventromedial hypothalamus in leptin-induced glucose uptake in peripheral tissues
08.31.2009 Cortical Inhibitory Cell Types Differentially Form Intralaminar and Interlaminar Subnetworks with Excitatory Neurons.
08.17.2009 DIP/WISH-Deficient Mice Reveal Dia- and N-WASP-interacting Protein (DIP/WISH) As a Regulator of Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Embryonic Fibroblasts
06.30.2009 Task-dependent modulation of primary afferent depolarization in cervical spinal cord of monkeys performing an instructed delay task
06.29.2009 Directional organization of sensorimotor oscillatory activity related to the electromyogram in the monkey
06.11.2009 Important factors for the three-dimensional reconstruction of neuronal structures from serial ultrathin sections
06.05.2009 Visual motion direction is represented in population-level neural response as measured by magnetoencephalography