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Last Update : April 14, 2007
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■ 専門科目 ■



外国人講師(Linda A Malick先生、Jeremiah Sechrist先生)による4〜8名程度の小グループ制英会話教室を行います。




A) 英語コミュニケーションコース
B) 英会話による討論コース
C) プレゼンテーションコース
英語での presentationやdebate のスキルを習得し、native English scientistと、遜色なくdiscussion できる能力を身につける事を目標に学習を行います。レベルは中級以上のレベル(レベル3以上)と判定された方だけが選択可能とする予定です。4〜8名程度の小人数制でのクラスを週1回開講します。できるだけ出席する事を勧めます。今回の教科書は、国立遺伝学研究所作成のオリジナルの教科書を使用する予定です。

We will hold three different types of courses. During the interview process, we will discuss which type is best for you:
A) English Communication Course
In the English communication course, you will have an opportunity to learn and practice skills in English. Five levels of classes separated by ability allow you to get the most out of your experience. The course offers many opportunities for speaking, whether directly with the teacher or in pair and group activities. We emphasize real-world English that you will encounter when you meet native speakers. Idioms, grammar, and vocabulary are also taught. All communication course participants are also requested to buy a textbook (the cost is approximately 2,000 yen - 4,000 yen).
B) Free Discussion Course
In this course designed for higher level students, we have decided to eliminate the use of a textbook and focus more on students expressing their opinions in English. Each week students are asked to come to class with a topic that they are interested in, and the class will do a listening or reading exercise with this topic as a basis for discussion. In this class we hope to provide a structured setting for students to work with the English language freely, without the restrictions that a textbook can sometimes bring.
C) Presentation Course
Lessons to learn the skills required for scientific presentation and debate. The course will be open for students with intermediate or higher English ability. This semester we will be using a new presentation curriculum which has been developed by the National Institute of Genetics in cooperation with Cosmopolitan Institute. This course requires a much greater time commitment than the conversation course, so only very serious students should apply. You must be able to attend 75% or more of the lessons. (From this semester, you may need to purchase a textbook. The cost will be announced later.)



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