


1988年より2年間にわたって、米国メリーランド州立大学病院放射線診断科(沼口雄治 教授)にて臨床フェローとして神経放射線診断の臨床研修をおこなうとともに、核磁気共鳴装置(MRI)による神経解剖学の修練を積みました(1989年:1, 1990年:1,2, 1991年:1,2,3,4, 1993年:2, 1994年:4)。ここにおいて、中枢神経系における解剖学的情報と機能画像の融合を目指すことを決意しました。
1990年に帰国し、京都大学大学院内科専攻(核医学:小西淳二 教授)において、人間の高次脳機能を非侵襲的に計測する手段としての脳賦活検査の研究を開始しました。これは、脳血流と神経活動に平行性があることを原理としており、課題遂行に伴う神経活動の増加を局所脳血流の増加として全脳にわたり測定するものです。京都大学脳病態生理学講座(現京都大学医学研究科課程脳統御医科学系、柴崎 浩 教授)との緊密な共同の下、おもにPET(陽電子断層撮影法)を用いた方法論の確立(1993年:3,4)に努力しました。
1993年より2年間にわたり米国国立神経疾患卒中研究所(Mark Hallett博士)に滞在、PETおよび機能的MRIを用いた脳賦活検査を、運動制御および脳可塑性の研究に応用しました。1995年に福井医科大学高エネルギー医学研究センター生態イメージング研究部門(米倉義晴 教授)に赴任、PET及び機能的MRIを用いて、国内外の多数の研究チームと共同研究をおこないました。
さらに1999年に岡崎国立共同研究機構生理学研究所に異動して、人間の高次脳機能を画像化する研究を継続しています。平行して、2001年度からは、科学技術振興事業団 社会技術研究推進事業 研究領域:「脳科学と教育」領域 研究者 として、機能画像法を応用した、人間のコミュニケーション機能発達過程の研究に携わっています。


機能画像を脳科学へ適用する研究は、人間の手指運動制御に関連する脳活動の観察からはじめました。手指運動を制御する大脳運動領野の活動性が、運動の複雑性(1995年:5,1996年:4)や頻度(1996年:5,1997年:3)により変化することを画像化し、ついで、運動の準備(1996年:1)、メンタルリハーサル(1995年:3,2002年:9)、及び両手協調運動(1997年:4)の制御機構を研究しました。手指運動制御における感覚運動統合のメカニズムを調べる過程で、健常人において体性感覚刺 激の消失により、速やかな可塑的変化が一次感覚運動領で起こることを画像化(1995年:8)し、引き続き、種々の感覚脱失に伴う脳の可塑的変化を追求しました。そ の結果、聾者の人工内耳装着後に見られる聴覚領野及び言語領の変化(1996年:2)、盲人の点字読における視覚野の賦活化(1996年:5,1997年:1,1998年:10,1999年:2,13,2002年:13)という、感覚脱失に伴う機能再構築を明らかにしました。また、著明な可塑性を示す発達初期における脳活動を、機能的MRIを用いて観察することを 試み、一次視覚野において生後2ヶ月で急増するシナプスの過形成を機能的MRIで画像化しました(1997年:11,2000年:3,15,2002年:9)。現在、手指運動の制御機構の研究と平行して、感覚脱失、発達および学習過程における高次脳機能の可塑性を、超高磁場(3テスラ)MRIを中心的 な手法として画像化するこころみを続けています。


機能画像を腫瘍診断へ応用する研究は、主に福井医科大学高エネルギー医学研究センターにおいて、臨床各科との緊密な協力関係のもとで遂行しました。PET は脳血流のみならず、さまざまな生体の代謝を非侵襲的に画像化することが出来ます。特にブドウ糖代謝を指標に、存在診断、悪性度、病期決定、治療効果判定 など、治療に直結する情報を得られることを臨床例〔例えば、甲状腺(1998年:15)頸部脊髄圧迫(1998年:4,1999年:1)口腔外科領域(1999年:5,2002年:4,2003年:1)脳腫瘍(1999年:6)前立腺癌(1999年:12)〕にて具体的に示すとともに、定量性を確保しつつ検査法を簡便化する試みを行い(1998年:11,2000年:11,2002年:15)、FDG-PETの臨床上の有用性を高めることに貢献しました。










  1. Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Koike T, Sadato N (2023) The Role of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Introspection during Verbal Communication. Brain Sci., 13(1) 111. doi:10.3390/brainsci13010111.
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  1. Goda N, Hasegawa T, Koketsu D, Chiken S, Kikuta S, Sano H, Kobayashi K, Nambu A, Sadato N, Fukunaga M (2022) Cerebro-cerebellar interactions in non-human primates examined by optogenetic functional magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral Cortex Communications, tgac022. doi:10.1093/texcom/tgac022.
    PDF リンク 生理学研究所HPへ
  2. Hashiguchi M, Koike T, Morita T, Harada T, Le Bihan D, Sadato N (2022) Neural substrates of accurate perception of time duration: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuropsychologia, 166:108145. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108145.
    Pub Med PDF
  3. Kasai C, Sumiya M, Koike T, Yoshimoto T, Maki H, Sadato N (2022) Neural underpinning of Japanese particle processing in non-native speakers. Sci Rep., 12(1):18740. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-23382-8.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Miyata K, Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sugawara S, Sadato N (2022) Neural correlates with individual differences in temporal prediction during auditory-motor synchronization. Cereb Cortex Commun, 3(2):tgac014. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgac014.
    Pub Med PDF
  5. Nakagawa E, Koike T, Sumiya M, Shimada K, Makita K, Yoshida H, Yokokawa H and Sadato N. The Neural Correlates of Semantic and Grammatical Encoding During Sentence Production in a Second Language: Evidence From an fMRI Study Using Structural Priming. Front. Hum. Neurosci,. doi : 10.3389/fnhum.2021.753245.
    Pub Med PDF リンク
  6. Nakamura NH, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N, Oku Y (2022) Respiration-timing-dependent changes in activation of neural substrates during cognitive processes. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 3(4):tgac038. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgac038.
    Pub Med PDF
  7. Nakamura T, Matsui T, Utsumi A, Sumiya M, Nakagawa E, Sadato N (2022) Context-prosody interaction in sarcasm comprehension: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuropsychologia, 170:108213. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108213.
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  8. Nakayama Y, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Hamano YH, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2022) The dorsal premotor cortex encodes the step-by-step planning processes for goal-directed motor behavior in humans. NeuroImage, 256:119221. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119221.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ
  9. Nakazawa E, Fukushi T, Tachibana K, Uehara R, Arie F, Akter N, Maruyama M, Morita K, Araki T, Sadato N (2022) The way forward for neuroethics in Japan: A review of five topics surrounding present challenges. Neurosci Res., 183:7-16. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.07.006.
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  10. Sakai H, Harada T, Larroque SK, Demertzi A, Sugawara T, Ito T, Wada Y, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Laureys S (2022) Left parietal involvement in motion sickness susceptibility revealed by multimodal MRI. Human Brain Mapping, 43(2)1103-1111. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25710.
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  11. Yoshimoto T, Okazaki S, Sumiya M, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Koike T, Kitada R, Okamoto S, Nakata M, Yada T, Kosaka H, Sadato N, Chikazoe J (2022) Coexistence of sensory qualities and value representations in human orbitofrontal cortex. Neurosci Res ., 180:48-57. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.02.004.
    Pub Med PDF
  12. Yu Y, Huber L, Yang J, Fukunaga M, Chai Y, Jangraw DC, Chen G, Handwerker DA, Molfese PJ, Ejima Y, Sadato N, Wu J, Bandettini PA (2022) Layer-specific activation in human primary somatosensory cortex during tactile temporal prediction error processing. Neuroimage , 248:118867. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118867.
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  1. Goering S, Klein E, Specker Sullivan L, Wexler A, Agüera Y Arcas B, Bi G, Carmena JM, Fins JJ, Friesen P, Gallant J, Huggins JE, Kellmeyer P, Marblestone A, Mitchell C, Parens E, Pham M, Rubel A, Sadato N, Teicher M, Wasserman D, Whittaker M, Wolpaw J, Yuste R (2021) Recommendations for responsible development and application of neurotechnologies. Neuroethics, 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s12152-021-09468-6.
    Pub Med リンク
  2. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2021) The integrative role of the M1 in motor sequence learning. Neuroscience Letters, 760:136081. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.136081.
    Pub Med PDF
  3. Harada T, Sugawara T, Ito T, Wada Y, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Larroque SK, Demertzi A, Laureys S, Sakai H (2021) Vestibular morphological asymmetry associated with motion sickness susceptibility. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15:763040. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.763040.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Koike S, Tanaka SC, Okada T, Aso T, Yamashita A, Yamashita O, Asano M, Maikusa N, Morita K, Okada N, Fukunaga M, Uematsu A, Togo H, Miyazaki A, Murata K, Urushibata Y, Autio J, Ose T, Yoshimoto J, Araki T, Glasser MF, Van Essen DC, Maruyama M, Sadato N, Kawato M, Kasai K, Okamoto Y, Hanakawa T, Hayashi T (2021) Brain/MINDS beyond human brain MRI project: A protocol for multi-level harmonization across brain disorders throughout the lifespan. NeuroImage Clin., 30:102600. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102600.
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  5. Maruyama S, Fukunaga M, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Yamamoto T, Sadato N (2021) Cognitive control affects motor learning through local variations in GABA within the primary motor cortex. Sci Rep.,11(1):18566. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97974-1.
    Pub Med PDF
  6. Miyata K, Koike T, Nakagawa E, Harada T, Sumiya M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N (2021) Neural substrates for sharing intention in action during face-to-face imitation. Neuroimage, 233:117916. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117916.
    Pub Med PDF
  7. Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Koike T, Sadato N (2021) The neural network underpinning social feedback contingent upon one’s action: An fMRI study. Neuroimage, 225:117476. doi: org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117476.
    Pub Med リンク
  8. Ogino Y, Kawamichi H, Takizawa D, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Fukunaga M, Toyoda K, Watanabe Y, Abe O, Sadato N, Saito S, Furui S (2021) Enhanced structural connectivity within the motor loop in professional boxers prior to a match. Sci Rep., 11(1):9015. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88368-4.
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  9. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Tanabe HC, Sasaki AT, Kochiyama T, Yahata N & Sadato N (2021) The extrastriate body area is involved in reciprocal imitation of hand gestures, vocalizations, and facial expressions: a univariate and multivariate fMRI study. Social Neuroscience, 16(4):448-465. doi:10.1080/17470919.2021.1944908.
    Pub Med リンク
  10. Pham QT, Nishiyama S, Sadato N and Chikazoe J (2021) Distillation of Regional Activity RevealsHidden Content of Neural Information inVisual Processing.Front. Hum. Neurosci., 15:777464. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.777464. (in press)
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  11. Sasai S, Koike T, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Sumiya M, Okazaki S, Takahashi HK, Taga G, Sadato N (2021) Frequency-specific task modulation of human brain functional networks: a fast fMRI study. NeuroImage, 224:117375. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117375.
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  12. Uchiyama Y, Sakai H, Ando T, Tachibana A, Sadato N (2021) BOLD signal response in primary visual cortex to flickering checkerboard increases with stimulus temporal frequency in older adults. Plos One, 16(11):e0259243. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259243. eCollection 2021.
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  13. Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2021) Quantitative evaluations of geometrical distortion corrections in cortical surface-based analysis of high-resolution functional MRI data at 7T. J Magn Reson Imaging. 53(4):1220-1234. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jmri.27420.
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  14. Yokoyama C, Autio JA, Ikeda T, Sallet J, Mars RB, Van Essen DC, Glasser MF, Sadato N, Hayashi T (2021) Comparative connectomics of the primate social brain. Neuroimage, 118693. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118693.
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  15. Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Sumiya M, Nakagawa E, Okazaki S, Koike T & Sadato N (2021) Neural Substrates of Shared Visual Experiences: A Hyperscanning fMRI Study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(12):1264-1275. doi:10.1093/scan/nsab082.
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  1. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Yoshimoto T, Sadato N (2020) The motor engram as a dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: An fMRI study. Neurosci Res., 153:27-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2019.03.004.
    Pub Med リンク
  2. Numata T, Sato H, Asa Y, Koike T, Miyata K, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Sadato N (2020) Achieving affective human-virtual agent communication by enabling virtual agents to imitate positive expressions. Sci Rep., 10(1):5977. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62870-7.
    Pub Med PDF
  3. Okamoto Y, Sasaoka T, Sadato N, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Soh Z, Nouzawa T, Yamawaki S, Tsuji T (2020) Is human brain activity during driving operations modulated by the viscoelastic characteristics of a steering wheel? : an fMRI study. IEEE Access, 8:215073-215090. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3040231.
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  4. Sumiya M, Okamoto Y, Koike T, Tanigawa T, Okazawa H, Kosaka H, Sadato N (2020) Attenuated activation of the anterior rostral medial prefrontal cortex on self-relevant social reward processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage Clin., 26:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102249.
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  1. Abe MO, Koike T, Okazaki S, Sugawara SK, Takahashi K, Watanabe K, Sadato N (2019) Neural correlates of online cooperation during joint force production. Neuroimage, 191:150-161. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.02.003.
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  2. Aizawa Y, Harada T, Nakata H, Tsunakawa M, Sadato N, Nagashima K (2019) Assessment of brain mechanisms involved in the processes of thermal sensation, pleasantness/unpleasantness, and evaluation. IBRO Rep., 6:54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ibror.2019.01.003.
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  3. Brooks JA, Chikazoe J, Sadato N, Freeman JB (2019) The neural representation of facial-emotion categories reflects conceptual structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116(32):15861-15870. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1816408116.
    Pub Med リンク
  4. Kawamichi H, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Makita K, Kochiyama T, Kikuchi Y, Ogino Y, Saito S, and Sadato N (2019) Prosocial behavior toward estranged persons modulates the interaction between midline cortical structures and the reward system. Social Neuroscience, 14(5):618-630 doi: 10.1080/17470919.2018.1553797.
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  5. Kitada R, Doizaki R, Kwon J, Tanigawa T, Nakagawa E, Kochiyama T, Kajimoto H, Sakamoto M, Sadato N (2019) Brain networks underlying tactile softness perception: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage, 197:156-166. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.04.044.
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  6. Koike T, Tanabe HC, Adachi-Abe S, Okazaki S, Nakagawa E, Sasaki AT, Shimada K, Sugawara SK, Takahashi HK, Yoshihara K, Sadato N (2019) Role of the right anterior insular cortex in joint attention-related identification with a partner. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(10):1131-1145. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsz087.
    Pub Med リンク
  7. Koike T, Sumiya M, Nakagawa E, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2019) What makes eye contact special? Neural substrates of on-line mutual eye-gaze: A hyperscanning fMRI study. eNeuro, 6(1) pii: ENEURO.0284-18.2019 . doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0284-18.2019.
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  8. Maruyama S, Fukunaga M, Fautz HP, Heidemann R, Sadato N (2019) Comparison of 3T and 7T MRI for the visualization of globus pallidus sub-segments. Sci Rep., 9(1):18357. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54880-x.
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  9. Mochizuki H, Hernandez LE, Yosipovitch G, Sadato N and Kakigi R (2019) The Functional Network Processing Acute Electrical Itch Stimuli in Humans. Front. Physiol., 10:555. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00555.
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  1. Kawamichi H, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Kitada R, Nakagawa E, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2018) Neural correlates underlying change in state self-esteem. Sci Rep., 8(1):1798. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20074-0.
    Pub Med PDF
  2. Kochiyama T, Ogihara N, Tanabe HC, Kondo O, Amano H, Hasegawa K, Suzuki H, Ponce de León MS, Zollikofer CPE, Bastir M, Stringer C, Sadato N, Akazawa T (2018) Reconstructing the Neanderthal brain using computational anatomy. Sci Rep., 8(1):6296. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24331-0.
    Pub Med PDF
  3. Nakamura T, Matsui T, Utsumi A, Yamazaki M, Makita K, Harada T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2018) The role of the amygdala in incongruity resolution: the case of humor comprehension. Soc Neurosci., 13(5):553-565. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2017.1365760.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Miyahara M, Kochiyama T, Naruse H, Sadato N, Okazawa H, Kosaka H (2018) Altered perspective-dependent brain activation while viewing hands and associated imitation difficulties in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage Clin., 19:384-395. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.04.030.
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  5. Rajaei N, Aoki N, Takahashi HK, Miyaoka T, Kochiyama T, Ohka M, Sadato N, Kitada R (2018) Brain networks underlying conscious tactile perception of textures as revealed using the velvet hand illusion. Hum Brain Mapp.,39(12):4787-4801. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24323.
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  6. Sakai H, Ando T, Sadato N, Uchiyama Y (2018) Speed-related Activation in the Mesolimbic Dopamine System During the Observation of Driver-view Videos. Sci Rep., 8(1):711. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18792-y.
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  7. Sasaki A, Okamoto Y, Kochiyama T, Kitada R, Sadato N. Distinct sensitivities of the lateral prefrontal cortex and extrastriate body area to contingency between executed and observed actions. Cortex, 108:234-251. doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2018.08.003.
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  8. Sugawara SK, Koike T, Kawamichi H, Makita K, Hamano YH, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Sadato N (2018) Qualitative differences in offline improvement of procedural memory by daytime napping and overnight sleep: an fMRI study. Neurosci Res., 132:37-45. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2017.09.006.
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  1. Miura N, Tanabe HC, Sasaki A, Harada T, Sadato N (2017) Neural evidence for the intrinsic value of action as motivation for behavior. Neuroscience, 352:190-203. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.03.064.
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  2. Miyahara M, Harada T, Tanaka S, Fukuhara H, Kano T, Ono T, Sadato N (2017) Mindfulness meditation for future early childhood teachers in Japan. Teaching and Teacher Education, 65:136-144. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2017.03.007.
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  3. Okamoto Y, Kosaka H, Kitada R, Seki A, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T, Saito DN, Yanaka HT, Munesue T, Ishitobi M, Omori M, Wada Y, Okazawa H, Koeda T, Sadato N (2017) Age-dependent atypicalities in body- and face-sensitive activation of the EBA and FFA in individuals with ASD. Neurosci Res., 119:38-52. doi:10.1016/j.neures.2017.02.001.
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  4. Sakai H, Ando T, Sadato N, Uchiyama Y (2017) Greater cerebellar gray matter volume in car drivers: an exploratory voxel-based morphometry study. Sci Rep., 7:46526. doi: 10.1038/srep46526.
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  5. Sumiya M, Koike T, Okazaki S, Kitada R, Sadato N (2017) Brain networks of social action-outcome contingency: The role of the ventral striatum in integrating signals from the sensory cortex and medial prefrontal cortex. Neurosci Res., 123:43-54. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2017.04.015.
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  6. Yang J, Kitada R, Kochiyama T, Yu Y, Makita K, Araki Y, Wu J, Sadato N (2017) Brain networks involved in tactile speed classification of moving dot patterns: the effects of speed and dot periodicity. Sci Rep., 7:40931. doi: 10.1038/srep40931.
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  7. Yuste R, Goering S, Arcas BAY, Bi G, Carmena JM, Carter A, Fins JJ, Friesen P, Gallant J, Huggins JE, Illes J, Kellmeyer P, Klein E, Marblestone A, Mitchell C, Parens E, Pham M, Rubel A, Sadato N, Sullivan LS, Teicher M, Wasserman D, Wexler A, Whittaker M, Wolpaw J (2017) Four ethical priorities for neurotechnologies and AI. Nature, 551(7679):159-163. doi: 10.1038/551159a.
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  1. Gomez-Tames J, Sugiyama Y, Laakso I, Tanaka S, Koyama S, Sadato N, Hirata A (2016) Effect of microscopic modeling of skin in electrical and thermal analysis of transcranial direct current stimulation. Phys Med Biol, 61(24):8825-8838. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/61/24/8825.
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  2. Harada T, Hayashi A, Sadato N, Iidaka T (2016) Neural correlates of emotional contagion induced by happy and sad expressions. Journal of Psychophysiology, 30:114-123. doi: 10.1027/0269-8803/a000160.
  3. Hirotani M, Terry JM and Sadato N (2016) Processing load imposed by line breaks in english temporal wh-questions. Front. Psychol. 7:1465. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01465.
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  4. Kawakami S, Sato H, Sasaki AT, Tanabe HC, Yoshida Y, Saito M, Toyoda H, Sadato N and Kang Y (2016) The brain mechanisms underlying the perception of pungent taste of capsaicin and the subsequent autonomic responses. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 9:720. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00720.
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  5. Kawamichi H, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Makita K, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2016) Increased frequency of social interaction is associated with enjoyment enhancement and reward system activation. Sci Rep., 6:24561. doi: 10.1038/srep24561.
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  6. Kawamichi H, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Makita K, Matsunaga M, Tanabe HC, Ogino Y, Saito S, Sadato N (2016) Being in a romantic relationship is associated with reduced gray matter density in striatum and increased subjective happiness. Front Psychol, 7:1763. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01763.
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  7. Kawamichi H, Yoshihara K, Sugawara SK, Matsunaga M, Makita K, Hamano YH, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2016) Helping behavior induced by empathic concern attenuates anterior cingulate activation in response to others' distress. Soc Neurosci. 11(2):109-122. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2015.1049709.
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  8. Koike T, Tanabe HC, Okazaki S, Nakagawa E, Sasaki AT, Shimada K, Sugawara SK, Takahashi HK, Yoshihara K, Bosch-Bayard J, Sadato N (2016) Neural substrates of shared attention as social memory: A hyperscanning functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage, 125:401-412. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.09.076.
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  9. Kosaka H, Okamoto Y, Munesue T, Yamasue H, Inohara K, Fujioka T, Anme T, Orisaka M, Ishitobi M, Jung M, Fujisawa TX, Tanaka S, Arai S, Asano M, Saito DN, Sadato N, Tomoda A, Omori M, Sato M, Okazawa H, Higashida H, Wada Y (2016) Oxytocin efficacy is modulated by dosage and oxytocin receptor genotype in young adults with high-functioning autism: a 24-week randomized clinical trial. Transl Psychiatry, 6(8):e872. doi: 10.1038/tp.2016.152.
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  10. Laakso I, Tanaka S, Mikkonen M, Koyama S, Sadato N, Hirata A (2016) Electric fields of motor and frontal tDCS in a standard brain space: A computer simulation study. Neuroimage, 137:140-151. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.05.032.
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  11. Matsui T, Nakamura T, Utsumi A, Sasaki AT, Koike T, Yoshida Y, Harada T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2016) The role of prosody and context in sarcasm comprehension: Behavioral and fMRI evidence. Neuropsychologia, 87:74-84. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.04.031.
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  12. Matsunaga M, Kawamichi H, Koike T, Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Sadato N (2016) Structural and functional associations of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex with subjective happiness. Neuroimage, 134:132-141. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.020.
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  13. Nakagawa K, Mochizuki H, Koyama S, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2016) A transcranial direct current stimulation over the sensorimotor cortex modulates the itch sensation induced by histamine. Clin Neurophysiol., 127(1):827-32 . doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.07.003.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ
  14. Pornpattananangkul N, Hariri AR, Harada T, Mano Y, Komeda H, Parrish TB, Sadato N, Iidaka T, Chiao JY (2016) Cultural influences on neural basis of inhibitory control. Neuroimage, 139:114-126. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.05.061.
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  15. Tanaka SC, Yamada K, Kitada R, Tanaka S, Sugawara SK, Ohtake F, Sadato N (2016) Overstatement in happiness reporting with ordinal, bounded scale. Sci Rep., 6:21321. doi: 10.1038/srep21321.
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  16. Tsurugizawa T, Tokuda S, Harada T, Takahashi T, Sadato N (2016) Pharmacological and expectancy effects of a low amount of alcohol drinking on outcome valuation and risk perception in males and females. PLoS One, 11(4):e0154083. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154083.
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  17. Yoshihara K, Tanabe HC, Kawamichi H, Koike T, Yamazaki M, Sudo N, Sadato N (2016) Neural correlates of fear-induced sympathetic response associated with the peripheral temperature change rate. Neuroimage. 134:522-531. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.040.
    Pub Med PDF


  1. Hayashi MJ, Ditye T, Harada T, Hashiguchi M, Sadato N, Carlson S, et al. (2015) Time adaptation shows duration selectivity in the human parietal cortex. PLoS Biol., 13(9): e1002262. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002262
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  2. Hayashi MJ, Ditye T, Harada T, Hashiguchi M, Sadato N, Carlson S, Walsh V, Kanai R (2015) Correction: Time Adaptation Shows Duration Selectivity in the Human Parietal Cortex. PLoS Biol. 13(11):e1002296. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002296.
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  3. Kawamichi H*, Kitada R*, Yoshihara K, Takahashi H and Sadato N (2015) Interpersonal touch suppresses visual processing of aversive stimuli. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 9:164. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00164. *equally contributed authors
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Kawamichi H, Yoshihara K, Sasaki AT, Sugawara SK, Tanabe HC, Shinohara R, Sugisawa Y, Tokutake K, Mochizuki Y, Anme T, Sadato N (2015) Perceiving active listening activates the reward system and improves the impression of relevant experiences. Soc Neurosci., 10(1):16-26 doi:10.1080/17470919.2014.954732.
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  5. Koyama S, Tanaka S, Tanabe S, Sadato N (2015) Dual-hemisphere transcranial direct current stimulation over primary motor cortex enhances consolidation of a ballistic thumb movement. Neurosci Lett., 588:49-53. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.11.043.
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  6. Matsuyoshi D, Morita T, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2015) Dissociable cortical pathways for qualitative and quantitative mechanisms in the face inversion effect. J Neurosci., 35(10):4268-4279. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3960-14.2015.
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  7. Mizuno K, Takiguchi S, Yamazaki M, Asano M, Kato S, Kuriyama K, Watanabe Y, Sadato N, Tomoda A (2015) Impaired neural reward processing in children and adolescents with reactive attachment disorder: A pilot study. Asian J Psychiatr., 17:89-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2015.08.002.
    Pub Med
  8. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Tanabe H. C, Joudoi T, Kawatani J, Shigihara Y, Tomoda A, Miike T, Imai-Matsumura K, Sadato N, Watanabe Y (2015) Less efficient and costly processes of frontal cortex in childhood chronic fatigue syndrome. Neuroimage: Clinical, 9:355-368. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.09.001.
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  9. Okazaki S, Hirotani M, Koike T, Bosch-Bayard J, Takahashi HK, Hashiguchi M, Sadato N (2015) Unintentional Interpersonal Synchronization Represented as a Reciprocal Visuo-Postural Feedback System: A Multivariate Autoregressive Modeling Approach. PLOSONE, 10(9):e0137126. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137126.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ
  10. Sakamoto K, Nakata H, Yumoto M, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2015) Mastication accelerates Go/No-go decisional processing: An event-related potential study. Clin Neurophysiol., 126(11):2099-2107. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.12.034.
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  11. Shimada K, Hirotani M, Yokokawa H, Yoshida H, Makita K, Yamazaki-Murase M, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2015) Fluency-dependent cortical activation associated with speech production and comprehension in second language learners. Neuroscience, 300:474-492. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.05.045.
    Pub Med PDF
  12. Takahashi HK, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Kawamichi H, Okazaki S, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2015) Brain networks of affective mentalizing revealed by the tear effect: The integrative role of the medial prefrontal cortex and precuneus. Neurosci Res., 101:32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2015.07.005.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ


  1. Anme T, Tanaka E, Tokutake K, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E, Mochizuki Y, Wu B, Shinohara R, Sugisawa Y, Okazaki S and Sadato N (2014) Assessing gender differences in sociabillity towards strangers over time using the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA). International Journal of Applied Psychology, 4(2): 50-56.
    PDF リンク
  2. Anme T, Tokutake K, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E, Mochizuki Y, Wu B, Shinohara R, Sugisawa Y, Okazaki S and Sadato N (2014) Validity and reliability of the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA) as an index of social competence development. Public Health Research, 4(1):25-30.
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  3. Iidaka T, Harada T, Sadato N (2014) False memory for face in short-term memory and neural activity in human amygdala. Brain Res, 1591:74-85. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.10.003.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Jung M, Kosaka H, Saito DN, Ishitobi M, Morita T, Inohara K, Asano M, Arai S, Munesue T, Tomoda A, Wada Y, Sadato N, Okazawa H, Iidaka T (2014) Default mode network in young male adults with autism spectrum disorder: relationship with autism spectrum traits. Mol Autism, 5:35. doi:10.1186/2040-2392-5-35.
    Pub Med PDF
  5. Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Okamoto Y, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2014) Role of the precuneus in the detection of incongruency between tactile and visual texture information: a functional MRI study. Neuropsychologia, 64:252-262. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.028.
    Pub Med PDF
  6. Kitada R, Yoshihara K, Sasaki A, Hashiguchi M, Kochiyama T and Sadato N (2014) The brain network underlying the recognition of hand gestures in the blind: the supramodal role of the extrastriate body area. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(30):10096-10108. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0500-14.2014.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ
  7. Mochizuki H, Tanaka S, Morita T, Wasaka T, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2014) The cerebral representation of scratching-induced pleasantness.J Neurophysiol, 111(3):488-498. doi:10.1152/jn.00374.2013.
    Pub Med PDF
  8. Morita T, Tanabe HC, Sasaki AT, Shimada K, Kakigi R, Sadato N (2014) The anterior insular and anterior cingulate cortices in emotional processing for self-face recognition. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci., 9(5):570-579. doi: 10.1093/scan/nst011.
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  9. Mueller JL, Rueschemeyer SA, Ono K, Sugiura M, Sadato N, Nakamura A (2014) Neural networks involved in learning lexical-semantic and syntactic information in a second language. Front Psychol, 5:1209. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01209.
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  10. Nakajima K, Minami T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Nakauchi S (2014) Facial color processing in the face-selective regions: An fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp., 35(9):4958-4964. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22535.
    Pub Med
  11. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T, Munesue T, Ishitobi M, Saito DN, Yanaka HT, Omori M, Wada Y, Okazawa H, Sasaki AT, Morita T, Itakura S, Kosaka H, Sadato N (2014) Attenuation of the contingency detection effect in the extrastriate body area in autism spectrum disorder. Neuroscience Research, 87:66-76. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2014.06.012.
    Pub Med PDF 生理学研究所HPへ
  12. Pascual-Marqui RD, Biscay RJ, Bosch-Bayard J, Lehmann D, Kochi K, Kinoshita T, Yamada N and Sadato N (2014) Assessing direct paths of intracortical causal information flow of oscillatory activity with the isolated effective coherence (iCoh). Front. Hum. Neurosci., 8:448. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00448
    Pub Med PDF
  13. Sakai H, Uchiyama Y, Tanaka S, Sugawara SK, Sadato N (2014) Prefrontal transcranial direct durrent stimulation improves fundamental vehicle control abilities. Beharioural Brain Research,273:57-62. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2014.07.036.
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  14. Sasai S, Homae F, Watanabe H, Sasaki AT, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Taga G (2014) Frequency-specific network topologies in the resting human brain. Front Hum Neurosci., 8:1022. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.01022.
    Pub Med
  15. Sugawara SK, Tanaka S, Tanaka D, Seki A, Uchiyama HT, Okazaki S, Koeda T, and Sadato N (2014) Sleep is associated with offline improvement of motor sequence skill in children. PLoS ONE, 9(11): e111635. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111635.
    Pub Med PDF


  1. Anme T, Sugisawa Y, Shinohara R, Matsumoto M, Watanabe T, Tokutake K, Tomisaki E, Mochizuki H, Tanaka E, Okazaki S, Koeda T, Sadato N (2013) Validity and Reliability of the Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC) by Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head Movement. Public Health Research, 2(6): 208-212.
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  2. Anme T, Tokutake K, Tanaka E, Watanabe T, Tomisaki E, Mochizuki Y,Wu B, Shinohara R, Sugisawa Y, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2013) Short Version of the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA-Brief) as a Practical Index of Social Competence Development. International Journal of Applied Psychology,3(6):169-173.
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  3. Hayashi MJ, Kanai R, Tanabe HC, Yoshida Y, Carlson S, Walsh V, Sadato N (2013) Interaction of numerosity and time in prefrontal and parietal cortex. J Neurosci, 33(3):883-893.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Kawamichi H, Sasaki AT, Matsunaga M, Yoshihara K, Takahashi HK, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2013) Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activation Is Commonly Invoked by Reputation of Self and Romantic Partners. PLoS One, 8(9): e74958.
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  5. Kawamichi H, Tanabe HC, Takahashi HK, Sadato N (2013) Activation of the reward system during sympathetic concern is mediated by two types of empathy in a familiarity-dependent manner. Soc Neurosci,8(1)90-100.
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  6. Kitada R, Okamoto Y, Sasaki AT, Kochiyama T, Miyahara M, Lederman SJ, Sadato N (2013) Early visual experience and the recognition of basic facial expressions: involvement of the middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri during haptic identification by the early blind. Front Hum Neurosci, 7:7.
    Pub Med PDF
  7. Makita K, Yamazaki M, Tanabe HC, Koike T, Kochiyama T, Yokokawa H, Yoshida H, Sadato N (2013) A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of foreign-language vocabulary learning enhanced by phonological rehearsal: the role of the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus. Mind Brain Education, 7(4):213-224.
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  8. Matsunaga M, Bai Y, Yamakawa K, Toyama A, Kashiwagi M, Fukuda K, Oshida A, Sanada K, Fukuyama S, Shinoda J, Yamada J, Sadato N, Ohira H (2013) Brain-immune interaction accompanying odor-evoked autobiographic memory.PLoS One, 8(8) e72523.
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  9. Miyahara M, Harada T, Ruffman T, Sadato N, Iidaka T (2013) Functional connectivity between amygdala and facial regions involved in recognition of facial threat. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci., 8(2):181-189.
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  10. Miyahara M, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Okamoto Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2013) From gestures to words: Spontaneous verbal labeling of complex sequential hand movements reduces fMRI activation of the imitation-related regions. Neurosci Res, 75(3):228-238.
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  11. Sakai H, Uchiyama Y, Shin D, Hayashi MJ, Sadato N (2013) Neural Activity Changes Associated with Impulsive Responding in the Sustained Attention to Response Task. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e67391.
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  12. Tanaka S, Ikeda H, Kasahara K, Kato R, Tsubomi H, Sugawara SK, Mori M, Hanakawa T, Sadato N, Honda M, Watanabe K (2013) Larger Right Posterior Parietal Volume in Action Video Game Experts: A Behavioral and Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) Study. PLoS ONE, 8(6): e66998.
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  13. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kawamichi H, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2013) The neural substrates of the warning effect: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 76(4):230-239.
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  1. Iidaka T, Harada T, Eifuku S, Nakata R, Sadato N (2012) Distinct human face representations in the perirhinal cortex and fusiform gyrus. Brain Res, 1452 119-129.
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  2. Iidaka T, Harada T, Kawaguchi J, Sadato N (2012) Neuroanatomical substrates involved in true and false memories for face. Neuroimage, 62(1):167-176.
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  3. Kitada R, Sadato N, Lederman S J (2012) Tactile perception of nonpainful unpleasantness in relation to perceived roughness: Effects of inter-element spacing and speed of relative motion of rigid 2-D raised-dot patterns at two body loci. Perception, 41(2) 204-220.
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  4. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Watanabe Y(2012)The neural substrates associated with attentional resources and difficulty of concurrent processing of the two verbal tasks.Neuropsychologia, 50(8):1998-2009.
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  5. Morita T, Kosaka H, Saito DN, Ishitobi M, Munesue T, Itakura S, Omori M, Okazawa H, Wada Y, Sadato N (2012) Emotional responses associated with self-face processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: An fMRI study.Soc Neurosci., 7(3)223-229.
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  6. Sakai H, Takahara M, Honjo NF, Doi S, Sadato N, Uchiyama Y (2012) Regional frontal gray matter volume associated with executive function capacity as a risk factor for vehicle crashes in normal aging adults. PLoS One.7(9)e45920.
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  7. Sasai S, Homae F, Watanabe H, Sasaki AT, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Taga G (2012) A NIRS-fMRI study of resting state network. Neuroimage, 63(1):179-193.
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  8. Sasaki AT, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe HC and Sadato N (2012) Neural networks for action representation: a functional magnetic-resonance imaging and dynamic causal modeling study. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 6:236.
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  9. Sugawara SK, Tanaka S, Okazaki S, Watanabe K, Sadato N (2012) Social rewards enhance offline improvements in motor skill. PLoS One,7(11):e48174.
  10. Tanabe HC, Kosaka H, Saito DN, Koike T, Hayashi MJ, Izuma K, Komeda H, Ishitobi M, Omori M, Munesue T, Okazawa H, Wada Y, Sadato N (2012) Hard to "tune in": neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci. 6:268.
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  11. Tanaka S, Seki K, Hanakawa T, Harada M, Sugawara SK, Sadato N, Watanabe K and Honda M (2012) Abacus in the brain: a longitudinal functional MRI study of a skilled abacus user with a right hemispheric lesion. Front. Psychology, 3:315.
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  12. Uchiyama HT, Saito DN, Tanabe HC, Harada T, Seki A, Ohno K, Koeda T, Sadato N (2012) Distinction between the literal and intended meanings of sentences: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of metaphor and sarcasm. Cortex, 48:563-583.
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  13. Uchiyama Y, Toyoda H, Sakai H, Shin D, Ebe K, Sadato N (2012) Suppression of brain activity related to a car-following task with an auditory task: An fMRI study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(1):25-37.
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  1. Aramaki Y, Haruno M, Osu R, Sadato N (2011) Movement initiation-locked activity of the anterior putamen predicts future movement instability in periodic bimanual movement. J Neurosci, 31(27):9819-9823.
    Pub Med PDF
  2. Iidaka T, Harada T, Sadato N (2011) Forming a negative impression of another person correlates with activation in medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 6:516-525.
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  3. Koeda T, Seki A, Uchiyama H, Sadato N (2011) Dyslexia: Advances in clinical and imaging studies. Brain Dev, 33(3):268-275.
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  4. Matsunaga M, Isowa T, Yamakawa K, Kawanishi Y, Tsuboi H, Kaneko H, Sadato N, Oshida A, Katayama A, Kashiwagi M, Ohira H (2011) Psychological and physiological responses to odor-evoked autobiographic memory. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 32(6):774-780.
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  5. Sugiura M, Mano Y, Sasaki A, Sadato N (2011) Beyond the memory mechanism: person-selective and nonselective processes in recognition of personally familiar faces. J Cogn Neurosci, 23(3):699-715.
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  6. Takahashi K, Taguchi T, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Qiu Y, Kakigi R, Mizumura K.(2011)Painful muscle stimulation preferentially activates emotion-related brain regions compared to painful skin stimulation. Neurosci Res, 70(3):285-293.
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  7. Tanabe HC, Sakai T, Morito Y, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2011) Neural correlates and effective connectivity of subjective colors during the Benham's top illusion: a functional MRI study. Cereb Cortex, 21(1):124-133.
    Pub Med PDF
  8. Tanaka S, Takeda K, Otaka Y, Kita K, Osu R, Honda M, Sadato N, Hanakawa T, Watanabe K. (2011) Single session of transcranial direct-current stimulation transiently increases knee extensor force in patients with hemiparetic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 25(6):565-569.
    Pub Med


  1. Aramaki Y, Osu R, Sadato N (2010) Resource-demanding versus cost-effective bimanual interaction in the brain. Exp Brain Res, 203(2):407-418.
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  2. Bosch-Bayard J, Riera-Diaz J, Biscay-Lirio R, Wong KF, Galka A, Yamashita O, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Aubert-Vazquez E, Rodriguez-Rojas R, Valdes-Sosa P, Miwakeichi F, Ozaki T (2010) Spatio-temporal correlations from fmri time series based on the NN-ARx model. J Integr Neurosci, 9(4):381-406.
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  3. Chiao JY, Harada T, Komeda H, Li Z, Mano Y, Saito D, Parrish TB, Sadato N, Iidaka T (2010) Dynamic cultural influences on neural representations of the self. J Cogn Neurosci, 22(1):1-11.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Chiao JY, Hariri AR, Harada T, Mano Y, Sadato N, Parrish TB, Iidaka T (2010) Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 5(2-3):356-361.
    Pub Med PDF
  5. Iidaka T, Saito DN, Komeda H, Mano Y, Kanayama N, Osumi T, Ozaki N, Sadato N (2010) Transient neural activation in human amygdala involved in aversive conditioning of face and voice. J Cogn Neurosci. 22(9):2074-2085.
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  6. Izuma K, Matsumoto M, Murayama K, Samejima K, Sadato N, Matsumoto K (2010) Neural correlates of cognitive dissonance and choice-induced preference change.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 107(51):22014-22019.
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  7. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2010) Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. J Cogn Neurosci, 22(4):621-631.
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  8. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2010) The roles of the medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in reputation processing. Soc Neurosci. 5(2):133-147.
    Pub Med PDF
  9. Kosaka H, Omori M, Munesue T, Ishitobi M, Matsumura Y, Takahashi T, Narita K, Murata T, Saito DN, Uchiyama H, Morita T, Kikuchi M, Mizukami K, Okazawa H, Sadato N, Wada Y (2010) Smaller insula and inferior frontal volumes in young adults with pervasive developmental disorders. Neuroimage, 50(4):1357-1363 .
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  10. Oshio R, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Sokabe M, Hanakawa T, Honda M (2010) Differential effect of double-pulse TMS applied to dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus during internal operation of visuospatial information. Neuroimage, 49(1):1108-1115.
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  11. Saito DN*, Tanabe HC*, Izuma K, Hayashi MJ, Morito Y, Komeda H, Uchiyama H, Kosaka H, Okazawa H, Fujibayashi Y, Sadato N (2010) "Stay tuned": inter-individual neural synchronization during mutual gaze and joint attention.Front Integr Neurosci, 4:127. *Contributed equally to this work
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  12. Yamagata Z, Maeda T, Anme T, Sadato N; Japan Children's Study Group[1] (2010) Overview of the Japan Children's Study 2004-2009; cohort study of early childhood development. J Epidemiol, 20 Suppl 2:S397-403.
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  13. Yanaka HT, Saito DN, Uchiyama Y, Sadato N (2010) Neural substrates of phasic alertness: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 68(1):51-58.
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  1. Bengtsson SL, Ullen F, Ehrsson HH, Hashimoto T, Kito T, Naito E, Forssberg H, Sadato N (2009) Listening to rhythms activates motor and premotor cortices. Cortex, 45(1):62-71.
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  2. Chiao JY, Harada T, Komeda H, Li Z, Mano Y, Saito D, Parrish TB, Sadato N, Iidaka T (2009) Neural basis of individualistic and collectivistic views of self. Hum Brain Mapp, 30(9):2813-2820.
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  3. Fujii T, Tanabe HC, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2009) An investigation of cross-modal plasticity of effective connectivity in the blind by dynamic causal modeling of functional MRI data. Neurosci Res, 65(2):175-186.
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  4. Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Aramaki Y, Okada T, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E (2009) Visuokinesthetic perception of hand movement is mediated by cerebro-cerebellar interaction between the left cerebellum and right parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex, 19(1):176-186.
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  5. Harada T, Goda N, Ogawa T, Ito M, Toyoda H, Sadato N, Komatsu H (2009) Distribution of colour-selective activity in the monkey inferior temporal cortex revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Eur J Neurosci, 30:1960-1970.
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  6. Harada T, Itakura S, Xu F, Lee K, Nakashita S, Saito DN, Sadato N (2009) Neural correlates of the judgment of lying: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 63(1):24-34.
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  7. Mano Y, Harada T, Sugiura M, Saito DN, Sadato N (2009) Perspective-taking as part of narrative comprehension: A functional MRI study. Neuropsychologia, 47(3):813-824.
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  8. Mochizuki H, Inui K, Tanabe HC, Akiyama LF, Otsuru N, Yamashiro K, Sasaki A, Nakata H, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2009) Time course of activity in itch-related brain regions: A combined MEG-fMRI study. J Neurophysiol, 102(5):2657-2666.
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  9. Morito Y, Tanabe HC, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2009) Neural representation of animacy in the early visual areas: a functional MRI study. Brain Res Bull, 79(5):271-280.
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  10. Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009) Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activity associated with individual differences in arbitrary delayed paired-association learning performance: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Neuroscience, 160(3):688-697.
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  11. Tomoda A, Navalta CP, Polcari A, Sadato N, Teicher MH (2009) Childhood sexual abuse is associated with reduced gray matter volume in visual cortex of young women. Biol Psychiatry, 66(7):642-648.
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  1. Akatsuka K, Noguchi Y, Harada T, Sadato N, Kakigi R (2008) Neural codes for somatosensory two-point discrimination in inferior parietal lobule: an fMRI study.
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  2. Chiao JY, Iidaka T, Gordon HL, Nogawa J, Bar M, Aminoff E, Sadato N, Ambady N (2008) Cultural Specificity in Amygdala Response to Fear Faces. J Cogn Neurosci, 20(12):2167-2174.
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  3. Hayashi MJ, Saito DN, Aramaki Y, Asai T, Fujibayashi Y, Sadato N (2008) Hemispheric Asymmetry of Frequency-Dependent Suppression in the Ipsilateral Primary Motor Cortex During Finger Movement: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Cereb Cortex, 18(12): 2932-2940.
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  4. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008) Processing of social and monetary rewards in the human striatum. Neuron, 58:284-294.
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  5. Maki Y, Wong KF, Sugiura M, Ozaki T, Sadato N (2008) Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 42(4):1295-1304.
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  6. Miyawaki Y, Uchida H, Yamashita O, Sato MA, Morito Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Kamitani Y (2008) Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron, 60(5):915-929.
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  7. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Ishii A, Tanabe HC, Onoe H, Sadato N, Watanabe Y (2008) The neural basis of academic achievement motivation. Neuroimage, 42(1):369-378.
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  8. Morita T, Itakura S, Saito DN, Nakashita S, Harada T, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2008) The Role of the Right Prefrontal Cortex in Self-evaluation of the Face: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. J Cogn Neurosci, 20(2):342-355.
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  9. Murase M, Saito DN, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Tanaka S, Harada T, Aramaki Y, Honda M, Sadato N (2008) Cross-modal integration during vowel identification in audiovisual speech: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Lett, 434(1):71-76.
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  10. Nakashita S, Saito DN, Kochiyama T, Honda M, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2008) Tactile-visual integration in the posterior parietal cortex: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain Res Bull, 75(5):513-525.
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  11. Toyoda H, Kashikura K, Okada T, Nakashita S, Honda M, Yonekura Y, Kawaguchi H, Maki A, Sadato N (2008) Source of nonlinearity of the BOLD response revealed by simultaneous fMRI and NIRS. Neuroimage, 39(3):997-1013.
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  12. Uchiyama Y, Toyoda H, Honda M, Yoshida H, Kochiyama T, Ebe K, Sadato N(2008) Functional segregation of the inferior frontal gyrus for syntactic processes: A functional magnetic-resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 61(3):309-318.
    Pub Med PDF


  1. Hagura N, Takei T, Hirose S, Aramaki Y, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E (2007) Activity in the posterior parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia. J Neurosci, 27:7047-7053.
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  2. Kansaku K, Carver B, Johnson A, Matsuda K, Sadato N, Hallett M (2007) The role of the human ventral premotor cortex in counting successive stimuli. Exp Brain Res, 178:339-350.
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  3. Miyanari A, Kaneoke Y, Noguchi Y, Honda M, Sadato N, Sagara Y, Kakigi R (2007) Human brain activation in response to olfactory stimulation by intravenous administration of odorants. Neurosci Lett, 423:6-11.
    Pub Med PDF
  4. Mochizuki H, Sadato N, Saito DN, Toyoda H, Tashiro M, Okamura N, Yanai K (2007) Neural correlates of perceptual difference between itching and pain: A human fMRI study. Neuroimage, 36:706-717.
    Pub Med PDF
  5. Naito E, Nakashima T, Kito T, Aramaki Y, Okada T, Sadato N (2007) Human limb-specific and non-limb-specific brain representations during kinesthetic illusory movements of the upper and lower extremities.Eur J Neurosci, 25:3476-3487.
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  6. Noguchi Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato N, Hoshiyama M, Kakigi R (2007) Voluntary attention changes the speed of perceptual neural processing. Eur J Neurosci, 25:3163-3172.
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  7. Perez MA*, Tanaka S*, Wise SP, Sadato N, Tanabe HC, Willingham DT and Cohen LG (2007) Neural substrates of intermanual transfer of a newly acquired motor skill. Current Biology, 17:1896-1902.*These two authors contributed equally to this work.
    Pub Med PDF


  1. Aramaki Y, Honda M, Okada T, Sadato N (2006) Neural Correlates of the Spontaneous Phase Transition during Bimanual Coordination. Cereb Cortex, 16:1338-1348.
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  2. Aramaki Y, Honda M, Sadato N (2006) Suppression of the non-dominant motor cortex during bimanual symmetric finger movement: A functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study. Neuroscience, 141:2147-2153.
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  3. Iidaka T, Matsumoto A, Haneda K, Okada T, Sadato N (2006) Hemodynamic and electrophysiological relationship involved in human face processing: Evidence from a combined fMRI-ERP study. Brain Cogn, 60:176-186.
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  4. Iidaka T, Matsumoto A, Nogawa J, Yamamoto Y, Sadato N. (2006) Frontoparietal Network Involved in Successful Retrieval from Episodic Memory. Spatial and Temporal Analyses Using fMRI and ERP.Cereb Cortex,16:1349-1360.
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  5. Iidaka T, Matsumoto A, Ozaki N, Suzuki T, Iwata N, Yamamoto Y, Okada T, Sadato N (2006) Volume of left amygdala subregion predicted temperamental trait of harm avoidance in female young subjects. A voxel-based morphometry study.Brain Res,1125:85-93.
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  6. Kitada R, Kito T, Saito DN, Kochiyama T, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Lederman SJ. (2006) Multisensory activation of the intraparietal area when classifying grating orientation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.J Neurosci, 26:7491-7501.
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  7. Miyamoto JJ, Honda M, Saito DN, Okada T, Ono T, Ohyama K, Sadato N (2006) The Representation of the Human Oral Area in the Somatosensory Cortex: a Functional MRI Study.Cereb Cortex, 16:669-675.
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  8. Qiu Y, Noguchi Y, Honda M, Nakata H, Tamura Y, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Wang X, Inui K, Kakigi R (2006) Brain Processing of the Signals Ascending Through Unmyelinated C Fibers in Humans: An Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Cereb Cortex, 16:1289-1295.
    Pub Med PDF
  9. Sadato N (2006) Cross-modal plasticity in the blind revealed by functional neuroimaging.Suppl Clin Neurophysiol, 59:75-79.
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  10. Saito DN, Okada T, Honda M, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2006) Practice makes perfect: the neural substrates of tactile discrimination by Mah-Jong experts include the primary visual cortex. BMC Neurosci, 7:79.
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  11. Tanaka M, Sadato N, Okada T, Mizuno K, Sasabe T, Tanabe HC, Saito DN, Onoe H, Kuratsune H, Watanabe Y. (2006) Reduced responsiveness is an essential feature of chronic fatigue syndrome: a fMRI study. BMC Neurol, 6:9.
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  12. Uchiyama H, Seki A, Kageyama H, Saito DN, Koeda T, Ohno K, Sadato N. (2006) Neural substrates of sarcasm: A functional magnetic-resonance imaging study. Brain Res, 1124:100-110.
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  1. Ehrsson HH, Kito T, Sadato N, Passingham RE, Naito E (2005) Neural substrate of body size: illusory feeling of shrinking of the waist. PLoS Biol, 3(12):e412.
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  2. Hosaka K, Ishii K, Sakamoto S, Sadato N, Fukuda H, Kato T, Sugimura K, Senda M; The Wellcome Department of Neurology, London, UK; Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan (2005) Validation of anatomical standardization of FDG PET images of normal brain: comparison of SPM and NEUROSTAT.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 32(1):92-97.
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  3. Iidaka T, Ozaki N, Matsumoto A, Nogawa J, Kinoshita Y, Suzuki T, Iwata N, Yamamoto Y, Okada T, Sadato N (2005) A variant C178T in the regulatory region of the serotonin receptor gene HTR3A modulates neural activation in the human amygdala. J Neurosci, 25(27):6460-6466.
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  4. Kakigi R, Nakata H, Inui K, Hiroe N, Nagata O, Honda M, Tanaka S, Sadato N, Kawakami M. (2005) Intracerebral pain processing in a Yoga Master who claims not to feel pain during meditation.Eur J Pain, 9(5):581-589.
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  5. Kitada R, Hashimoto T, Kochiyama T, Kito T, Okada T, Matsumura M, Lederman SJ, Sadato N (2005) Tactile estimation of the roughness of gratings yields a graded response in the human brain: an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 25(1):90-100.
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  6. Kochiyama T, Morita T, Okada T, Yonekura Y, Matsumura M, Sadato N (2005) Removing the effects of task-related motion using independent-component analysis. Neuroimage, 25(3):802-814.
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  7. Matsumoto A, Iidaka T, Haneda K, Okada T, Sadato N (2005) Linking semantic priming effect in functional MRI and event-related potentials. Neuroimage, 24(3):624-634.
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  8. Nakamura K, Oga T, Okada T, Sadato N, Takayama Y, Wydell T, Yonekura Y, Fukuyama H (2005) Hemispheric asymmetry emerges at distinct parts of the occipitotemporal cortex for objects, logograms and phonograms: A functional MRI study. Neuroimage, 28(3):521-528.
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  9. Noguchi Y, Kaneoke Y, Kakigi R, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2005) Role of the Superior Temporal Region in Human Visual Motion Perception. Cereb Cortex, 15(10):1592-1601.
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  10. Okada T, Yamada H, Ito H, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2005) Magnetic field strength increase yields significantly greater contrast-to-noise ratio increase: Measured using BOLD contrast in the primary visual area(1). Acad Radiol, 12(2):142-147.
  11. Sadato N (2005) How the blind "see" Braille: lessons from functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscientist, 11(6):577-582.
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  12. Sadato N, Okada T, Honda M, Matsuki K, Yoshida M, Kashikura K, Takei W, Sato T, Kochiyama T & Yonekura Y (2005) Cross-modal integration and plastic changes revealed by lip movement, random-dot motion, and sign languages in the hearing and the deaf. Cereb Cortex, 15(8):1113-1122.
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  13. Saito DN, Yoshimura K, Kochiyama T, Okada T, Honda M, Sadato N (2005) Cross-modal Binding and Activated Attentional Networks during Audio-visual Speech Integration: a Functional MRI Study. Cereb Cortex, 15(11):1750-1760.
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  14. Tanabe HC, Honda M, Sadato N (2005) Functionally segregated neural substrates for arbitrary audiovisual paired-association learning. J Neurosci, 25(27):6409-6418.
    Pub Med PDF
  15. Tanaka S, Honda M, Sadato N (2005) Modality-specific cognitive function of medial and lateral human Brodmann area 6.J Neurosci, 25(2):496-501.
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  16. Yamashita O, Sadato N, Okada T, Ozaki T (2005) Evaluating frequency-wise directed connectivity of BOLD signals applying relative power contribution with the linear multivariate time-series models. Neuroimage, 25(2):478-490.
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  1. Harada T, Saito DN, Kashikura K, Sato T, Yonekura Y, Honda M & Sadato N (2004) Asymmetrical neural substrates of tactile discrimination in humans: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurosci, 24:7524-7530.
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  2. Hasegawa T, Matsuki K, Ueno T, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Konishi Y & Sadato N (2004) Learned audio-visual cross-modal associations in observed piano playing activate the left planum temporale. An fMRI study. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 20:510-518.
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  3. Kobayashi M, Takeda M, Hattori N, Fukunaga M, Sasabe T, Inoue N, Nagai Y, Sawada T, Sadato N, Watanabe Y(2004) Functional imaging of gustatory perception and imagery: "top-down" processing of gustatory signals. Neuroimage, 23:1271-1282.
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  4. Matsumura M, Sadato N, Kochiyama T, Nakamura S, Naito E, Matsunami K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H & Yonekura Y (2004) Role of the cerebellum in implicit motor skill learning: a PET study. Brain Res Bull, 63:471-483.
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  5. Morita T, Kochiyama T, Okada T, Yonekura Y, Matsumura M & Sadato N (2004) The neural substrates of conscious color perception demonstrated using fMRI. Neuroimage, 21:1665-1673.
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  6. Nomura M, Ohira H, Haneda K, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Okada T & Yonekura Y (2004) Functional association of the amygdala and ventral prefrontal cortex during cognitive evaluation of facial expressions primed by masked angry faces: an event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage, 21:352-363.
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  7. Okada T, Honda M, Okamoto J & Sadato N (2004) Activation of the primary and association auditory cortex by the transition of sound intensity: a new method for functional examination of the auditory cortex in humans. Neurosci Lett, 359:119-123.
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  8. Okada T, Tanaka M, Kuratsune H, Watanabe Y & Sadato N (2004) Mechanisms underlying fatigue: a voxel-based morphometric study of chronic fatigue syndrome. BMC Neurol, 4:14.
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  9. Oouchida Y, Okada T, Nakashima T, Matsumura M, Sadato N & Naito E (2004) Your hand movements in my somatosensory cortex: a visuo-kinesthetic function in human area 2. Neuroreport, 15:2019-2023.
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  10. Riera J, Bosch J, Yamashita O, Kawashima R, Sadato N, Okada T & Ozaki T (2004) fMRI activation maps based on the NN-ARx model. Neuroimage, 23:680-697.
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  11. Sadato N, Naito E. (2004) Emulation of kinesthesia during motor imagery. Behav Brain Sci, 27: 412–413.
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  12. Sadato N, Okada T, Kubota K & Yonekura Y (2004) Tactile discrimination activates the visual cortex of the recently blind naive to Braille: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in humans. Neurosci Lett, 359:49-52.
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  13. Sadato N, Yamada H, Okada T, Yoshida M, Hasegawa T, Matsuki KI, Yonekura Y& Itoh H (2004) Age dependent plastic change in the superior temporal sulcus of deaf humans: a functional MRI study. BMC Neurosci 5:56.
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  14. Seki A, Okada T, Koeda T & Sadato N (2004) Phonemic manipulation in Japanese: an fMRI study. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 20:261-272.
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  15. Uchida K, Kobayashi S, Yayama T, Kokubo Y, Nakajima H, Kakuyama M, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y & Baba H (2004) Metabolic neuroimaging of the cervical spinal cord in patients with compressive myelopathy: a high-resolution positron emission tomography study. J Neurosurg Spine, 1:72-79.
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  1. Iidaka T, Terashima S, Yamashita K, Okada T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2003) Dissociable neural responses in the hippocampus to the retrieval of facial identity and emotion: an event-related fMRI study. Hippocampus 13:429-436.
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  2. Kitagawa Y, Nishizawa S, Sano K, Ogasawara T, Nakamura M, Sadato N, Yoshida M, Yonekura Y (2003) Prospective comparison of 18F-FDG PET with conventional imaging modalities (MRI, CT, and 67Ga scintigraphy) in assessment of combined intraarterial chemotherapy and radiotherapy for head and neck carcinoma. J Nucl Med 44:198-206.
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  3. Kitagawa Y, Sano K, Nishizawa S, Nakamura M, Ogasawara T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2003) FDG-PET for prediction of tumour aggressiveness and response to intra-arterial chemotherapy and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 30(1):63-71.
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  4. Kosaka H, Omori M, Iidaka T, Murata T, Shimoyama T, Okada T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Wada Y (2003) Neural substrates participating in acquisition of facial familiarity: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 20:1734-1742.
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  5. Naito E, Sadato N (2003) Internal simulation of expected sensory experiences before movements get started. Rev Neurosci 14:387-399.
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  6. Okada T, Tanaka S, Nakai T, Nishizawa S, Inui T, Yonekura Y, Konishi J, Sadato N (2003) Facial recognition reactivates the primary visual cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in humans. Neurosci Lett 350:21-24.
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  7. Saito DN, Okada T, Morita Y, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2003) Tactile-visual cross-modal shape matching: a functional MRI study. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 17:14-25.
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  8. Uchiyama Y, Ebe K, Kozato A, Okada T, Sadato N (2003) The neural substrates of driving at a safe distance: a functional MRI study. Neurosci Lett 352:199-202.
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  1. Iidaka T, Okada T, Murata T, Omori M, Kosaka H, Sadato N and Yonekura Y (2002) Age-related differences in the medial temporal lobe responses to emotional faces as revealed by fMRI. Hippocampus 12: 352-362.
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  2. Kanosue K, Sadato N, Okada T, Yoda T, Nakai S, Yoshida K, Hosono T, Nagashima K, Yagishita T, Inoue O, Kobayashi K and Yonekura Y (2002) Brain activation during whole body cooling in humans studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosci Lett 329: 157-160.
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  3. Kawakami O, Kaneoke Y, Maruyama K, Kakigi R, Okada T, Sadato N and Yonekura Y (2002) Visual detection of motion speed in humans: spatiotemporal analysis by fMRI and MEG. Hum Brain Mapp 16: 104-118.
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  4. Kitagawa Y, Nishizawa S, Sano K, Sadato N, Maruta Y, Ogasawara T, Nakamura M and Yonekura Y (2002) Whole-body F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with head and neck cancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 93: 202-207.
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  5. Kosaka H, Omori M, Murata T, Iidaka T, Yamada H, Okada T, Takahashi T, Sadato N, Itoh H, Yonekura Y and Wada Y (2002) Differential amygdala response during facial recognition in patients with schizophrenia: an fMRI study. Schizo Res 57: 87-95.
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  6. Muramoto S, Uematsu H, Kimura H, Ishimori Y, Sadato N, Oyama N, Matsuda T, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y, Okada K and Itoh H (2002) Differentiation of prostate cancer from benign prostate hypertrophy using dual-echo dynamic contrast MR imaging. Eur J Radiol 44: 52-58.
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  7. Muramoto S, Uematsu H, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Matsuda T, Hatabu H, Yonekura Y and Itoh H (2002) H2 150 positron emission tomography validation of semiquantitative prostate blood flow determined by double-echo dynamic MRI: a preliminary study. J Comput Assist Tomogr 26: 510-514.
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  8. Muramoto S, Yamada H, Sadato N, Kimura H, Konishi Y, Kimura K, Tanaka M, Kochiyama T, Yonekura Y and Ito H (2002) Age-dependent change in metabolic response to photic stimulation of the primary visual cortex in infants: functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Comput Assist Tomogr 26: 894-901.
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  9. Naito E,Kochiyama T, Kitada R, Nakamura S, Matsumura M, Yonekura Y and Sadato N (2002) Internally simulated movement sensations during motor imagery activate cortical motor areas and the cerebellum. J Neurosci 22: 3683-3691.
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  10. Nihashi T, Kakigi R, Okada T, Sadato N, Kashikura K, Kajita Y and Yoshida J (2002) Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for a representation of the ear in human primary somatosensory cortex: Comparison with magnetoencephalography study. Neuroimage 17: 1217-1226.
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  11. Oyama N, Akino H, Kanamaru H, Suzuki Y, Muramoto S, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Yamamoto K and Okada K (2002) 11C-acetate PET imaging of prostate cancer. J Nucl Med 43: 181-186.
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  12. Oyama N, Akino H, Suzuki Y, Kanamaru H, Miwa Y, Tsuka H, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Okada K (2002) Prognostic value of 2-deoxy-2-[F-18]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography imaging for patients with prostate cancer. Mol Imaging Biol 4:99-104.
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  13. Sadato N, Okada T, Honda M and Yonekura Y (2002) Critical period for cross-modal plasticity in blind humans: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage 16: 389-400.
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  14. Tanaka S, Michimata C, Kaminaga T, Honda M and Sadato N (2002) Superior digit memory of abacus experts: an event-related functional MRI study. Neuroreport 13: 2187-2191.
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  15. Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Nishizawa S, Yonekura Y and Itoh H (2002) Effect of postprandial hyperglycaemia in non-invasive measurement of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose in non-diabetic subjects. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 29: 248-250.
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  16. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Ishimori Y, Matsuda T, Koshimoto Y, Kimura H, Yamada H, Kawamura Y, Takeuchi H, Yonekura Y and Itoh H (2002) Measurement of the vascularity and vascular leakage of gliomas by double-echo dynamic magnetic resonance imaging - A preliminary study. Invest Radiol 37: 571-576.


  1. Hanakawa T, Ikeda A, Sadato N, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Nagamine T, Honda M, Sawamoto N, Yazawa S, Kunieda T, Ohara S, Taki W, Hashimoto N, Yonekura Y, Konishi J and Shibasaki H (2001) Functional mapping of human medial frontal motor areas. The combined use of functional magnetic resonance imaging and cortical stimulation. Exp Brain Res 138: 403-409.
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  2. Iidaka T, Omori M, Murata T, Kosaka H, Yonekura Y, Okada T and Sadato N (2001) Neural interaction of the amygdala with the prefrontal and temporal cortices in the processing of facial expressions as revealed by fMRI. J Cogn Neurosci 13: 1035-1047.
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  3. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Yamada H, Murata T, Omori M and Yonekura Y (2001) An fMRI study of the functional neuroanatomy of picture encoding in younger and older adults. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 11: 1-11.
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  4. Imaizumi S, Hosoi H, Sakaguchi T, Watanabe Y, Sadato N, Nakamura S, Waki A and Yonekura Y (2001) Ultrasound activates the auditory cortex of profoundly deaf subjects. Neuroreport 12: 583-586.
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  5. Narumoto J, Okada T, Sadato N, Fukui K and Yonekura Y (2001) Attention to emotion modulates fMRI activity in human right superior temporal sulcus. Cogn Brain Res 12: 225-231.
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  6. Omata N, Murata T, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2001) Age-related changes in energy production in fresh senescence-accelerated mouse brain slices as revealed by positron autoradiography. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 12: 78-84.
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  7. Oyama N, Akino H, Suzuki Y, Kanamaru H, Ishida H, Tanase K, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Okada K (2001) FDG PET for evaluating the change of glucose metabolism in prostate cancer after androgen ablation. Nucl Med Commun 22: 963-969.
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  8. Takahashi N, Fujibayashi Y, Yonekura Y, Welch MJ, Waki A, Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Sugimoto K, Nakano A, Lee JD and Itoh H (2001) Copper-62 ATSM as a hypoxic tissue tracer in myocardial ischemia. Ann Nucl Med 15: 293-296.
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  9. Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Sugimoto K, Nakano A, Lee JD, Takahashi N, Waki A, Ishii Y and Itoh H (2001) Myocardial FDG-PET examination during fasting and glucose loading states by means of a one-day protocol. Ann Nucl Med 15: 433-438.
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  10. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Ishimori Y, Koshimoto Y, Kimura H, Yamada H, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y and Itoh H (2001) Blood Volume of Gliomas Determined by Double-Echo Dynamic Perfusion-Weighted MR Imaging: A Preliminary Study. Am J Neuroradiol 22: 1915-1919.
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  11. Waki A, Yano R, Yoshimoto M, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Fujibayashi Y (2001) Dynamic changes in glucose metabolism accompanying the expression of the neural phenotype after differentiation in PC12 cells. Brain Res 894: 88-94.
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  12. Yoshimoto M, Waki A, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Murata T, Omata N, Takahashi N, Welch MJ and Fujibayashi Y (2001) Characterization of acetate metabolism in tumor cells in relation to cell proliferation: Acetate metabolism in tumor cells. Nucl Med Biol 28: 117-122.
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  1. Horwitz B, Deiber M, Ibanez V, Sadato N and Hallett M (2000) Correlations between Reaction Time and Cerebral Blood Flow during Motor Preparation. Neuroimage 12: 434-441.
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  2. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Yamada H and Yonekura Y (2000) Functional asymmetry of human prefrontal cortex in verbal and non- verbal episodic memory as revealed by fMRI. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 9: 73-83.
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  3. Morita T, Kochiyama T, Yamada H, Konishi Y, Yonekura Y, Matsumura M and Sadato N (2000) Difference in the metabolic response to photic stimulation of the lateral geniculate nucleus and the primary visual cortex of infants: a fMRI study. Neurosci Res 38: 63-70.
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  4. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Posthypoxic reoxygenation-induced neurotoxicity prevented by free radical scavenger and NMDA/non-NMDA antagonist in tandem as revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism with positron autoradiography. Exp Neurol 164: 269-279.
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  5. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Neurotoxicity after hypoxia/during ischemia due to glutamate with/without free radicals as revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism. Brain Res 865: 259-263.
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  6. Narumoto J, Yamada H, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Fukui K, Itoh H and Yonekura Y (2000) Brain regions involved in verbal or non-verbal aspects of facial emotion recognition . Neuroreport 11: 2571-2576.
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  7. Okada T, Tanaka S, Nakai T, Nishizawa S, Inui T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Konishi J (2000) Naming of animals and tools: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of categorical differences in the human brain areas commonly used for naming visually presented objects. Neurosci Lett 296: 33-36.
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  8. Omata N, Murata T, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Hypoxic but not ischemic neurotoxicity of free radicals revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism of fresh rat brain slices on positron autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 20: 350-358.
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  9. Omori M, Murata T, Wada Y, Yamada H, Tanaka M, Sadato N, Iidaka T and Yonekura Y (2000) Altered brain activation in schizophrenia during visually guided motor selection revealed by fMRI. Schizo Res, 45: 261-265.
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  10. Sadato N, Ibanez V, Deiber M-P and Hallett M (2000) Gender difference in premotor activity during active tactile discrimination. Neuroimage 5: 532-540.
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  11. Shiozaki T, Sadato N, Senda M, Ishii K, Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Fukuda H and Konishi J (2000) Noninvasive estimation of FDG input function for quantification of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose: optimization and multicenter evaluation . J Nucl Med 41: 1612-1618.
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  12. Takahashi N, Fujibayashi Y, Yonekura Y, Welch MJ, Waki A, Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Sugimoto K and Itoh H (2000) Evaluation of 62Cu labeled diacetyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) as a hypoxic tissue tracer in patients with lung cancer . Ann Nucl Med 14: 323-328.
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  13. Tsuchida C, Kimura H, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Tokuriki Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Evaluation of brain metabolism in steno-occlusive carotid artery disease by proton MR spectroscopy: a correlative study with oxygen metabolism by PET. J Nucl Med 41: 1357-1362.
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  14. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Ishimori Y, Koshimoto Y, Yamada H, Kimura H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (2000) Vascular permeability: quantitative measurement with double-echo dynamic MR imaging--theory and clinical application. Radiology 214: 912-917.
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  15. Yamada H, Sadato N, Konishi Y, Muramoto S, Kimura K, Tanaka M, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y and Itoh H (2000) A milestone for normal development of the infantile brain detected by functional MRI. Neurology 55: 218-223.
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  1. Baba H, Uchida K, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Kamoto Y, Maezawa Y, Furusawa N and Abe S (1999) Potential usefulness of 18F-2-fluoro-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography in cervical compressive myelopathy. Spine 24: 1449-1454.
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  2. Cohen LG, Weeks RA, Sadato N, Celnik P, Ishii K and Hallett M (1999) Period of susceptibility for cross-modal plasticity in the blind. Ann Neurol 45:451-460.
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  3. Deiber MP, Honda M, Ibanez V, Sadato N and Hallett M (1999) Mesial Motor Areas in Self-Initiated Versus Externally Triggered Movements Examined With fMRI: Effect of Movement Type and Rate. J Neurophysiol 81: 3065-3077.
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  4. Ibanez V, Sadato N, Karp B, Deiber MP and Hallett M (1999) Deficient activation of the motor cortical network in patients with writer's cramp. Neurology 53: 96-105.
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  5. Kitagawa Y, Sadato N, Azuma H, Ogasawara T, Yoshida M, Y. I and Yonekura Y (1999) FDG PET to evaluate combined intra-arterial chemotherapy and radiotherapy of head and neck neoplasms. J Nucl Med 40: 1132-1137.
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  6. Maruyama I, Sadato N, Waki A, Tsuchida T, Yoshida M, Fujibayashi Y, Ishii Y, Kubota T and Yonekura Y (1999) Hyperacute Changes in Glucose Metabolism of Brain Tumors After Stereo-tactic Radiosurgery: A PET Study. J Nucl Med 40: 1085-1090.
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  7. Mima T, Sadato N, Yazawa S, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Yonekura Y and Shibasaki H (1999) Brain structures related to active and passive finger movements in man. Brain 122: 1989-1997.
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  8. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshida S, Yano R, Yoshimoto M and Yonekura Y (1999) Dynamic changes in glucose metabolism of living rat brain slices induced by hypoxia and neurotoxic chemical-loading revealed by positron autoradiography. J Neural Transm 106: 1075-1087.
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  9. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Omori M, Isaki K and Yonekura Y (1999) Dynamic changes in glucose metabolism induced by thiamine deficiency and its replenishment as revealed by a positron autoradiography technique using rat living brain slices. J Neurol Sci 164: 29-36.
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  10. Nakamura S, Sadato N, Oohashi T, Nishina E, Fuwamoto Y and Yonekura Y (1999) Analysis of music-brain interaction with simultaneous measurement of rCBF and EEG beta rhythm. Neurosci Lett 275: 222-226.
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  11. Omori M, Yamada H, Murata T, Sadato N, Tanaka M, Ishii Y, Isaki K and Yonekura Y (1999) Neuronal substrates participating in attentional set-shifting of rules for visually guided motor selection: a functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation. Neurosci Res 33: 317-323.
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  12. Oyama N, Akino H, Suzuki Y, Kanamaru H, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Okada K (1999) The increased accumulation of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose in untreated prostate cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol 29: 623-629.
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  13. Sadato N and Hallett M (1999) fMRI occipital activation by tactile stimulation in a blind man. Neurology 52: 423.
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  14. Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Sadato N, Senda M, Kanno I, Oda K, Inoue K, Kinomura S, Sato K and Fukuda H (1999) Anatomic validation of spatial normalization methods for PET. J Nucl Med 40: 317-322.
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  15. Tatsumi IF, Fushimi T, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Yokoyama E, Kanno I and Senda M (1999) Verb Generation in Japanese - A Multicenter PET Activation Study. Neuroimage 9: 154-164.
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  16. Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Nakamura S, Takahashi N, Sugimoto K, Waki A, Yamamoto K, Hayashi N, Ishii Y (1999) Noninvasive measurement of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose using standardized input function. J Nucl Med 40(9):1441-1445.
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  17. Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Takahashi N, Yamamoto K and Ishii Y (1999) Prediction of improvement of cerebral perfusion with I-123 iomazenil SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 13: 265-268.
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  18. Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Takahashi N, Nakano A, Lee J-D, Sadato N, Yamamoto K, Waki A, Sugimoto K, Hayashi N and Ishii Y (1999) A trial for the quantification of regional myocardial blood flow with continuous infusion of Tc-99m MIBI and dynamic SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 13: 61-64.
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  19. Yamada H, Koshimoto Y, Sadato N, Kawashima Y, Tanaka M, Tsuchida C, Maeda M, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (1999) Crossed cerebellar diaschisis: assessment with dynamic susceptibility contrast MR imaging. Radiology 210: 558-562.
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  1. Deiber M-P, Ibanez V, Honda M, Sadato N, Raman R and Hallett M (1998) Cerebral processes related to visuomotor imagery and generation of simple finger movements studied with positron emission tomography. Neuroimage 7: 73-85.
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  2. Hayashi N, Sakai T, Kitagawa M, Inagaki R, Sadato N, Ishii Y, Nishimoto Y, Tanaka M, Fukushima T, Komuro H, Ogura H, Kobayashi H and Kubota T (1998) Nonlinear Geometric Warping of the Mask Image: A New Method for Reducing Misregistration Artifacts in Digital Subtraction Angiography. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 21: 138-141.
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  3. Honda M, Barrett G, Yoshimura N, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Shibasaki H (1998) Comparative study of event-related potentials and positron emission tomography activation during a paired-associate memory paradigm. Exp Brain Res 119: 103-115.
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  4. Kamoto Y, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Tsuchida T, Uematsu H, Waki A, Uchida K, Baba H, Imura S and Konishi J (1998) Visualization of the cervical spinal cord with FDG and high-resolution PET . J Comput Assist Tomogr 22: 487-491.
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  5. Kawashima R, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E, Waki A, Nakamura S, Matsunami K, Fukuda H and Yonekura Y (1998) Regional cerebral blood flow changes in human brain related to ipsilateral and contralateral complex hand movements -a PET study-. Eur J Neurosci 10: 2254-2260.
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  6. Manganotti P, Gerloff C, Toro C, Katsuta H, Sadato N, Zhuang P, Leocani L and Hallett M (1998) Task-related coherence and task-related spectral power changes during sequential finger movements. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 109: 50-62.
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  7. Murata T, Waki A, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Sadato N, Yano R, Yoshimoto M, Isaki K and Yonekura Y (1998) Dynamic changes in glucose metabolism by lactate loading as revealed by a positron autoradiography technique using rat living brain slices. Neurosci Lett 249: 155-158.
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  8. Nagahama Y, Sadato N, Yamauchi H, Katsumi Y, Hayashi T, Fukuyama H, Kimura J, Shibasaki H and Yonekura Y (1998) Neural activity during attention shifts between object features. Neuroreport 9: 2633-2638.
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  9. Sadato N, Nakamura S, Oohashi T, Nishina E, Fuwamoto Y, Waki A and Yonekura Y (1998) Neural networks for generation and suppression of alpha rhythm: a PET study. NeuroReport 9: 893-897.
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  10. Sadato N, Pascual-Leone A, Grafman J, Deiber MP, Ibanez V and Hallett M (1998) Neural networks for Braille reading by the blind. Brain 121: 1213-1229.
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  11. Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Nakamura S, Waki A, Uematsu H, Takahashi N, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (1998) Non-invasive estimation of the net influx constant using the standardized uptake value for quantification of FDG uptake of tumours. Eur J Nucl Med 25: 559-564.
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  12. Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Yamada H, Nakamura S, Waki A and Ishii Y (1998) Activation Patterns of Covert Word Generation Detected by Functional MRI: Comparison with 3D PET. J Comput Assit Tomogr 22: 945-952.
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  13. Senda M, Ishii K, Oda K, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Sugiura M, Kanno I, Ardekani B, Minoshima S and Tatsumi I (1998) Influence of ANOVA design and anatomical standardization on statistical mapping for PET activation. Neuroimage 8: 283-301.
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  14. Tanaka M, Sadato N, Ishimori Y, Yonekura Y, Yamashita Y, Komuro H, Hayashi N and Ishii Y (1998) Research-oriented image registry for multimodal image integration. Med Inform 23: 85-88.
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  15. Uematsu H, Sadato N, Ohtsubo T, Tsuchida T, Nakamura S, Sugimoto K, Waki A, Takahashi N, Yonekura Y, Tsuda G, Saito H, Hayashi N, Yamamoto K and Ishii Y (1998) Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose PET versus thallium-201 scintigraphy evaluation of thyroid tumors. J Nucl Med 39: 453-459.
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  16. Uematsu H, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Tsuchida T, Nakamura S, Sugimoto K, Waki A, Yamamoto K, Hayashi N and Ishii Y (1998) Coregistration of FDG-PET and MRI of the head and neck using normal distribution of FDG. J Nucl Med 39: 2121-2127.
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  17. Uematsu H, Yamada H, Sadato N, Muramoto S, Inoue H, Hayashi K, Yonekura Y, Kimura H, Sakuma H, Matsuda T, Hayashi N, Yamamoto K and Ishii Y (1998) Assessment of hepatic portal perfusion using T2* measurements of Gd- DTPA . J Magn Reson Imaging 8: 650-654.
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  18. Uematsu H, Yamada H, Sadato N, Hayashi N, Yamamoto K, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (1998) Multiple single sections Turbo FLASH MR arterial portography in the detection of hepatic neoplasms . Eur J Radiol 26: 257-260.
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  19. Waki A, Fujibayashi Y, Magata Y, Yokoyama A, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Ishii Y and Yonekura Y (1998) Glucose transporter protein-independent tumor cell accumulation of fluorine-18-AFDG, a lipophilic fluorine-18-FDG analog. J Nucl Med 39: 245-250.
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  20. Waki A, Kato H, Yano R, Sadato N, Yokoyama A, Ishii Y, Yonekura Y and Fujibayashi Y (1998) The importance of glucose transport activity as the rate-limiting step of 2-deoxyglucose uptake in tumor cells in vitro . Nucl Med Biol 25: 593-597.
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  1. Cohen LG, Celnik P, Pascual-Leone A, Corwell B, Faiz L, Dambrosia J, Honda M, Sadato N, Gerloff C, Catala MD and Hallett M (1997) Functional relevance of cross-modal plasticity in blind humans. Nature 389: 180-183.
  2. Sadato N, Carson RE, Daube-Witherspoon ME, Campbell G, Hallett M and Herscovitch P (1997) Optimization of noninvasive activation studies with 15O-water and three-dimensional positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 17: 732-739.
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  4. Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Waki A, Yamada H and Ishii Y (1997) Role of the supplementary motor area and the right premotor cortex in coordination of bimanual movements. J Neurosci 17: 9667-9674.
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  5. Takechi H, Onoe H, Shizuno H, Yoshikawa E, Sadato N, Tsukada H and Watanabe Y (1997) Mapping of cortical areas involved in color vision in non-human primates. Neurosci Lett 230: 17-20.
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  7. Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Yamamoto K, Waki A, Sugimoto K, Yang JT, Ishizu K, Hayashi N and Ishii Y (1997) Quantification of regional cerebral blood flow with continuous infusion of technetium-99m-ethyl cysteinate dimer. J Nucl Med 38: 1699-1702.
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  8. Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Wada Y, Sadato N, Yamamoto K, Waki A, Nakano A, Lee JD, Hayashi N and Ishii Y (1997) Delayed enhancement of myocardial FDG uptake on glucose loading FDG-PET in NIDDM patient. Ann Nucl Med 11: 331-334.
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  9. Waki A, Fujibayashi Y, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Ishii Y, Yokoyama A and Yonekura Y (1997) Effects of antitumor agents on 3H-2-deoxyglucose uptake in tumor cells and their relationship with the main targets of the antitumor agents. Ann Nucl Med 11: 183-188.
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  11. Yamada H, Sadato N, Konishi Y, Kimura K, Tanaka M, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (1997) A rapid brain metabolic change in infants detected by fMRI. NeuroReport 8: 3775-3778.
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  12. Yang J-T, Yamamoto K, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Takahashi N, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (1997) Clinical Value of Triple-Energy-Window Scatter Correction in Simultaneous Dual-Isotope SPECT with 123I-BMIPP and 201Tl. Eur J Nucl Med 24: 1099-1106.
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  1. Deiber MP, Ibanez V, Sadato N and Hallett M (1996) Cerebral structures participating in motor preparation in humans : a positron emission tomography study. J Neurophysiol 75: 233-247.
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  5. Sadato N, Ibanez V, Deiber M-P, Campbell G, Leonardo M and Hallett M (1996) Frequency-dependent changes of regional cerebral blood flow during finger movements. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 16: 23-33.
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  1. Goel V, Grafman J, Sadato N and Hallett M. Modeling other minds. NeuroReport 6: 1741-1746, 1995.
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  1. 定藤規弘(2023.3.4)間主観性の神経基盤2個体同時計測fMRIによるアプローチ.日本発達心理学会第34回大会(茨木,大阪)
  2. Ogasawara K, Koike T,  Fukunaga M, Yoshioka A & Sadato N (2023.3.29) Neural substrates of performance failure under psychological pressure: a 7T-fMRI study. KUCM-YUCM-YUCD-NIPS joint symposium (Okazaki)


  1. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2022.3.4)高プレッシャー下でのパフォーマンス低下の神経基盤: 7テスラMRIを用いた検討.第9回顔・身体学領域会議(高松,香川)
  2. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,福永雅喜,吉岡歩,定藤規弘(2022.3.28)高プレッシャー下でのパフォーマンス低下の神経基盤: 7テスラMRIを用いた検討.2021年度生理研研究会「スポーツからみる日常と非日常の神経生理学」(web開催)※ ポスター賞受賞
  3. Yamamoto T, Miura, K, Matsuda K, Matsumoto J, Hashimoto R, Ono S, Sadato N, Fukunaga M (2022.6.30) Correspondence of functional cortical areas related to smooth pursuit eye movements and heavily myelinated regions. NEURO2022 (Ginowan, Okinawa)
  4. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,福永雅喜,吉岡歩,定藤規弘(2022.6.30)Neural substrates of choking under pressure - A 7T-MRI study.第45回日本神経科学大会(Neuro2022)(宜野湾,沖縄)
  5. 福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2022.7.27)種間比較を目指した画像データの一元的品質管理と解析について. ABReD 脳関連データベース機関連携 キックオフシンポジウム(オンライン開催)
  6. 橋口真帆,小池耕彦,守田知代,原田宗子,Denis Le Bihan,定藤規弘(2022.9.10)機能的磁気共鳴画像法を用いた,時間間隔知覚の正確さに関する神経基盤の検討.第12回名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム(オンライン開催)
  7. 山本哲也,福永雅喜,三浦健一郎,定藤規弘(2022.9.11)短時間安静時fMRIデータを用いたMultimodal Surface Matchingの課題fMRI解析への適用.第50回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(名古屋,愛知)
  8. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2022.11.14) The left primary motor cortex in a critical hub in bimanual sequential learning. Neuroscience 2022 (San Diego, U.S.A)
  9. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Yamamoto T, Hamano YH, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2022.11.14) The ventral midbrain commonly representing approach and avoidance motivations encodes future force generation. Neuroscience 2022 (San Diego, U.S.A)
  10. Nakamura NH, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Oku Y (2022.11.14) The retrieval process coordinated by respiration via the right temporoparietal junction. Neuroscience 2022 (San Diego, U.S.A)
  11. Ogasawara K, Koike T, Fukunaga M, Yoshioka A, Sadato N (2022.11.15) Neural substrates of performance failure under pressure - A 7T-fMRI study. Neuroscience 2022 (San Diego, U.S.A)
  12. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,福永雅喜,吉岡歩,定藤規弘(2022.9.16)高プレッシャー下での運動パフォーマンス低下の神経基盤: 7 テスラ MRI を用いた検討.第6回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京/ハイブリッド開催)/ 若手奨励賞授賞


  1. 橋口真帆,小池耕彦,守田知代,原田宗子,定藤規弘(2021.03.12) Neural substrates of accurate time perception - An fMRI study. 第10回 生理研-霊長研-新潟脳研合同シンポジウム(Web開催).
  2. Chen NH, Cho KH, Chao YP, Huang SM, Sadato N, Kuo LW, Fukunaga M (2021.5.17) Reproducibility evaluation on resolving complex fiber orientations using diffusion spectrum imaging at 3T and 7T. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (Web開催).
  3. Yang J, Fukunaga M, Yu Y,Huber L, Bandettini PA, Sadato N (2021.5.18) Layer-specific activation of prediction in the human midcingulate cortex. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (Web開催).
  4. Hashiguchi M, Koike T, Le Bihan D, Sadato N(2021.06.21-25) Neural substrates of accurate perception of time duration - An fMRI study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2021) (Web開催)
  5. 三浦健一郎,山本哲也,松田圭司,松本純弥,橋本亮太,小野誠司,定藤規弘,福永雅喜(2021.7.29)追跡眼球運動中の大脳皮質活動特性:円滑追跡眼球運動と衝動性眼球運動の比較.第44回日本神経科学大会(神戸,ハイブリッド)
  6. 中山義久,菅原翔,福永雅喜,濱野友希,定藤規弘,西村幸男(2021.7.30)追跡眼球運動中の大脳皮質活動特性:円滑追跡眼球運動と衝動性眼球運動の比較.第44回日本神経科学大会(神戸,ハイブリッド)
  7. 橋口真帆,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2021.08.22)対話における「共感」による相談者の不安軽減効果.第8回顔・身体学領域会議(立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス,ハイブリッド)
  8. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2021.8.22)プレッシャーが明示的な運動制御精度と力みに与える影響.第8回顔・身体学領域会議(立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス,ハイブリッド)※ 若手ポスターアワード受賞
  9. 小笠原香苗, 小池耕彦, 定藤規弘(2021.09.03)プレッシャーが明示的な運動制御精度と力みに与える影響.日本認知科学会第38会大会(Web開催)
  10. 梅田雅宏, 福永雅喜, 定藤規弘, 渡辺康晴, 河合裕子, 村瀬智一, 樋口敏宏(2021.9.10) 7T-MR装置を用いた1H-CSIによる脳の代謝物計測.第49回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(Web開催)
  11. Waggoner RA, Fukunaga M, Tanskanen T, Ueno K, Sadato N, Tanaka K (20201.9.10) Inferotemporal Lobe High-Resolution fMRI at Ultra-High Field Using Multi-Shot EPI. 第49回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(Web開催)
  12. 土元翔平,小池耕彦,橋口真帆,小笠原香苗,二宮太平,磯田昌岐,定藤規弘(2021.9.17)二者共同課題中における他者の行動を処理・活用するヒト脳活動領域の同定.第5回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(Web開催)
  13. 吉岡歩,田邊宏樹,中川恵理,角谷基文,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2021.9.17)ハイパースキャニングfMRIによる主観的評価共有場面の神経活動の検討.第5回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(Web開催)※ 若手奨励賞授賞
  14. Pham QT, Nohara Y, Nguyen DV, Sadato N and Chikazoe J (2021.9.18) Hierarchical processing of music-to-value transformation in human brain. The 5th JHBI (Web開催)
  15. Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Sumiya M, Nakagawa E, Okazaki S, Koike T, Sadato N(2021.9.25)Neural substrates of shared visual experiences : A hyperscanning fMRI study. 第11回 名古屋大学医学系研究科・ 生理学研究所合同シンポジウム(Web開催)
  16. Ayabe H, Manalo E, Fukuda M & Sadato N (2021.9.28) What Diagrams Are Considered Useful for Solving Mathematical Word Problems in Japan? 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Diagrams 2021  (Web開催)
  17. Chen NH, Cho KH, Chao YP, Huang SM, Sadato N, Kuo LW, Fukunaga M (2021.12.9) Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) based reproducibility in diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) at 3T and 7T. ISMRM Diffusion Study Group Trainee Day: 24 Hours of DIFFUSION Around the World!(Web開催)
  18. 小笠原香苗,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2021.12.11)プレッシャーが力みとパフォーマンス低下に及ぼす影響.第10回日本情動学会(名古屋,愛知)


  1. Maruyama S, Fukunaga M, Fautz HP, Heidemann R, and Sadato N (2020.2.17) Comparison of 3T and 7T MRI for the visualization of globus pallidus sub-segments. 1st CU-KU Symposium and 4th CU-NIPS Symposium "Advances in Neuroscience Research" (Bangkok, Thailand).
  2. Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sugawara S, Hamano Y, Sadato N (2020.6.24) Quantitative Evaluations of Geometric Distortion Corrections in Surface-Based Analysis of 7T fMRI. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (online)
  3. Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2020.6.24) Linking Multimodal Parcellation 1.0 of Human Connectome Project to MNI Coordinates. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping  (online)
  4. Koyama Y, Kato Y, Jimura K, Chikazoe J, Sadato N (2020.7.29-8.1) Functionally Constrained Autoencoder: Autoencoder for temporal information extraction of cognitive processes from BOLD signal. 第43回日本神経科学大会(Web開催). ※第 43 回日本神経科学大会 「いいね」獲得 第 29 位 
  5. Yamamoto T, Sugawara S, Hamano Y, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2020.8.1) Toward fine anatomically-informed functional analyses using ultra-high field MRI: Quantitative evaluation of artifact corrections in 7-T functional MRI data. International Conference on Complex Medical and Engineering 2020.
  6. Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Le Bihan D (2020.8.8) Parcellation of the human brain cortex using a modell free, sparse acquisition diffusion MRI approach (≪S-index≫). 2020 ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition.
  7. 丸山修紀,福永雅喜,菅原翔,濱野友希,山本哲也,定藤規弘 (2020.9.19) The sequential finger tapping learning mediated by the primary motor cortex with the fronto-parietal network: a combined MRI-MRS study. 第10回名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム (web開催).


  1. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N*, Nihimura Y* (2019.1.9) VTA-M1 pathway controbutes to human motivated motor output. 脳と心のメカニズム第19回冬のワークショップ(虻田郡,北海道). *corresponding authors
  2. 山本哲也,三浦健一郎,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2019.1.31)追跡眼球運動に関わるヒト脳領域と高髄鞘化領域の個人・集団レベルでの相同性.日本視覚学会2019年冬季大会(横浜).
  3. 定藤規弘(2019.2.2)対面による社会的相互作用に伴う脳を超えたネットワークの形成:二個体同時計測fMRI研究.第35回日本脳電磁図トポグラフィ研究会(札幌市,北海道).
  4. Yamamoto T, Miura K, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.2.15) Homology of functional cortical areas related to pursuit eye movements and heavily myelinated regions at individual and group levels in humans. The 11th NAGOYA Global Retreat (Aichi, Japan).
  5. 福永雅喜、定藤規弘(2019.3.16)MRI による意図共有に関わる神経機構の探索.第21回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会シンポジウム4「ヒト脳研究における MRI の意義:社会脳・種間比較・コホート」(東京).
  6. Maruyama S, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.4.2) Visualization of subdivision of globus pallidus segments using 7T MRI: Comparison with 3T. ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance (Croatia).
  7. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Yoshimoto T, and Sadato N (2019.4.24) The motor engramas a dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: an fMRI study. Society for the Neural Control of Movement(富山).
  8. Le Bihan D,  Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M,  Okada T,  Sadato N (2019.5.14) A model free, sparse acquisition approach Sindex to investigate brain tissue microstructure from diffusion MRI data in the human brain. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Montreal, Canada).
  9. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Hamano YH, Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N*, Nihimura Y* (2019.4.24) VTA is involved in both preparation and execution in motivated motor output. NCM2019 (Toyama, Japan). *corresponding authors
  10. Nakayama Y, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Hamano YH, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2019.6.13) Involvement of the Dorsal Premotor Cortex in Goal-directed Motor Behavior. 25TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING (Rome, Italy).
  11. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2019.6.13) VTA-M1 pathway contributes to human motivated motor outputs. 25TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING (Rome, Italy).
  12. Miyata K, Koike T, Nakagawa E,  Harada T, Sumiya M, Yamamoto T and Sadato N (2019.7.11) Two brains resonate with each other for sharing action in imitative interaction: A hyper-scanning fMRI study. Joint Action Meeting VIII (Genoa, Italy).
  13. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.1) fMRI時系列の基底分解によるWhole Brain Decomposition. 脳の自由エネルギー原理チュートリアル・ワークショップ(岡崎,愛知).
  14. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.2) fMRI時系列の基底分解によるWhole Brain Decomposition. 認知神経科学の先端(岡崎,愛知).
  15. Hayashi T, Koike S, Okada T, Fukunaga M, Togo H, Miyazaki A, Ose T, Uematsu A, Saotome K, Matsuda T, Sadato N, Okamoto Y, Tanaka SC, Hanakawa T, Kasai K, Kawato M (2019.9.6) Harmonized Brain MRI Protocols/Preprocessing for Brain/MINDS-beyond. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan).
  16. Hamano Y, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.9.6) M1 integrates the distinct motor engrams for motor sequence learning. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan).
  17. 山下典生,佐々木真理,武田航太,松田豪,上野育子,森太志,朴啓彰,福永雅喜,定藤規弘,帆秋伸彦(2019.9.6)3D ファントムを用いた頭部 MR 画像の幾何歪み・信号むらの同時補正法の開発.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田市,東京).
  18. 小池進介,植松明子,岡田知久,福永雅喜,早乙女康作,東口大樹,宮崎淳,合瀬恭幸,定藤規弘,松田哲也,田中沙織,川人光男,岡本泰昌,花川隆,笠井清登,林拓也,国際脳WG(2019.9.6)AMED「国際脳」調和プロトコル策定とトラベリングサブジェクトプロジェクト計画.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  19. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.6) Semi-model free analysis of the whole brain activity captures temporal changes of cognitive processes. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan). ※若手奨励賞候補
  20. Pham TQ, Chikazoe J, Yoshimoto T, Niwa H, Sadato N (2019.9.7) Novel insight into the neural basis of vision-value conversion in human brain. ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  21. 梅田雅宏,福永雅喜,定藤規弘,渡辺康晴,河合裕子,村瀬智一,樋口敏宏(2019.9.21)7T-MR装置を用いたCSIによる脳の代謝物計測.第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  22. 丸山修紀,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2019.9.21)7T MRIを用いたヒト淡蒼球内部構造の描出: 3T MRIとの比較.第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  23. Sadato N (2019.09.24) Understanding the neural basis of psychiatric disease and implications for stigma:Neuroethical issues of Brain/MINDS project of Japan. IBRO Neuroethics Luncheon "No longer Unthinkable: Why the 21st Century Neuroscientists needs Neuroethics" IBRO Congress (Daegu, South Korea).
  24. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.26) Whole Brain Decomposition captures transient changes of cognitive processes. 視覚・認知脳機能研究の先端(岡崎市,愛知県).
  25. Sadato N (2019.09.27) To what extent can human attributes be modelled? Global Neuroethics Summit 2019 (Daegu, South-Korea). 
  26. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.1010) Semi-model free analysis of whole brain activity captures dynamics of cognitive processes. NTBS Workshop 2019 (Tokyo, Japan).
  27. Sadato N (2019.10.18) To what extent can human attributes be modelled? The 2019 International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA).
  28. Sadato N (2019.10.18) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. Society for Social Neuroscience 2019 Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA).
  29. Harada T, Sugawara T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Kaureys S, Sakai H (2019.10.20) Morphological misalignment of vestibular organs predicts motion sickness susceptibility. Neuroscience 2019 (IL, U.S.A).
  30. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.10.21) The integrative role of the M1 for the motor sequence learning.  Neuroscience 2019 (IL, U.S.A).
  31. Sadato N (2019.11.07) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. McGill University- NIPS Joint Symposium (Montreal, Canada).
  32. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.11.14) Paradigm free decomposition for whole brain dynamics. Brain Storming on Primate Connectome(HCP) (Kobe, Japan).
  33. Sadato N (2019.11.15) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. Tubingen University- Beijin-University-NIPS Joint Symposium (岡崎).
  34. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.11.21) Paradigm free decomposition for whole brain dynamics. 2019年度生理研研究会第9回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  35. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.12.19)Semi-model free analysis of whole brain activity captures dynamics of cognitive processes. 次世代脳プロジェクト冬のシンポジウム2019(東京). 若手優秀発表賞受賞


  1. 定藤規弘,福永雅喜,山本哲也,菅原 翔(2018.1.7)7T MRI を用いたヒト神経回路解明にむけた画像取得・解析技術の研究開発.革新脳第2回分科会(東京).
  2. Sumiya M, Okamoto Y, Koike T, Tanigawa T, Kimura Y, Okazawa H, Kosaka H, Sadato N (2018.2.12) People with autism spectrum disorder experience less pleasure through social action-outcome contigency. Interactive Eye Gaze (London, United Kingdom).
  3. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Matthew F. Glasser, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuki H. Hamano, Norihiro Sadato (2018.2.22) The relationship between digit areas and myelin distribution in human primary somatosensory cortex. ISMRM Japanese Chapter 2018 (和光,埼玉).優秀ポスター賞受賞
  4. Sadato N (2018.2.28) The motor engram as a dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: an fMRI study. Human High Performance-oriented Sports Neuroscience by Integrating Basic Neuroscience (Tsukuba, Japan).
  5. Sho k. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuki Hamano, Norihiro Sadato (2018.2.28) The relationship between finger areas and myelin distribution in human S1. Human High Performance-oriented Sports Neuroscience by Integrating Basic Neuroscience (Tsukuba, Japan).
  6. 三浦健一郎,山本哲也,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2018.3.2)fMRIを用いたヒト眼球運動ネットワークの同定.第13回空間認知と運動制御研究会学術集会(京都,京都).
  7. 山本哲也,菅原翔,濱野友希,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2018.3.2)HCP パイプラインによる7T fMRI の時空間双方向のアーチファクト低減の効果に関する検討.第20回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(横浜,神奈川).第12回若手奨励賞受賞
  8. 宮田紘平,大星有美,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2018.3.3)自己の感情を伴う状況想起には前帯状回皮質の賦活が関与する. 第20回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(横浜,神奈川).
  9. 菅原翔,福永雅喜,Matthew F. Glasser,山本哲也,濱野友希,定藤規弘 (2018.3.6) The association between finger areas and myelin distribution in human S1. 第7回新潟脳研-霊長研-生理研合同シンポジウム (岡崎,愛知).
  10. Sumiya M, Okamoto Y, Koike T, Tanigawa T, Kimura Y, Okazawa H, Kosaka H, Sadato N (2018.3.17) People with autism spectrum disorder experience less pleasure through social action-outcome contigency. 第10回脳科学若手の会(東京).
  11. Kasai C, Sumiya M, Koike T, Yoshimoto T, Aoki N,Sadato N (2018.6.17) Neural underpinning of the Japanese case particle processing on non-native speakers. OHBM 2018 Annual Meeting (Suntec City, Singapore).
  12. Nakagawa E, Koike T, Sumiya M and Sadato N (2018.6.19-21) The neural correlates of semantic and grammatical encoding during sentence production in a second language: evidence from a fMRI study using syntactic priming. OHBM 2018 Annual Meeting (Suntec City, Singapore).
  13. Miyata K., Oboshi Y., Koike T., and Sadato N. (2018.6.19-21) The imagination of self-relevant emotional events activates rostral anterior cingulate cortex. OHBM 2018 Annual Meeting (Suntec City, Singapore).
  14. Sumiya M, Koike T, Nakagawa E,  Sadato N (2018.6.19) Neural bases of social feedback contingent on own performance. OHBM 2018 Annual Meeting (Suntec City, Singapore).
  15. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Matthew F. Glasser, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuki H. Hamano, Norihiro Sadato (2018.6.21) The relationship between digit areas and myelin distribution in human primary somatosensory cortex. OHBM 2018 Annual Meeting (Suntec City, Singapore).
  16. Nakagawa E, Koike T, Sumiya M and Sadato N (2018.6.22) The neural correlates of semantic and grammatical encoding during sentence production in a second language: evidence from a fMRI study using syntactic priming. BrainConnects 2018 (Nanyang avenue, Singapore).
  17. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Matthew F. Glasser, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuki H. Hamano, Norihiro Sadato (2018.6.22) Myelin distribution reflects digit representations in human S1: 7T-MRI study. BrainConnects 2018 (Nanyang avenue, Singapore).
  18. Sumiya M, Koike T, Nakagawa E,  Sadato N (2018.6.22) Neural bases of social feedback contingent on own performance. BrainConnects2018  (Nanyang avenue, Singapore).
  19. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Yuki H. Hamano, Takaaki Yoshimoto, Norihiro Sadato (2018.7.11) Motor engram is encoded in dormant neuronal network. FENS2018 (Berlin, Germany).
  20. 當山峰道,福永雅喜,山口玲欧奈,山本哲也,定藤規弘,伊佐正(2018.7.26)麻酔下サル安静時fMRIの再現性検討.第41回日本神経科学大会(神戸,兵庫).
  21. Sumiya M, Nakagawa E,  Koike T, Sadato N (2018.8.9) Neural bases of social feedback contingent on own performance. ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンスの実現を目指した次世代健康スポーツ科学と神経科学の融合・統合. (岡崎).
  22. Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Glasser MF, Yamamoto T, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2018.8.9) Myelin distribution reflects digit representations in human S1: 7T-MRI study. NIPS-ARIHHP共同ワークショップ(岡崎,愛知).
  23. Miyata K, Koike T, Nakagawa E, Harada T, Sumiya M and Sadato N (2018.8.9) Neural correlates underlying the recognition of being imitated. 第2回NIPS-ARIHHP共同ワークショップ, ヒューマン·ハイ·パフォーマンスの実現を目指した次世代健康スポーツ科学と神経科学の融合・統合(岡崎,愛知).
  24. 宮田紘平,小池耕彦,中川恵理,原田宗子,角谷基文,定藤規弘(2018.8.8)被模倣に伴う快感情には前帯状皮質吻側部が関与する.第5回COI夏の研究会(浜松,静岡).
  25. 丸山修紀,福永雅喜,菅原翔,定藤規弘 (2018.8.19) 超高磁場7テスラMRI装置を用いた個人脳計測における皮質下微細構造の同定.第12回Motor Control研究会(東京).
  26. 菅原翔,福永雅喜,Matthew F. Glasser,山本哲也,濱野有希,定藤規弘(2018.8.19)感覚運動皮質における手指領域とミエリン密度分布の関連性.第12回Motor Control研究会(東京).
  27. Miyata K, Yamamoto T, Koike T, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2018.9.7) Neural correlates with temporal pediction during auditory-motor synchronization. 第2回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(東京).
  28. Yamamoto T, Miura K, Fukunaga M & Sadato N (2018.9.8) Homology of functional cortical areas related to pursuit eye movements and heavily myelinated regions in each human individual. 第46回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(金沢,石川).
  29. Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Hamano YH, Yoshimoto T, Sadato N (2018.9.8) Motor engram is encoded in dormant neuronal network. 第2回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(東京).
  30. Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Glasser MF, Yamamoto T, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2018.9.13) The relationship between digit areas and myelin distribution in human primary somatosensory cortex. BrainStorming2018 (神戸,兵庫).
  31. Nakagawa E, Koike T, Sumiya M Shimada K, Makita K, Yoshida H, Yokokawa H, and Sadato N  (2018.9.29) The neural correlates of semantic and grammatical encoding during sentence production in a second language: evidence from a fMRI study using syntactic priming. 第8回生理学研究所・名古屋大学医学系研究科合同シンポジウム(名古屋,愛知).
  32. 近添淳一,Quang Trung Pham,吉本隆明,丹羽開紀,定藤規弘(2018.9.29)深層学習と機能的 MRI の融合により明らかにされた視覚価値変換処理の神経基盤.第8回生理研・名大医合同シンポジウム(名古屋,愛知).
  33. Sumiya M, Nakagawa E,  Koike T, Sadato N (2018.9.29) Neural bases of social feedback contingent on own performance. 第8回生理学研究所・名古屋大学医学系研究科合同シンポジウム(名古屋).
  34. Chikazoe J, Quang Trung Pham, Yoshimoto T, Niwa H, Sadato N (2018.10.5) How and where is vision transformed to value?: A combinatory study of fMRI and deep learning.  CIN-NIPS Symposium 2018 (Tubingen, Germany).
  35. Fukunaga M, Tohyama T, Yamaguchi R, Yamamoto T, Yoshida M, Isa T, Sadato N (2018.10.5) Resting State fMRI Analysis of Anesthetized Monkey Brain. CIN-NIPS Symposium 2018 (Tubingen, Germany).
  36. 定藤規弘(2018.10.26)交感神経活動の脳内ネットワーク.第71回日本自律神経学会総会(さいたま、埼玉).
  37. 定藤規弘(2018.11.4)脳科学と進化ーサピエンスからネアンデルタールまでー.総合研究大学院大学創立30周年記念シンポジウム「人類はどこへ向かうのか」(東京).
  38. Sato H, Numata T, Asa Y, Koike T, Miyata K, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Sadato N (2018.11.4) An fMRI investigation on the positive consequences of being imitated by a virtual non-human agent. Neuroscience 2018 (San Diego,U.S.A).
  39. Ogino Y, Kawamichi H, Takizawa D,  Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Fukunaga M, Watanabe Y, Toyoda K, Abe O,  Sadato N, Saito S, Furui S  (2018.11.6) Enhanced functional connectivity correlated with weight-loss at pre-match period in professional. Neuroscience 2018 (San Diego,U.S.A).
  40. 定藤規弘、菅原翔、山本哲也、福永雅喜(2018.11.23)7TMRIを用いたヒト神経回路解析.革新脳第二回分科会(東京).
  41. 丸山修紀,福永雅喜,定藤規弘 (2018.11.27)Visualization of external and internal globus pallidus at 7T MRI. SOKENDAI Life Science Retreat 2018 (Yamanashi, Japan) .
  42. Shishido E, Koike T, Okazaki S, Itoh Y, Imoto K, Sadato N, Ozaki N and  Fukumura N (2018.12.6) Prediction of hand speed by eye movement when humans trace a line. The 49th NIPS International Symposium (Okazaki, Japan). 
  43. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N*, Nihimura Y* (2018.12.13) VTA-M1 pathway controbutes to human motivated motor output. 次世代脳プロジェクト冬のシンポジウム2018(東京).*corresponding authors  若手優秀発表賞受賞
  44. 近添淳一,Quang Trung Pham,吉本隆明,丹羽開紀,定藤規弘(2018.12.13)深層学習と機能的 MRI の融合により明らかにされた視覚価値変換処理の神経基盤.次世代脳プロジェクト冬のシンポジウム2018(東京).
  45. Sugawara K, Fukunaga M, Hamano YH, Yoshimoto T, Sadato N (2018.12.22) Motor engram is encoded in dormant neuronal network. 3rd Annual meeting of ISMRM Japanese Chapter (Nagoya, Japan).


  1. 定藤規弘, 福永雅喜, 近添淳一, 小池耕彦(2017.2.19) 先端バイオイメージング支援プラットフォーム機能的MRI計測技術・解析支援.The 1st ABiS SymposiumTowards the Future of Advanced Bioimaging for Life Sciences(岡崎,愛知).
  2. 福永雅喜,當山峰道,定藤規弘(2017.3.6)安静時機能的MRI計測による大規模回路結合特性解析と機能回復バイオマーカーの確立.脳プロ BMI技術と生物学の融合による治療効果を促進するための技術開発 平成29年度第1回 分科会(東京).
  3. 濱野友希,菅原翔,定藤規弘 (2017.3.9) ヒト系列運動学習における皮質-皮質下構造の役割 機能的MRI研究. 第19回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都).
  4. 山本哲也,福永雅喜,濱野友希,菅原翔,定藤規弘(2017.3.9)新しいMRIデータ解析プラットフォーム "HCP Pipelines" の超高磁場MRIへの導入.第6回生理研‐霊長研‐脳研合同シンポジウム(新潟,新潟).
  5. 菅原翔,濱野友希,定藤規弘(2017.3.10)系列運動技能の定着に対する宣言的記憶システムの関与. 第19回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都).
  6. 吉本隆明,近添淳一,岡崎俊太郎,角谷基文,高橋晴香,中川恵理,小池耕彦,北田亮,岡本士毅,矢田俊彦,小阪浩隆,定藤規弘(2017.3.10)価値表象における,対象の同一性の神経基盤の検討. 第19回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都,京都).
  7. Takaaki Yoshimoto, Norihiro Sadato (2017.4.21) State-dependent and -independent representations of food revealed by multi voxel pattern analysis. Yonsei-Korea-NIPS Symposium (Seoul,Korea).
  8. Lana Kaiser, Ben Inglis, Hirokazu Kawaguchi, Masaki Fukunaga, Norihiro Sadato, Tomohisa Okada, (2017.4.26) Glucose Tolerance Test in the Human Brain: 1H MRS study at 7 Tesla. ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (HI, USA).
  9. 福永雅喜,山本哲也,定藤規弘(2017.5.14)7TMRIを用いたヒト神経回路解明にむけた画像取得・解析技術の研究開発 - ヒト7T diffusion MRI -.革新脳 MRIWG 会議(東京).
  10. Kasai C, Sumiya M, Koike T, Yoshimoto T, Aoki N, Sadato N (2017.6.3) Brain activation associated with Japanese case particles processing. Japan second language association (Shizuoka, Japan).
  11. 宍戸恵美子,福村直博,定藤規弘,井本敬二,尾崎紀夫(2017.7.20)ヒト描画時の目と手の運動におけるジャーク最小モデルとの類似点.第40回日本神経科学大会(千葉,千葉).
  12. 吉本隆明,近添淳一,岡崎俊太郎,角谷基文,高橋晴香,中川恵理,小池耕彦,北田亮,岡本士毅,小阪浩隆,中田正範,矢田俊彦,定藤規弘(2017.7.22)多ボクセルパターン解析で明らかになった状態依存および非依存の食品の表象.State-dependent and -independent food representations revealed by multivoxel pattern analysis. 第40回日本神経科学大会(千葉,千葉).
  13. Sadato N (2017.7.24) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI. RIKEN Symposium on Brain Health, Sociality and Evolution (Kobe, Japan).
  14. Emiko Shishido, Norio Ozaki, Keiji Imoto, Norihiro Sadato, Naohiro Fukumura (2017.8.26) Eye movement as action prediction when humans trace a line. 第11回Motor Control研究会(名古屋,愛知).
  15. Suvilehto JT, Kitada R, Dunbar RIM, Turner R, Sadato N, Nummenmaa L (2017.9.3) Cultural Universalism in Social Touch. 2nd Congress of the International Association for the Study of Affective Touch (IASAT) (Liverpool, UK).
  16. 菅原翔,福永雅喜,山本哲也,濱野友希,西東倫太郎,定藤規弘(2017.9.14)個人の体性感覚皮質における指表象の描出:7T-fMRI研究. 第45回日本磁気共鳴医学会(宇都宮,栃木).
  17. Yamamoto T, Sugawara SK, Hamano  Y, Fukunaga M & Sadato N (2017.9.14) Application of  "HCP Pipelines" to 7T fMRI. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Tochigi, Japan).
  18. 當山峰道,福永雅喜,山本哲也,伊佐正,定藤規弘(2017.9.15)麻酔下サル安静時fMRIの個体内再現性の検討.第45回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(宇都宮,栃木).
  19. Sadato N (2017.10.4) The role of the right inferior frontal gyrus in joint  Attention related identification with the partner probed by hyper-scanning fMRI. Yamada Symposium on "Neuroimaging of Natural Behaviors" (Tokyo, Japan).
  20. Takaaki Yoshimoto, Junichi Chikazoe, Shuntaro Okazaki, Motofumi Sumiya, Haruka Takahashi, Eri Nakagawa, Takahiko Koike, Ryo Kitada, Norihiro Sadato (2017.10.5) Internal state-dependent and -independent representational networks. the 44th Naito Conference  (Sapporo, Hokkaido).
  21. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Yuki H. Hamano, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Rintaro Saito, Norihiro Sadato (2017.10.6) Digit representations in individual primary somatosensory cortex: 7T-fMRI study. 2017 Minnesota Workshop on High and Ultra-High Field Imaging and Training Courses (Minneapolis, USA).
  22. Sadato N (2017.10.12) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyper-scanning fMRI. TRANSLATION, INTERACTION AND CONTEXT CROSS-DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France).
  23. Yuki H. Hamano, Sho K. Sugawara, Norihiro Sadato (2017.11.11) Motor engram as dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: an fMRI study.Society for Neuroscience 2017 (Washington,D.C., USA). 
  24. Koike T, Tanabe CH, Adachi-Abe S, Nakagawa E, Okazaki S, Sasaki TA, Shimada K, Sugawara KS, Takahashi KH, Yoshihara K, Sadato N (2017.11.14) Why and how inter-individual neural synchronization occur by joint attention? Inter-individual neural network-level Hebbian learning account. Society for Neuroscience 2017 (Washington,D.C., USA). 
  25. Kohei Miyata, Takahiko Koike, Eri Nakagawa, Tokiko Harada, Motofumi Sumiya, and Norihiro Sadato (2017.11.14) Neural correlates of being imitated and imitating: a hyperscanning fMRI study. Society for Neuroscience 2017 (Wasington,D.C., USA).
  26. Sho K. Sugawara, Masaki Fukunaga, Yuki H. Hamano, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Rintaro Saito, Norihiro Sadato (2017.11.28) Individual digit representations in primary somatosensory cortex: 7T-fMRI study. The 7th NIPS / CIN Joint Symposium  (Okazaki, Japan).
  27. 定藤規弘,福永雅喜,山本哲也,菅原 翔(2017.11.30)7T MRI を用いたヒト神経回路解明にむけた画像取得・解析技術の研究開発.革新脳第2回分科会(東京).


  1. Yoshimoto T,  Okazaki S, Sumiya M, Takahashi H, Nakagawa E, Koike T, Kitada R & Sadato N (2016.1.25) Neural substrates underlying the anorexigenic effect of intranasal oxytocin in humans. 生命科学リトリート2015(掛川市,静岡).
  2. Naoya AOKI, Sho K. SUGAWARA, Masako HIROTANI, Shuntaro OKAZAKI, Hideaki YAMAZAKI-KINDAICHI, Takaaki YOSHIMOTO, Hirokazu YOKOKAWA, Haruyo YOSHIDA and Norihiro SADATO(2016.2.12)The Enhanced Consolidation of Foreign Word Learning by Verbal Rehearsal. 名古屋グローバルリトリート(大府,愛知).
  3. 岡本悠子,小坂浩隆,北田亮,関あゆみ,田邊宏樹,林正道,河内山隆紀,齋藤大輔,谷中久和,棟居俊夫,石飛信,大森晶夫,和田有司,岡沢秀彦,小枝達也,定藤規弘(2016.3.7)自閉スペクトラム症における顔認知・身体認知に関与する視覚領域の発達遅延.第18回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都,京都).
  4. 定藤規弘,福永雅喜(2016.3.7)7TMRIを用いたヒト神経回路解明に向けて.第18回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都,京都).
  5. Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2016.4.15) Ultra High Field MRI of Human Brain Structure and Function. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  6. Sugawara S, Fukunaga M, Hamano Y, Kuribayashi H, Sadato N (2016.4.16) The effect of acceleration factor in multiband GE-EPI sequence on the functional SNR and slice-separation accuracy in 7T MRI. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  7. Nakagawa E, Makita K, Shimada K & Sadato N  (2016.6.30) Gray matter volume in the caudate nucleus is related to second language fluency: a VBM study. OHBM 2016 Annual Meeting (Geneva, Switzerland).
  8. Kawamichi H, Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2016.7.20) High frequency of social interaction is perceived as social reward represented in the ventral striatum. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  9. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Arai S, Kochiyama T, Ishikawa S, Sadato N, Okazawa H, Kosaka H (2016.7.20) Distinct neural representation of perspective of hand in the lateral occipito-temporal cortex. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  10. 近添 淳一,Lee H Daniel,定藤 規弘,Adam K Anderson (2016.7.21) 味覚の神経基盤.Neural correlates of taste in the human brain. 第39回日本神経科学大会(横浜,神奈川).
  11. Koike T, Abe S, Bosch-Bayard J, Sadato N (2016.7.21) Neural basis of sharing attention during eye contact : Hyperscanning fMRI study. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  12. Nagashima K, Aizawa Y, Tsunakawa M, Nakata H, Harada T, Sadato N (2016.7.22) Brain regions involved in thermal perception. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  13. Shishido E, Okazaki S, Imoto K, Sadato N, Fukumura N, Ozaki N (2016.7.22) Analysis of eye-movement when drawing a line. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  14. Sadato N (2016.7.22) Neural substrates of face-to-face communication through eyes : an approach with hyperscanning fMRI. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).
  15. Sadato N (2016.7.26) Shared attention and inter-individual neural synchronization in the human right inferior frontal gyrus. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan).
  16. Yoshioka A, Tanabe HC, Koike T, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2016.7.27) The neural substrates of feature-based joint attention using a hyperscanning functional MRI. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan).
  17. Tanabe HC, Yoshioka A, Koike T, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2016.7.28) Core neural substrates of joint attention using hyperscanning functional MRI. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan).
  18. 定藤規弘(2016.9.4)コミュニケーション能力の神経基盤:イメージング手法によるアプローチ.分子から心まで観るバイオイメージング(名古屋,愛知).
  19. 定藤規弘(2016.9.16)子どもの育ちに活かすほめ脳科学からのアプローチ.みらいエンパワメントカフェ(東京).
  20. 吉本隆明,岡崎俊太郎,近添淳一,角谷基文,高橋晴香,中川恵理,小池耕彦,北田亮,岡本士毅,矢田俊彦,小坂浩隆,定藤規弘(2016.9.24)ヒトの満腹時の甘味に対する選好性の神経基盤の検討.第6回生理学研究所・名古屋大学医学系研究科合同シンポジウム(名古屋,愛知).
  21. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Sadato N (2016.11.15) Dynamic change of the parieto-premotor network during early motor sequence learning: an fMRI study. Society for Neuroscience's 46st Annual Meeting (San Diego, USA).
  22. Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2016.11.15) Reactivation of declarative memory system is essential for the enhancement of the sequential motor skill. Society for Neuroscience's 46st Annual Meeting  (San Diego, USA).
  23. 定藤規弘(2016.12.15)コミュニケーション能力の神経基盤:イメージング手法によるアプローチ.医用画像と物理シュミレーションの融合による電磁界の医療応用と安全性評価技術の最新動向(名古屋,愛知).


  1. 福永雅喜,小池耕彦,定藤規弘(2015.1.19)スポーツ選手のブレインバイオマーカー探索.新学術「スポーツ脳」集会(岡崎).
  2. Soichiro Koyama, Satoshi Tanaka, Shigeo Tanabe, Norihiro Sadato (2015.02.13) Dual-hemisphere transcranial direct current stimulation over primary motor cortex enhances consolidation of a ballistic thumb movement. 第7回NAGOYAグローバルリトリート(大府,愛知).
  3. 小池耕彦,中川恵理,角谷基文,岡﨑俊太郎,定藤規弘 (2015.3.4) On-line eye contacts activates the left cerebellum hemisphere lobule IV.第四回生理研-新潟脳研合同シンポジウム(新潟).
  4. 定藤規弘(2015.5.9) 脳機能解剖の多次元解析:PET・機能的MRIによるアプローチ 機能地図からネットワーク解析へ.第35回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会(横浜,神奈川).
  5. Koike T, Nakagawa E, Sumiya M, Shuntaro O, Sadato N (2015.6.16) The cerebellar-thalamic area represents the shared perceptual activity during real-time eye contact. OHBM2015 Annual Meeting (Honolulu, USA). 
  6. Tanabe H, Koike T, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2015.6.16) Common and cue-specific neural substrates of joint attention: a hyperscanning functional MRI study. OHBM2015 Annual Meeting (Honolulu, USA). 
  7. Rajaei N, Kitada R, Aoki N, Takahashi HK, Miyaoka T, Ohka M, Sadato N (2015.6.18) The brain network underlying the velvet hand illusion: An fMRI study. The 21st Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Hawaii, US).
  8. Sadato N (2015.6.30) Development of Social Cognition: Functional Neuroimaging Approach. RIKEN Molecular Imaging Seminar (Kobe, Japan).
  9. 島田浩二, Hirotani M, 中川恵理, 牧田快, 濱野友希, 岡崎俊太郎, Fox J, 定藤規弘(2015.7.2)外国語産出能力の習熟過程に関わる大脳基底核の脳活動の可塑的変化.第17回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (大阪).
  10. Koike T, Tanabe H, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2015.7.28) Neural substrates of initiating and responding to joint attention: a hyperscanning fMRI study. 38th Annual meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society (Kobe, JAPAN).
  11. Yuki H. Hamano, Sho K. Sugawara, Hideaki Yamazaki-Kindaichi, Naoya Aoki, Takaaki Yoshimoto, and Norihiro Sadato (2015.07.28) Both primary motor area and striatum hold the memory of the sequential motor skill during the early training stage. 第38回日本神経科学大会(神戸).
  12. 宍戸恵美子,山崎拳一郎,伊藤竜樹,伊藤嘉邦,岡崎俊太郎,井本敬二,定藤規弘,福村直博,尾崎紀夫 (2015.7.28)線をなぞるときの目と腕の協調運動で書道家はどこを見ているか.第38回日本神経科学大会(神戸).
  13. Eri NAKAGAWA, Takahiko KOIKE, Kai MAKITA, Koji SHIMADA, Haruyo YOSHIDA, Hirokazu YOKOKAWA and Norihiro SADATO (2015.7.29) The neural substrates of syntactic processing by second language learners: Evidence from syntactic priming. 第38回日本神経科学大会(神戸).
  14. Tanabe H, Koike T, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2015.7.30) Verbal-cued joint attention: a hyperscanning fMRI study. 38th Annual meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society (Kobe, JAPAN). 
  15. 岡崎俊太郎,廣谷昌子,小池耕彦,高橋陽香,定藤 規弘(2015.7.30)無意識の社会的相互作用における視覚体動フィードバックシステムを定量化する.第38回日本神経科学大会(神戸).
  16. 中谷駿,高橋陽香,青木直哉,北田亮,定藤規弘,神谷之康,宮脇陽一(2015.9.2)触覚刺激時におけるヒト視覚野の活動と触覚情報表現.第25回日本神経回路学会全国大会(調布,東京).
  17. Yuki H. Hamano, Sho K. Sugawara, Hideaki Yamazaki-Kindaichi, Naoya Aoki, Takaaki Yoshimoto, and Norihiro Sadato (2015.09.10) Neural substrates of sequential motor skill in the early training stage: an fMRI study. COI夏の研究会(浜松,静岡).
  18. 菅原翔,福永雅喜,小池耕彦,濱野友希,滝沢修,定藤規弘(2015.9.10)Multi-band GE-EPI法を用いた脳機能イメージングにおける最適パラメータの検討.第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(東京).
  19. 福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2015.9.11)超高磁場MRIでせまる脳の構造と機能.第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(東京).
  20. 定藤規弘(2015.9.11)MRIから迫る脳科学Overview.第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(東京).
  21. 小池耕彦,中川恵理,角谷基文,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘(2015.9.18)みつめあい状態における.社会的随伴性の神経基盤:.Hyperscanning fMRIを用いた研究.日本認知科学会第32回大会(千葉).
  22. 高橋陽香,北田亮,佐々木章宏,川道拓東,岡崎俊太郎,河内山隆紀,定藤規弘(2015.9.19)他者の感情推定時における涙と顔表情の統合に関わる神経基盤.名古屋大学・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム(岡崎,愛知).
  23. Emiko SHISHIDO, Shuntaro OKAZAKI, Yoshikuni ITOH, Keiji IMOTO, Norihiro SADATO, Norio OZAKI, Naohiro FUKUMURA (2015.9.19) How the eye moves when humans trace a line. 名古屋大学-生理学研究所合同Symposium(岡崎).
  24. 定藤規弘(2015.9.24)「私たち」の脳科学へ向けて 2個体同時計測fMRIによるアプローチ.第45回日本神経精神薬理学会・第37回日本生物学的精神医学会合同年会(東京).
  25. 定藤規弘(2015.10.10)間主観性(inter-subjectivity)の脳的基盤.第38回日本精神病理学会(名古屋,愛知).
  26. Naoya AOKI, Sho K. SUGAWARA, Masako HIROTANI, Shuntaro OKAZAKI, Hideaki YAMAZAKI-KINDAICHI, Takaaki YOSHIMOTO, Hirokazu YOKOKAWA, Haruyo YOSHIDA, and Norihiro SADATO (2015.10.18) The enhanced consolidation of foreign word learning by overt  pronunciation. the 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago,U.S.A.).
  27. Sumiya, M., Koike, T., Okazaki, S., Kitada, R., & Sadato, N (2015.10.20) A rewarding nature of conversation: an fMRI study on the contingency between own action and positive outcome. The 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago., U.S.A.).
  28. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Yamazaki-Kindaich H, Aoki N, Yoshimoto T & Sadato N  (2015.10.21) The cortico-striatal network holds the memory of the sequential motor skill during the early training stage. Society for Neuroscience's 45st Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA).
  29. Sugawara SK, Hamano YH, Aoki N, Yamzaki-Kindaichi H, Yoshimoto T, & Sadato N  (2015.10.21) Combined speed- and accuracy-focused training prevents offline performance improvements in sequential motor skill. Society for Neuroscience's 45st Annual Meeting  (Chicago, USA).
  30. Abe M, Koike T, Okazaki S, Sugawara S, Takahashi K, Watanabe K, Sadato N (2015.10.21) Neural substrates of motor coordination in joint action. The 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. (Chicago, U.S.A.).
  31. Fukunaga M and Sadato N (2015.11.6) Ultra High Field MRI of Human Brain Structure and Function. The 10th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (Fukuoka, Japan).
  32. Sumiya, M., Koike, T., Okazaki, S., Kitada, R., & Sadato, N (2015.11.6) Brain networks underlying the contingency effect between own actions and positive outcome in conversation: an functional MRI study. The 5th Tu?bingen University/NIPS Joint Neuroscience Symposium (Okazaki, Japan).
  33. 中谷駿,高橋陽香,青木直哉,北田亮,定藤規弘,神谷之康,宮脇陽一(2015.11.7)触覚刺激時におけるヒト視覚野の活動と触覚情報表現.第七回多感覚研究会(東京).


  1. 定藤規弘(2014.3.22)「私たち」の脳科学にう向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究 "We-mode" neuroscience using dual functional MRI.日本発達心理学会第25回大会大会委員会企画シンポジウム(京都).
  2. Sadato N (201.4.24) How the blind "see" braille : Lessons from PET/fMRI on the cross-modal plasticity, integration, and learning. NINDS Symposium -Human Motor Control: 30 years of Research at NIH and Beyond (MD, U.S.A).
  3. 小山総市朗,田中悟志,田辺茂雄,定藤規弘(2014.5.31)一次運動野に対する経頭蓋直流電気刺激は運動技能の定着を促進する.日本理学療法学会(横浜).
  4. Sugawara SK, Koike T, Kawamichi H, Makita K, Hamano YH, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Yamazaki-Kindaichi H, Sadato N (2014.6.10) Offline increment of striatal activity associated with sleep-dependent improved accuracy. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Hunbrug, Germany).
  5. Abe S, Koike T, Bosch B, Sadato N (2014.6.11) The pathway of inter-individual synchronization during eye contact enhanced by joint attention. Procedings of the OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting (Hamburg, Germany).
  6. Takahashi HK, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Kawamichi H, Sadato N (2014.6.11) Interaction between TPJ and the medial prefrontal cortex for the inference of other's sadness. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Hamburg, Germany).
  7. Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Okamoto Y, Kochiyama T, Sadato N  (2014.7.16) The precuneus is involved in the detection of incongruency between tactile and visual texture information: A functional MRI study. Future of Shitsukan Research (Tokyo, Japan).
  8. Koike T, Abe S, Bosch J, Sadato N (2014.7.18) Social ineraction represented by inter-individual neural synchronization. Neural Oscillation Conference 2014 (Okazaki, Japan).
  9. 定藤規弘(2014.7.19)社会脳:共感と向社会行動の神経基盤:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第11回日本うつ病学会総会(広島).
  10. 山崎拳志郎,伊藤竜樹,伊藤嘉邦,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘,尾崎紀夫,井本敬二,宍戸恵美子,福村直博 (2014.8.8) 「線の描画運動における書道習熟度と視線先行の関係」.第 8 回 Motor Control 研究会(茨城).
  11. 小池 耕彦,田邊 宏樹,岡崎俊太郎,Jorge Bosch,定藤 規弘(2014.9.11)個体間での脳活動共振として表現される「社会性」.第37回日本神経科学大会(横浜,神奈川).
  12. Sugawara SK, Koike T, Kawamichi H, Makita K, Hamano YH, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Yamazaki-Kindaichi H, Sadato N (2014.10.7) Offlineimproved activation in striatum is associated with sleep-dependent improved accuracy. The 4th Tübingen University/NIPS Joint Neuroscience Symposium (Tubingen, Germany).
  13. 阿部彩織, 小池耕彦, Jorge Bosch-Bayard, 定藤規弘(2014.10.30)注意共有にともなう二個人間神経活動同調の神経基盤.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎). トラベルアワード受賞
  14. 岡崎 俊太郎,小池 耕彦,廣谷 昌子,Jorge Bosch-Bayard,高橋 陽香,橋口 真帆,定藤 規弘(2014.10.30)均衡する視覚運動制御の再帰的連環が二人の体動を同期させる.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎). トラベルアワード受賞
  15. 川道拓東,菅原翔,吉原一文,佐々木章宏,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘(2014.10.30)傾聴によるエピソードの印象改善に伴う腹側線条体・右前部島の賦活.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎). トラベルアワード受賞
  16. 角谷基文,小池耕彦,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘(2014.10.30)聞き手の肯定的反応が話し手にもたらす報酬効果の神経基盤の解明.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎). トラベルアワード受賞
  17. 髙木幸子,原田宗子,定藤規弘,Huis In ‘t Veld,Elisabeth,de Gelder,Beatrice,濱野友希,田部井賢一,田中章浩(2014.10.30)表情と音声による視聴覚情動知覚の文化差を生みだす神経基盤.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎).
  18. 中村太戯留,松井智子,内海彰,山﨑未花,牧田快,原田宗子,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘(2014.10.30)隠喩的表現における“面白さ”と“見劣り効果”の神経基盤の検討.平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎). トラベルアワード受賞
  19. Yuki H. Hamano, Sho K. Sugawara, Hideaki  Kindaichi-Yamazaki,Naoya Aoki and Norihiro Sadato (2014.10.30) Neural correlates of motor sequence learning ? an fMRI study. 平成26年度生理研研究会第4回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎).
  20. 角谷基文,小池耕彦,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘(2014.11.7)聞き手の肯定的反応が話し手にもたらす報酬効果の神経基盤の解明.第61回中部日本生理学会(名古屋,愛知).
  21. 岡崎 俊太郎,小池 耕彦,廣谷 昌子,Jorge Bosch-Bayard,高橋 陽香,橋口 真帆,定藤 規弘(2014.11.7)均衡する視覚運動制御の再帰的連環が二人の体動を同期させる.第61回中部日本生理学会(名古屋,愛知).
  22. Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Okamoto Y, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2014.11.15) The precuneus is involved in the detection of incongruency between tactile and visual texture information: A functional MRI study. The 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, U.S.A.).
  23. Sumiya, M., Koike, T., Okazaki, S., & Sadato, N (2014.11.17) Listener’s positive responses recruit reward-related neural circuitry of the speaker: an fMRI study. The 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington, D.C., U.S.A.).  
  24. Soichiro Koyama, Satoshi Tanaka, Shigeo Tanabe, Norihiro Sadato (2014.11.17) Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the primary motor cortex during training enhances over-night consolidation of newly-learned ballistic thumb skill. The 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience  (Washington D.C., U.S.A.).
  25. Okazaki S, Koike T, Hirotani M, Bosch-Bayard J, Takahashi HK, Hashiguchi M, Sadato N  (2014.11.17) Reciprocal coupling of visuo-motor linkages synchronize interpersonal postural coordination. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, U.S.A.).
  26. 角谷基文,小池耕彦,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘(2014.11.22)聞き手の肯定的反応が話し手にもたらす報酬効果の神経基盤の解明:fMRI研究.第4回生理研-名大合同シンポジウム(名古屋,愛知).
  27. 岡崎 俊太郎,小池 耕彦,廣谷 昌子,Jorge Bosch-Bayard,高橋 陽香,橋口 真帆,定藤 規弘(2014.11.22)均衡する視覚運動制御の再帰的連環が二人の体動を同期させる.第4回生理研-名大合同シンポジウム(名古屋,愛知).
  28. 定藤規弘(2014.11.24)脳科学より褒めの教育効果を考える.一般社団法人日本LD学会第23回大会(大阪).
  29. Sugawara SK, Koike T, Kawamichi H, Makita K, Hamano YH, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Yamazaki-Kindaichi H, Sadato N (2014.12.6) Offlineimproved activation in striatum is associated with sleep-dependent improved accuracy. Vision, Memory, Thought: how cognition emerges from neural network (VMT2014) (Tokyo, Japan). トラベルアワード受賞
  30. 山崎拳志郎,伊藤竜樹,伊藤嘉邦,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘,尾崎紀夫,井本敬二,宍戸恵美子,福村直博(2014.12.13)線の描画時の視線計測に基づくアイ・ハンド・コーディネーションの解析.ニューロコンピューティング研究会(NC)(名古屋,愛知).


  1. 松永昌宏,川道拓東,小池耕彦,吉原一文,吉田優美子,高橋陽香,中川恵理,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)社会脳システムが幸福感を決定する.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  2. 川道拓東,田邊宏樹,高橋陽香,吉原一文,松永昌宏,菅原翔,牧田快,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)援助行動時の報酬系の賦活と共感特性の影響.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知). トラベルアワード受賞
  3. 北田亮,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)顔による表情と個人の識別に関わる神経基盤.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  4. 小池耕彦,田邉宏樹,岡崎俊太郎,佐々木章宏,菅原翔,島田浩二,高橋陽香,中川恵理,吉原一文,Bosch-Bayard, J.,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)dual fMRIを用いた,みつめあい状態の神経基盤の解明.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知). トラベルアワード受賞
  5. 佐々木章宏,北田亮,岡本悠子,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)社会的随伴性認知に関わる神経基盤の解明.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知). トラベルアワード受賞
  6. 吉原一文,田邊宏樹,川道拓東,小池耕彦,山﨑未花,定藤規弘(2013.1.31)恐怖刺激による交感神経活動の変化に関連する神経基盤.第2回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知). トラベルアワード受賞
  7. Matsunaga M, Isowa T, Yamakawa K, Ohira H, Sadato N (2013.2.1) Association between positive emotions and immune functions. 第5回NAGOYAグローバルリトリート(大府,愛知)
  8. 定藤規弘(2013.5.11)機能的MRIによる社会能力発達における神経基盤の解明.第33回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会(大阪).
  9. Fujimoto S,Yamaguchi T,Otaka Y,Sadato N,Osu R,Kondo K,Tanaka S (2013.6.21) Facilitative effect of dual-hemispheric transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on performance in tactil discrimination task.The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, Japan).  
  10. Kawamichi H,Sasaki AT,Matsunaga M,Yoshihara K,Takahashi HK,Tanabe HC,Sadato N(2013.6.21)Reputation representation in medial prefrontal cortex is modulated by familiarity. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, Japan).
  11. Takahashi HK, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Kawamichi H, Sadato N (2013.6.21)Tears modulate recognition of sadness: an fMRI study. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, Japan).
  12. Matsunaga M, Kawamichi H, Koike T, Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Takahashi HK, Nakagawa E, Sadato N (2013.6.22)Neural substrates associated with happiness. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, Japan).
  13. Sadato N (2013.6.22) "We-mode" neuroscience using dual fMRI. 5th Japan-Canada Symposium on Innovations in Neuroscience (Kyoto, Japan).
  14. Sasaki AT, Kitada R, Okamoto Y, Sadato N (2013.6.22)Neural substrates of social contingency. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, Japan).
  15. 菅原翔,小池耕彦,濱野友希,瀧澤修,定藤規弘(2013.7.5)Multiband GE-EPIを用いた脳機能イメージングの高解像度化および静音化:実用化を目指した検討.第15回ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(東京).
  16. 定藤規弘(2013.7.6)超高磁場MRIへの期待 social neuroscience perspective.第15回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(東京).
  17. Koike T, Sugawara KS, Hamano YH, Sadato N (2013.7.20) The Usage of Multiband GE-EPI Sequence: Social Neuroscience Perspective. マルチバンド撮像法講演会.(東京).
  18. 宍戸恵美子,大河内真須美,磯谷真理,村尾政彦,山本美咲,定藤規弘,井本敬二(2013.8.25)自閉症スペクトラムの幼児の言語発達と姿勢制御についてのケースレポート.日本行動療法学会第39回大会(東京).
  19. 定藤規弘(2013.8.27)褒めを科学する.第18回まなび講座(泉佐野市).
  20. Sadato N (2013.9.17) Communication and Brain. Osaka 20 years from now - Re-inventing the City (Osaka, Japan).
  21. 定藤規弘(2013.9.20)「私たち」の脳科学に向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究.日本心理学会第77回大会(札幌).
  22. 定藤規弘(2013.11.2)発達から見た認知機能―脳機能画像法による社会能力発達過程へのアプローチ.第13回精神疾患と認知機能研究会(東京).
  23. Makita K, Oishi H, Kinoshita T, Shimada K, Tanabe HC, & Sadato N (2013.11.10) The impact of second language proficiency on an automatic process of written words: an fMRI study. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  24. Sasaki AT, Kitada R, Okamoto Y, Sadato N (2013.11.10) Neural substrates of contingency detection for self and others - an fMRI study. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  25. 内山祐司,堺浩之,橘篤導,定藤規弘 (2013.11.20)有効視野課題成績低下の神経基盤.計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会(大津,滋賀).
  26. Koike T, Tanabe HC, Okazaki S, Sadato N (2013.11.12) Cerebral and Cerebellar Involvement in Joint Attention. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Sandiego, USA).
  27. Nakagawa E, Yokokawa H, Koike T, Makita K, Shimada K, & Sadato N (2013.11.13) Syntactic priming effect during second language sentence production by Japanese learners of English: An fMRI study. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  28. 堺浩之,内山祐司,定藤規弘(2013/11/20)高速な移動を欲する神経基盤: fMRI研究.計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会(大津,滋賀).
  29. Kitada R, Yoshihara K, Sasaki AT, Hashiguchi M, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2013.11.28) Hand preference in the superior part of the extrastriate body area develops supramodally.  (第3 回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  30. Nakagawa E, Yokokawa H, Koike T, Makita K, Shimada K, & Sadato N (2013.11.28) Syntactic priming effect during second language sentence production by Japanese learners of English: An fMRI study. 第3回社会神経科学研究会 (岡崎,愛知).
  31. 小池耕彦,田邊宏樹,岡崎俊太郎,定藤規弘 (2013.11.28) 共同注意に関与する大脳・小脳ネットワークの解明.第3回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知). トラベルアワード受賞
  32. 小山総市朗,田中悟志,田辺茂雄,定藤規弘 (2013.11.28) 経頭蓋直流電気刺激は運動記憶の固定化を促通する.第3回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  33. 宍戸恵美子,定藤規弘,井本敬二 (2013.11.28) 発達障害児における発語と身体運動について2つのケースレポート.第3回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  34. 島田浩二,廣谷昌子,岡崎俊太郎,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘 (2013.11.28) 共同注意は大人の単語学習を促進するのか?第3回社会神経科学研究会 (岡崎,愛知).
  35. 濱野友希,菅原翔,伊藤嘉邦,小池耕彦,定藤規弘 (2013.11.28) 自然な会話実験を可能とする新しいfMRI計測環境の提案-マルチバンド撮像法と光マイクを用いて-.第3回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  36. 牧田快,大石晴美,木下徹,島田浩二,中川恵理,廣谷昌子,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘 (2013.11.28) 第二言語の習熟度が第二言語の書字の自動的な処理に及ぼす影響:fMRIを用いた脳機能計測による研究.第3回社会神経科学研究会 (岡崎,愛知).


  1. 堺浩之,高原美和,本城尚美,今西貴之,土居俊一,定藤規弘,内山祐司 (2012.2.11)高齢ドライバにおける実行機能の個人差と相関する脳の構造的特徴: a VBM study. 脳機能計測と在宅運動計測ワークショップ (大府).
  2. Sadato N (2012.3.7) "Inter-individual neural synchronization eye-contact and joint attention". 42nd NIPS International Symposium (Okazaki,Japan).
  3. 定藤規弘(2012.3.10)脳機能画像法をもちいた社会能力発達過程へのアプローチ.第52回脳の医学・生物学研究会(名古屋).
  4. 内山祐司,堺浩之,辛徳,市川奈穂,定藤規弘,寺嶌立太,脇田敏裕, (2012.3.12)脳神経メカニズムに基づく居眠り検出法の開発. 自動車技術会第8回トラフィックセイフティ委員会 (東京).
  5. 定藤規弘(2012.3.17)社会能力の神経基盤:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第7回日本統合失調症学会(名古屋).
  6. 小池耕彦,吉原一文,定藤規弘 (2012.3.31) VBMとresting state network解析を用いた、特性不安の神経基盤の解明.第89回日本生理学会大会(松本).
  7. 田邊宏樹・定藤規弘 (2012.4.16) 現代人脳機能地図作成:創造性をめぐる諸能力とその神経基盤(学術総合センター,東京).
  8. Sadato N (2012.5.26) Inter-individual neural synchoronization during eye-contact and joint attention. Social Interaction, Engagement and the Second-Person Perspective (K?ln, Germany).
  9. Sasaki A.T, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C, Sadato N (2012.5.26) Brain networks for automatic mimicry: an fMRI and DCM study Social Interaction, Engagement and the Second-Person Perspective (Cologne, Germany).
  10. Tanabe HC, Koike T and Sadato N (2012) “Inter- and intra-brain functional connectivity during eye contact and joint attention: a hyper-scanning functional MRI study.” Social Cognition, Engagement and the Second-Person Perspective (Cologne, Germany).
  11. 定藤規弘(2012.6.29)領域架橋的共同研究におけるMRIの役割.脳コミュニケーション研究センターシンポジウム:脳科学がもたらす未来社会(高知).
  12. Sadato N and Tanabe H.C (2012.7.2) Neural substrates and inter-individual functional connectivity during mutual gaze and joint attention using dual functional MRI.. 2012  ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (Kobe,Japan).
  13. 島田浩二,田邊宏樹,横川博一,吉田晴世,牧田快,山﨑未花,定藤規弘(2012.7.5)第二言語音声処理の自動化に関わる前頭前野二領域の脳活動の可塑的変化.第14回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(札幌).
  14. Sadato N (2012.8.4) The role of the right cerebellum during foreign language vocabulary learning enhanced by the phonological loop: an event-related fMRI study. 第38回全国英語教育学会愛知研究大会(愛知).
  15. Hirotani, M.*, Shimada, K.*, Okazaki, S., Tanabe, H.C. & Sadato, N. (2012.8.4) The role of social contexts in adults’ word learning. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Sapporo, Japan). *Two authors are joint first authors.
  16. 堺浩之, 内山祐司, 菅原翔, 田中悟志, 定藤規弘, (2012.9.21)前頭葉への経頭蓋直流電流刺激が単調運転に与える影響. 第35回日本神経科学大会 (名古屋).
  17. 定藤規弘(2012.9.29)社会脳研究における人文科学・脳科学・精神医学の連携:接点としてのイメージング研究.日本生物学的精神医学会(神戸).
  18. Shimada K, Tanabe HC, Yokokawa H, Yoshida H, Makita K, Yamazaki-Murase M & Sadato N (2012.10.14) Left prefrontal activations are modulated by proficiency in spoken foreign language processing. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (New Orleans, USA).
  19. Takahashi HK, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Kawamichi H, Sadato N (2012.10.15) Neural substrates of cognitive empathy for sadness modulated by tears: A functional MRI study. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (New Orleans, USA).
  20. Kitada R, Okamoto Y, Sasaki AK, Kochiyama T, Miyahara M, Lederman SJ, Sadato N (2012.11.1) Early visual experience and the recognition of facial expressions: Involvement of the middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri in haptic identification by the early blind NIPS International Symposium Face Perception and Recognition (Okazaki, Japan).
  21. Takahashi HK, Kitada R, Sasaki AT, Kawamichi H, Sadato N (2012.11.1) Neural substrates involved in recognition of tears on the face: a fMRI study. The 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition (Okazaki, Japan).
  22. 吉原一文,田邊宏樹,川道拓東,小池耕彦,山﨑未花,定藤規弘(2012.11.17)恐怖刺激による末梢体温の変化に関連する脳内機序.第17回日本心療内科学会総会・学術大会(福岡).
  23. 定藤規弘(2012.11.18)社会能力の発達過程:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第17回日本心療内科学会総会・学術大会(福岡).
  24. Kawamichi H, Yoshihara K, Kitada R, Matsunaga M, Sasaki A, Yoshida Y, Takahashi H, Sadato N (2012.11.24) Study implication related to sense of acceptance: Key factor of social learning. Interantional Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning (Tokyo, Japan).  


  1. Sadato N (2011.1) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making.Procedings of The First International Society for Social Neuroscience Symposium (Shanghai,China).
  2. 大塩立華,岡崎俊太郎,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘 (2011.2) 社会性をつかさどる行動特性・神経基盤の解明. 第3回脳プロ公開シンポジウム「未来を拓く脳科学研究」 (東京).
  3. 定藤規弘 (2011.2) 心のふれあいと脳科学. 第3回脳プロ公開シンポジウム「未来を拓く脳科学研究」 (東京).
  4. 定藤規弘 (2011.2) MRIを用いた脳機能イメージング研究.自然科学研究機構岡崎統合バイオサインスセンター10周年記念シンポジウム(岡崎,愛知).
  5. 定藤規弘 (2011.2) 社会性の脳神経基盤解明を目指して. 日本学術会議・心の先端研究と心理学専門教育分科会主催公開シンポジウム (京都).
  6. 田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2011.4) 現代人脳機能地図生成:共同注意の神経基盤と社会的文脈における学習の関係.ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相:学習能力の進化に基づく実証的研究 第3回研究大会 (東京).
  7. Sadato N (2011.5) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. 3rd GCOE International Symposium of Animal Global Health (Obihiro, Japan)
  8. 定藤規弘 (2011.6) 社会能力の発達過程:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第26回日本生体磁気学会 (福岡).
  9. Sasaki AT, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2011.6) Neural networks for action representation. The 15th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Conciousness (Kyoto, Japan).
  10. Hiroki C. Tanabe, Tomoko Sakai, Yusuke Morito, and Norihiro Sadato (2011.6) Neural correlates of subjective colors with Benham’stop: a functional MRI study. The 15th annual meeting of the ASSC (Kyoto, Japan).
  11. Tanaka S, Takeda K, Otaka Y, Kita K, Osu R, Honda M, Sadato N, Hanakawa T, Watanabe K (2011.6) Non-invasive cortical stimulation enhances lower limb function in chronic stroke patients. 14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology (Rome, Italy).
  12. Kawamichi H, Tanabe HC, Takahashi HK, Shimada K, Sadato N (2011.6) Directed altruism induced by "warm-glow" through empathy : an fMRI study 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping (Quebec, Canada).
  13. Tanabe HC, Kosaka H, Saito DN, Munesue t, Okazawa H, wada Y, Sadato N (2011.6) Joint attention between individuals with normal and autism spectrum disorders using dual fMRI. 17th Aunnual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping. (Quebec, Canada).
  14. 田邊宏樹,定藤規弘 (2011.8) 二台の機能的MRI同時計測による見つめ合い(mutual gaze)および共同注意(joint attention)の神経基盤と二個体間の機能的結合.第二回名古屋大学・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム (名古屋).
  15. 堺浩之, 高原美和, 本城尚美, 今西貴之, 土居俊一, 定藤 規弘, 内山祐司 (2011.9)前補足運動野の灰白質体積は高齢ドライバの事故リスク要因としての実行機能の個人差を予測する. 第34回日本神経科学大会 (横浜).
  16. 岡本悠子,小坂浩隆,北田亮,田邊宏樹,棟居俊夫,石飛信,林正道,齋藤大輔,河内山隆紀,谷中久和,大森晶夫,和田有司,岡沢秀彦,定藤規弘(2011.9)自閉症スペクトラムにおけるEBAの機能低下-相互模倣時の自他の動作の比較に関わる神経基盤.第13回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都).
  17. 佐々木章宏,河内山隆紀,杉浦元亮,田邊宏樹,定藤規弘 (2011.9) 視覚運動的な動作表象を担う脳内ネットワーク,第13回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (京都).
  18. 田中悟志,関啓子,花川隆,西澤円,渡邊克巳,定藤規弘,本田学(2011.9)右半球の損傷に右大脳半球の損傷により珠算式暗算が障害された一例:機能的MRIを用いた長期的研究.第13回日本脳機能マッピング学会(京都).
  19. 吉田優美子,田邊宏樹,林正道,河内山隆紀,定藤規弘(2011.9)予告効果における補足運動前野を中心とするネットワーク:機能的MRI研究.第13回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(京都).
  20. 岡本悠子,小坂浩隆,北田亮,田邊宏樹,棟居俊夫,石飛信,林正道,齋藤大輔,谷中久和,河内山隆紀,大森昌夫,和田有司,岡沢秀彦,定藤規弘(2011.9)自閉症スペクトラムにおけるExtrastriate body area (EBA) の機能低下―相互模倣時の自他の動作の比較にかかわる神経基盤.第34回日本神経科学大会 (横浜).
  21. 松永昌宏,磯和勅子,山川香織,定藤規弘,大平英樹(2011.9)日本人における主観的幸福感・内側前頭前野活動・炎症性サイトカイン・主観的社会階層の関連.第34回日本神経科学大会(横浜).
  22. 川道 拓東, 田邊 宏樹, 高橋 陽香, 定藤 規弘 (2011.9) 温情効果を介して向社会行動の動因となる共感に親密さが与える影響.第34回日本神経科学大会 (横浜).
  23. 菅原翔,田中悟志,岡崎俊太郎,渡邊克巳,定藤規弘(2011.9)社会的報酬は運動記憶の固定化を促進する.第34回日本神経科学大会(横浜).
  24. Kitada R, Okamoto Y, Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Miyashita M, Lederman SJ, Sadato N(2011.10)Brain network involved in the recognition of facial expressions of emotion in the early blind.12th International Multisensory Research Forum (Fukuoka, Japan).
  25. Sadato N(2011.10)How the blind "see" Braille and the deaf "hear"sign: Lessons from fMRI on the cross-modal plasticity, integration, and learning.12th International Multisensory Research Forum (Fukuoka, Japan).
  26. 内山祐司,市川奈穂,定藤規弘,堺浩之,寺嶌立太,辛 徳,脇田敏裕 (2011.10)居眠り反応遅れと視床・脳幹における脳活動の関係.  自動車技術会2011年秋季大会 (札幌).
  27. 川道拓東,北田亮,吉原一文,佐々木章宏,高橋陽香,定藤規弘(2011.10)fMRIを用いた手つなぎ時の脳活動計測.第16回認知神経科学会学術集会(福岡).
  28. 定藤規弘(2011.11)社会能力の発達過程:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第58回中部日本生理学会(福井).
  29. 田邊宏樹,定藤規弘(2011.11)社会的文脈における学習―社会的認知能力と創造性―.第65回日本人類学会大会(沖縄).
  30. Kawamichi H, Sasaki AT, Takahashi HK, Tanabe HC, Sadato N. (2011.11) Empathy for social positive emotion activates cognitive empathy network.The 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  31. Makita K, Yokokawa H, Tanabe HC, Yoshida H, Murase M, Sadato N (2011.11) The role of the right cerebellum during foreign language vocabulary learning enhanced by the phonological loop: an fMRI study. The 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  32. Sugawara S, Tanaka S, Okazaki S, Watanabe K, Sadato N (2011.11) Social praise enhances the off-line improvement of the procedural motor skill. The 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  33. 立本将士,山口智史,田中悟志,大高洋平,大須理英子,近藤国嗣,定藤規弘(2011.11)電極の貼付位置の違いが経頭蓋直流電気刺激による下肢運動皮質興奮性に及ぼす影響.第41回日本臨床神経生理学会(静岡).
  34. Kawamichi H, Sasaki AT, Takahashi HK, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2011.11) Empathy for social positive emotion activates cognitive empathy network.The 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).


  1. Murase M, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2010.1) Detection of neural substrate related to lipreading effect during vowel identification of audiovisual speech: a functional MRI study. Workshop: Development of the Social Brain (Tokyo, Japan).
  2. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Sasaki A, Morita T, Itakura S, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2010.1) “Like me” : The role of extrastriate body area for being imitated.Japan-US Brain Research  Cooperative Program: Workshop: Development of the Social Brain (Tokyo, Japan).
  3. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2010.1) The warning effect as orienting attention in the temporal domain: an event-related fMRI study. Development of the Social Brain Workshop (Tokyo, Japan)
  4. 定藤規弘 (2010.5) 乳幼児の機能画像解析における機能的MRIとNIRSの役割. 第87回日本生理学会大会 (盛岡).
  5. 定藤規弘 (2010.5) 子供の発達コホート研究におけるイメージング研究の意識.第52回日本小児神経学会総会(福岡).  
  6. 定藤規弘 (2010.6) 視覚障害者がどのように点字を「見て」いるのか―ヒト脳機能画像研究から判ること.日本赤ちゃん学会第10回学術集会(東京).
  7. Sadato N (2010.7) The Neural basis of social reward and decision-making.2010 International Symposium: Social Neuroscience and Its Benefits to Mental Health(Seoul,Korea).
  8. 大塩立華,岡崎俊太郎,川道拓東,定藤規弘(2010.7)「複数個体のマルチモーダル行動データの計測による「関わり指標」の評価」.2010年包括脳夏のワークショップ(札幌).※ 2010年度優秀若手賞受賞
  9. 川道拓東,岡崎俊太郎,大塩立華,定藤規弘(2010.7)複数個体のマルチモーダル行動データの計測による、関わり指標の評価.包括方脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク 夏のワークショップ(札幌).
  10. Sakai H, Uchiyama Y, Hayashi MJ, Shin D, Sadato N (2010.9) The neural signature of an absent-minded state defined by ‘fast and sloppy’responses. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kobe, JAPAN).
  11. 吉田優美子,田邊宏樹,林正道,河内山隆紀,定藤規弘 (2010.9) 注意機構と運動関連領域の相互作用としての予告効果.第33回日本神経科学大会 (神戸).
  12. Okamoto Y, Kosaka H, Kitada R, Tanabe HC, Munesue T, Ishitobi M, Hayashi MJ, Saito DN. Sasaki A, Yanaka H, Kochiyama T, Omori M, Morita T, Wada Y, Itakura S, Okazawa H, Sadato N(2010.10)The EBA dysfunction in the autism spectrum disorders (ASD); as a “comparator” of self and other’s action during reciprocal imitation.Nips research meeting 「身体性の脳内メカニズム」(Okazaki, Japan).
  13. Sadato N (2010.10) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN2010) (Kobe,Japan).
  14. 定藤規弘 (2010.10)ネアンデルタール人の脳、新人との違いを探る―イメージング手法による学習と創造性へのアプローチ―.第1回研究大会「ネアンデルタール人とサピエンス交代劇の真相:学習能力の進化に基づく実証的研究」(東京).
  15. 田邊宏樹,定藤規弘,赤澤威 (2010.10) 旧人・新人の学習行動に関する脳機能マップの作成.第64回日本人類学会大会(北海道).
  16. Hayashi MJ, Tanabe HC, Yoshida Y, Sadato N (2010.11) Duration-numerosity interaction in human prefrontal cortex. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  17. Kitada R, Lederman SJ, Miyahara M, Sadato N(2010.11)’Early blind can haptically classify static facial expressions of emotion’. The Society for Neuroscience 40th Annual Meeting (San Diego, USA).
  18. Okamoto Y, Kosaka H, Kitada R, Tanabe HC, Munesue T, Ishitobi M, Hayashi MJ, Saito DN, Sasaki A, Yanaka H, Kochiyama T, Omori M, Morita T, Wada Y, Itakura S, Okazawa H, Sadato N(2010.12)The EBA dysfunction in the autism spectrum disorders (ASD); as a “comparator” of self and other’s action during reciprocal imitation.41th NIPS international symposium (Okazaki, Japan).


  1. Komeda H, Sadato N (2009.3) The emotional embodiment during experiencing protagonists’ physical activities in narrative comprehension. The 16th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society (San Francisco, USA). 
  2. Sadato N (2009.3) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference Series for Young Researchers Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Maratea, Italy). 
  3. Sadato N (2009.4) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making.The 9th NIBB-EMBL Symposium "Functional Imaging from Atoms to Organisms" (Okazaki,Japan). 
  4. 定藤規弘 (2009.4) 向社会行動の神経基盤と発達過程の解明へ向けて.JST/RISTEX すくすくコホートシンポジウム (東京). 
  5. 定藤規弘 (2009.5) 社会能力の発達過程ー脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第51回日本小児神経学会総会(鳥取). 
  6. 村瀬未花、田辺宏樹、林正道、河内山隆紀、定藤規弘 (2009.5) 聴覚-視覚の時間弁別に関与する神経基盤:機能的MRI研究.第11回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(新潟). 
  7. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.6) Functional segregation of mirror neuron system regarding imitation: an fMRI study. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (San Francisco, USA). 
  8. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 「社会性」に関する脳機能イメージングー社会能力の発達理解にむけてー.第七回熊本脳機能画像研究会 (熊本). 
  9. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 社会的報酬の脳科学ー社会能力の発達理解にむけてー.「社会脳」を考えるー社会性の脳科学と社会 (東京). 
  10. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 褒めて育てるを解き明かす.札幌神経科学セミナー (北海道). 
  11. Hayashi MJ, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.9) The neural substrate of audio-tactile frequency discrimination in human: a functional MRI study. The NIPS International Workshop for Scientific Study of Consciousness (Aichi, Japan). 
  12. Matsumoto A, Sadato N (2009.9) The attentional modulation to subliminaol and supraliminal processing of word. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan).
  13. Murase M, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2009.9) Neural substrates of the audio-visual temporal simultaneity perception: An fMRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 
  14. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.9) Visuo-motor integration in anterior intraeparietal sulcus regarding imitation. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 
  15. Tanabe HC, Sakai T, Morito Y, Sadato N (2009.9) Importance of V4 to V1 backward connection when perceiving subjective colors with Benham's top: a functional MRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 
  16. 岡本悠子、北田亮、佐々木章宏、守田知代、板倉昭二、河内山隆紀、田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2009.9) 相互模倣における自己の動作と他者の動作の同一性の認識に関わる神経基盤.第32回日本神経科学大会(名古屋). 
  17. Hayashi MJ, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) The neural correlates of audio-tactile frequency discrimination. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 
  18. Murase M, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) Detection of neural substrate related to lip-reading effect during vowel identification of audiovisual speech: An functional MRI study.The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 
  19. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Sasaki A, Morita T, Itakura S, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) “Like me” : The role of extrastriate body area for reciprocal imitation. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 
  20. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2009.10) The warning effect as orienting attention in the temporal domain : an event-related fMRI study. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 
  21. 田邊宏樹、森戸勇介、酒井朋子、定藤規弘 (2009.10) 機能的MRIを用いたベンハムコマによる主観色生起の神経基盤の解明.第47回日本生物物理学会年会 (徳島). 
  22. 定藤規弘(2009.10)「社会性」に関する脳機能イメージング―社会能力の発達理解にむけて―.第4回日本情動研究会(富山).
  23. Murase M, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.11) Detection of neural substrate related to lip-reading effect during vowel identification of audiovisual speech: An functional MRI study. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).
  24. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Sasaki A, Morita T, Itakura S, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.11) “Like me” : The role of extrastriate body area for reciprocal imitation. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).
  25. Sadato N (2009.11) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).
  26. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.11) Posterior parietal cortex commonly codes visual and motoric action. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).
  27. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2009.11) The warning effect as orienting attention in the temporal domain: an event-related fMRI study. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).
  28. Sadato N (2009.12) Introduction of Japan-U.S.Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP). SOKENDAI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Constructing Sokendai Academic Networks (Hayama,Japan)


  1. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.3) The drive for a good reputation activates the brain's reward system. The 85th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan (Tokyo, Japan). 
  2. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.4) One’s own good reputation is processed in a similar manner to money in the striatum. The 15th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society (San Francisco, USA). 
  3. Fujii T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2008.6) Cross-modal plastic changes of effective connectivity in blind subjects: An fMRI study.14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia). 
  4. Yanaka HT, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.6) Neural substrates of warning effect: a functional MRI study.14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Melbourne, Australia). 
  5. 村瀬未花、Vanessa Krause、河内山隆紀、林正道、田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2008.6) 聴覚-触覚の時間弁別に関与する神経基盤:機能的MRI研究。第10回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(山形)。 
  6. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.7) Processing of social and monetary rewards in the human striatum. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Tokyo,JAPAN).
  7. Komeda H, Saito DN, Kusumi T, Sadato N (2008.7) The detection of emotional changes in narrative comprehension. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Tokyo, JAPAN).
  8. Maki Y, Wong KFC, Sugiura M, Ozaki T, Sadato N (2008.7) Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and fMRI data . The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Tokyo,JAPAN). 
  9. Mano Y, Harada T, Sugiura M, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.7) The neural substrates of perspective taking as emotional comprehension: an fMRI study. The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Tokyo,JAPAN). 
  10. 藤井猛、田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2008.7) 盲人における異種感覚領野を繋ぐeffective connectivityの可塑的変化:fMRI研究。第31回日本神経科学大会 (東京)。
  11. 森戸勇介、田邊宏樹、齋藤大輔、定藤規弘 (2008.7) 環境文脈によって増強されるAnimacy認知の神経基盤。第31回日本神経科学大会 (東京)。
  12. 谷中久和、齋藤大輔、定藤規弘 (2008.7) 感覚モダリティに非依存的な予告信号関連活動:fMRI 研究。第31回日本神経科学大会 (東京)。 
  13. Sadato N (2008.9) Function-strucutre ralationships in the human brain: Plasticity revealed by functional neuroimaging. The 36th Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Asahikawa, JAPAN). 
  14. Sadato N (2008.10) Plasticity in the Human brain regions revealed by functional neuroimagingtechniques. Trends in Modern Biology (Pune, India). 
  15. Maki Y, Wong KFC, Sugiura M, Ozaki T, Sadato N (2008.11) Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and fMRI data. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA). 
  16. Matsumoto A, Sadato N (2008.11) The attentional modulation to subliminal processing of word: an fMRI study . The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA). 
  17. Morito Y, Tanabe HC, Saito DN, Sadato N (2008.11) Representation of animacy enhanced by the environmental context: an fMRI study. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA). 
  18. Murase M, Krause V, Kochiyama T, Hayashi MJ, Pollok B, Schnitzler A, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2008.11) Neural substrates of the audio-tactile temporal discrimination: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA). 
  19. Tanabe HC, Sakai T, Morito Y, Sadato N (2008.11) Neural correlates and effective connectivity of subjective colors with Benham's top: a functional MRI study. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).


  1. 豊田浩士,定藤規弘 (2007.3) 機能的磁気共鳴画像と近赤外分光法の同時計測を用いたBOLD信号変化の生理学的構成成分の推定。 第9回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (秋田)。 
  2. 林正道、齋藤大輔、浅井竜哉、荒牧勇、藤林靖久、定藤規弘 (2007.3) 手指運動中の同側運動野における運動頻度依存的非対称性の拡大:機能的MRIによる検討。 第9回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (秋田)。 若手奨励賞受賞
  3. 内山祐司,豊田浩士,江部和俊,定藤規弘 (2007.5) 運転と音声言語課題の脳内干渉: 機能的MRIによる計測。自動車技術会春季大会(横浜)。
  4. Tanabe HC and Sadato N (2007.6) Dissociable contributions of ventro- and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex to arbitrary paired-association learning through their roles in working memory: A functional MRI study. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA).
  5. Tanaka S, Sadato N, Cohen LG and Honda M (2007.6) Random training schedule of sequential movements enhances the activity in the medial Brodmann area 6. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA).
  6. Izuma K, Saito DN, Sadato N(2007.6)Building a good reputation in others' eyes: Neural correlates of self-presentation motivation. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping(Chicago, USA).


  1. Sadato N (2006.3) Learning effect in cross-modal integration. Seiriken/Sokendai International Symposium (The 34th NIPS Conference): Cross-modal integration and plasticity (Okazaki, Japan). 
  2. 荒牧 勇、定藤規弘、本田 学 (2006.3) 両手鏡像運動時における右一次運動野の活動低下。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。 
  3. 飯高哲也、野川純平、神作憲司、定藤規弘(2006.3)異なった人種の表情認知にかかわる脳内機構-事象関連型fMRIを用いた研究-。第8回 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。 
  4. 内山祐司, 豊田浩士, 本田 学, 吉田晴世, 河内山隆紀, 江部和俊, 定藤規弘(2006.3)左下前頭回における文法処理機能の分離。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。 
  5. 大塩立華、田中悟志、定藤規弘、本田 学(2006.3)空間情報の脳内操作における運動前野と頭頂葉の機能分担。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。
  6. 齋藤大輔, 豊田浩士, 岡田知久, 本田 学, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘(2006.3) 熟練者における触覚弁別の神経基盤: 磁気共鳴画像法(fMRI)を用いた研究。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。 
  7. 定藤規弘 (2006.3) What Neuroimaging Can Do for Developmental Psychology.「脳科学と社会」研究開発領域 第2回情報統計ワークショップ (東京) 。 
  8. 牧 陽子、荒牧 勇、神作憲司、定藤規弘(2006.3)両手協調運動時の左半球優位性:fMRI実験。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。 
  9. 村瀬未花、齋藤大輔、河内山隆紀、田邊宏樹、田中悟志、荒牧勇、本田学、定藤規弘(2006.3)読唇における異種感覚統合への前頭眼窩皮質の関与:機能的MRI研究。第8回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(岡崎)。
  10. Sadato N (2006.3-4) Learning effect in cross-modal integration. Cooperative Joint Conference on Neuroscience (Gifu, Japan).
  11. Aramaki Y and Sadato N(2006.6)Role of the rostral putamen in the initiation of bimanual finger movements. 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy).
  12. Kansaku K, Umeyama S, Nishimori Y, Yamane S, Sadato N, Kitazawa S(2006.6)Independent component analysis applied to event-related fMRI signals: a selection method for physiologically relevant components. 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy).
  13. Maki Y, Aramaki Y, Sadato N(2006.6)The left hemispheric specialization for bimanual coordination: an fMRI study. 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy).
  14. Ritz Oshio, Satoshi Tanaka, Takashi Hanakawa, Norihiro Sadato, Manabu Honda(2006.6)Functional specificity of premotor an d parietal cortex for spatial mental-operation. 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy).
  15. Tanaka S, Oshio R, Sadato N., and Honda M(2006.6)The effect of random practice schedule on arbitrary stimulus-response association learning. The 29th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kyoto, JAPAN).
  16. 定藤規弘 (2006.6) 視覚と認知~「見えども見えず」その脳内機構と機能的MRI 。東京臨床脳画像解析研究 会 (東京)。
  17. Sadato N, Hiroshi Toyoda (2006.7) Simultaneous measurement of hemoglobin concentration changes and BOLD signal response during visual stimulation by NIRS and fMRI. 第29回日本神経科学大会 (京都).
  18. Iidaka T, Nogawa J, Kansaku K, Sadato N(2006.10)Neural correlates involved in processing the same race faces -an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study-. An event-related fMRI study. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Atlanta, USA). 
  19. Kansaku K, Nakajima Y, Sadato N(2006.10)Neural correlates of counting: the differences between count up and count down. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Atlanta, USA). 
  20. Masamichi J Hayashi, Daisuke N Saito, Tatsuya Asai, Yasuhisa Fujibayashi, Yoshiharu Yonekura, Norihiro Sadato(2006.10)Frequency-dependent suppression of right M1 by the right hand movement: a functional MRI study. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Atlanta, USA).
  21. 定藤規弘 (2006.10) 視覚と認知~見えども見えず 。DDW-Japan 2006 第72回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会 (札幌)。
  22. 定藤規弘 (2006.10) 感覚脱失に伴う脳可塑性と異種感覚統合:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ 。ヒューマンフォーラム2006 Honda R&D (和光)。
  23. Sadato N (2006.11) Learning effect in cross-modal integration. Fifth East Asian Biophysics Symposium & Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (Okinawa, Japan) .
  24. 定藤規弘, 豊田浩士 (2006.11) 化石ヒト頭骨からの3次元仮想脳復元。第60回日本人類学会大会 (高知) 。
  25. 定藤規弘 (2006.11) 脳可塑性と異種感覚統合 脳機能画像法によるアプローチ 日立中研・基礎研合同研究会 (国分寺市)。
  26. Sadato N (2006.12) Cross-modal integration and plasticity revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. 16th International Toki Conference Imaging and Plasma Diagnostics (Toki, Japan).
  27. Sadato N (2006.12) Learning effect in the cross-modal integration. International Symposium on Advanced Neuroimaging (Taipei, Taiwan).
  28. Sadato N (2006.12) Neural substrates of the spontaneous phase transition during bimanual coordination. International Symposium on Advanced Neuroimaging (Taipei, Taiwan).


  1. Sadato N,Okada T,Tanaka M,Kuratsune H,Watanabe Y (2005.2) Mechanisms underlying fatigue: A voxel-based morphometric study of chronic fatigue syndrome.International Conference on Fatigue Science 2005(Karuizawa, Nagano).
  2. 内山仁志, 関あゆみ, 景山博子, 定藤規弘, 小枝達也, 大野耕策(2005.5)皮肉課題に関するfMRI研究。 第47回日本小児神経学会総会(熊本)。 
  3. Tanabe HC, Honda M, Sadato N (2005.6) Functionally segregated neural substrates for arbitrary audio-visual paired association learning: a functional MRI study. Human Brain Mapping 2005 Conference (Toronto, Canada).
  4. 田邊宏樹、本田学、定藤規弘 (2005.9) 機能的MRIを用いた聴覚ー視覚刺激対連合学習における脳活動変化の解析 . 第20回生体・生理工学シンポジウム(BPES2005) (東京, 日本).
  5. Aramaki Y, Honda M, Sadato N (2005.11) Bimanual symmetric finger movement activates the non-dominant motor cortex less than unimanual non-dominant finger movement . 35th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  6. Kansaku, K., Grillon, M.L., Johnson, A., Sadato, N., Hallett, M (2005.11) Activation in the premotor cortex during perceiving successive stimuli with or without explicit counting . The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  7. Iidaka, T., Matsumoto, A., Kansaku, K., Sadato, N (2005.11) Aging affects the fronto-parietal network involved in successful recognition of pictures . An event-related fMRI study.The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  8. Mika Murase, Daisuke N Saito, Takanori Kochiyama, Hiroki C Tanabe, Satoshi Tanaka, Yu Aramaki, Manabu Honda, Norihiro Sadato (2005.11) Involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex in the cross-modal integration during lipreading- functional MRI study. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  9. Uchiyama H, Seki A, Kageyama H, Saito DN, Koeda T, Ohno K, Sadato N (2005.11) Neural substrates of sarcasm: an fMRI study. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).
  10. Uchiyama Y, Toyoda H, Honda M, Yoshida H, Kochiyama T, Ebe K, Sadato N (2005.11) The role of interhemispheric control of Broca's area for syntactic processes . The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, USA).


  1. Sadato N (2004.1) Cross-modal plasticity in the blind revealed by functional neuroimaging technique.BK21(Soeul, Korea).
  2. Aramaki Y, Honda M, Okada T, Sadato N (2004.3) Neural correlate of spontaneous phase transition in bimanual finger tapping.The 31st NIPS International Symposium (Okazaki, Japan) .
  3. Tanaka S, Honda M, Sadato N (2004.3) Functional specificity of the rostral part of brodmann area 6 in verbal and spatial mental-operation tasks: a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study.The 31st National Institute for Physiological Sciences International Symposium (Okazaki, Japan).
  4. 齋藤大輔, 吉村公美子, 河内山隆紀, 岡田知久, 本田 学, 定藤規弘(2004.3) 話し言葉における視聴覚間の感覚統合に関する神経基盤:fMRI を用いた研究。第6回 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会大会(東京)。
  5. 定藤規弘(2004.3) 機能的MRIによる高次脳機能解析。日本薬学会第124年会シンポジウム(大阪)。
  6. 野口泰基,金桶吉起,柿木隆介,定藤規弘(2004.3) 高次視覚性運動処理に関わる脳部位のfMRIによる探索。第6回 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会大会(東京)。
  7. Sadato N (2004.5) Cross-modal plasticity and integration: functional MRI studies. Tamagawa-COE International Symposium on Attention and Decision (Tamagawa, Japan).
  8. Aramaki Y, Honda M, Okada T, Sadato N (2004.6) Neural correlate of spontaneous phase transition in bimanual finger tapping. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Budapest, Hungary).
  9. Tanabe HC, Honda M, Sadato N (2004.6) Enhanced cross-modal linkage during arbitrary auditory-visual association learning as revealed by functional MRI. Human Brain Mapping 2004 Conference (Budapest, Hungary).
  10. Tanaka S, Honda M, and Sadato N (2004.6) Functional specificity of the rostral part of brodmann area 6 in verbal and spatial mental-operation tasks: a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study. 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (Budapest, HUNGARY).
  11. Tetsuya Iidaka, Atsushi Matsumoto, Junpei Nogawa, Norio Ozaki, Nakao Iwata, Norihiro Sadato (2004.6) Functional polymorphism of serotonin receptor gene modulates amygdala-hippocampal activity during face recognition task revealed by fMRI. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Budapest, Hungary).
  12. Toyoda H, Sadato N, Kashikura K, Kasamatsu S, Okazawa H, Fujibayashi Y, Yonekura Y (2004.6) Simultaneous measurement of hemoglobin concentration changes and BOLD signal response during visual stimulation by NIRS and fMRI. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Budapest, Hungary).
  13. Tanaka S, Honda M, and Sadato N (2004.8) Domain specific working memory process of non-primary motor cortex: a combined fMRI and rTMS study. Second International Conference for Working Memory (Kyoto, JAPAN).
  14. 田邊宏樹, 本田学, 定藤規弘(2004.9) 機能的MRIを用いた聴覚ー視覚刺激対連合学習における脳活動変化の解析。 Neuro2004(第27回日本神経科学・第47回日本神経化学合同大会)(大阪)。
  15. Bengtsson SL, Ehrsson HH, Hashimoto T, Kito T, Ullen F, Naito E, Forssberg H, Sadato N (2004.10) Listening to rhythms; an fMRI study. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  16. Ehrsson HH, Kito T, Sadato N, Passingham RE, Naito E (2004.10) Body image in the brain: The neural substrate of body size pereeption. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA). 
  17. Iidaka T, Matsumoto A, Nogawa J, Ichikawa Y, Ohira H, Yamamoto Y, Sadato N (2004.10) A combined fMRI/ERP study of recognition memory for pictures. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  18. Kaneoke Y, Noguchi Y, Kakigi R, Sadato N (2004.10) Higher order visual motion processing beyond the occipital cortex in humans. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  19. Kitada R, Hashimoto T, Kochiyama T, Kito T, Okada T, Matsumura M, Lederman SJ, Sadato N (2004.10) Graded response in the human brain for tactile roughness estimation of gratings: An fMRI study. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  20. Miyamoto J, Saito DN, Okada T, Honda M, Ohyama K, Sadato N (2004.10) The Somatosensory representation of orofacial area: a functional MRI study. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  21. Saito DN, Toyoda H, Kashikura K, Okada T, Honda M, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2004.10) Neural substrate underlying tactile discrimination in mahjong experts: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).
  22. Tanaka M, Sadato N, Okada T, Mizuno K, Sasabe T, Saito DN, Onoe H, Kuratsune H, Watanabe Y (2004.10) Neural mechanism of central nervous system fatigue. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, USA).


  1. 中井昭夫,柏倉健一,定藤規弘,米倉義晴,小泉英明,眞弓光文(2003.5) 機能的光トポグラフィーによる乳児視覚野の脳血流制御の経時的変化の検討. 第45回日本小児神経学会(博多,日本).
  2. 中井昭夫、柏倉健一、米倉義晴、定藤規弘、小泉英明、眞弓光文(2003.5) 機能的光トポグラフィーによる乳児視覚野の反応の経時的変化. 第3回 日本赤ちゃん学会(東京,日本).
  3. Harada T, Saito DN, Kashikura K, Sato T, Yonekura Y, Honda M, Sadato N (2003.6) Asymmetric neural substrates for Braille discrimination by the sighted. Implication for left hand advantage of Braille reading. 9th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (NY, USA). 
  4. Nakai A, Kashikura K, Kochiyama T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Koizumi H, Mayumi M (2003.6) Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Changes to Visual Stimulation in Infants Studied with Functional Optic Topography. The 9th Human Brain Mapping 2003(NY,USA).
  5. Saito DN, Yoshimura K, Okada T, Sadato N (2003.11) Cross-modal binding with activated attentional networks during audio-visual speech integration: a functional MRI study. Society for Neuroscience 33th Annual Meeting(New Orleans, USA).
  6. 中井昭夫、眞弓光文、柏倉健一、米倉義晴、河内山 隆紀、定藤規弘、小泉英明 (2003.11) 機能的光トポグラフィーによる乳児視覚野の反応の経時的変化. 平成15年度岡崎国立共同研究機構生理研研究会「神経科学の道具としての機能的MRI研究会」 (岡崎,日本).
  7. Tanaka S, Honda M, and Sadato N (2003.11) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the pre-supplementary motor area differentially affects performance of verbal and spatial mental-operation tasks. The Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting (New Orleans, USA).


  1. Sadato N (2002.3) Cross-modal plasticity in the deaf and blind: implications for education. 未来開拓福井シンポジウム(福井,日本).
  2. 定藤規弘 (2002.3) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. 第2回社会技術研究フォーラム(東京,日本).
  3. Sadato N (2002.5) Functional neuroimaging technique with regional cerebral blood flow for "imaging the mind". The 3rd 'The Study on Brain Function' International Symposium(福岡,日本).
  4. 定藤規弘 (2002.5) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. 第24回日本フリーラジカル学会(大阪, 日本).
  5. Horiuchi T, Nomura M, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Okada T, Yonekura Y (2002.6) Differences between self-referent encoding and other encodings: An event related fMRI study. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  6. Kochiyama T, Okada T, Morita T, Matsumura M, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2002.6) Correction and Diagnosis of Task-Related Heteroscedasticity in fMRI Time-Series using Independent Component Analysis. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  7. Nihashi T, Kakigi R, Hoshiyama M, Okada T, Sadato N(2002.6) Representation of the ear in human primary somatosensory cortex. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  8. Nomura M, Iidaka T, Kakehi K, Okada T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2002.6) Neural mechanism for matching tasks using the faces of clearly expressed facial emotions and typical gender. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan)
  9. Ohira H, Nomura M, Haneda K, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Okada T, Yonekura Y (2002.6) Role of amygdala in subliminal priming of valenced face: further fMRI evidence of affective priming. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  10. Okada T, Honda M, Okamoto J, Sadato N (2002.6) Activation of the primary and association auditory cortex by the transition of sound intensity: An event-related fMRI study. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  11. Tanaka S, Michimata C, Kaminaga T, Honda M, Sadato N (2002.6) Superior digit memory of abacus experts: An event-related functional MRI study. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  12. Sadato N (2002.6) Functional neuroimaging technique with regional cerebral blood flow for "imaging the mind". The 3rd 'The Study on Brain Function' International Fatigue Symposium(Stockholm, Sweden).
  13. Sadato N (2002.6) Cross-modal plasticity in the deaf and blind: implications for education. 8th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Sendai, Japan).
  14. 定藤規弘 (2002.6) 3テスラfMRIが切り開く脳機能研究の新たな展開. 広島脳機能研究会 (広島,日本).
  15. 定藤規弘 (2002.6) 3テスラfMRIが切り開く脳機能研究の新たな展開. 広島脳機能研究会 (広島,日本).
  16. 定藤規弘 (2002.7) 高次脳機能の可塑性:機能的MRIによるアプローチ 第45回日本神経化学学会大会(札幌,日本) シンポジウム PET・MRIを用いたヒト脳機能イメージング:現状と展望
  17. 田中悟志,道又爾,神長達郎,本田学,定藤規弘 (2002.7) そろばん熟練者の優れた数字記憶に関わる神経基盤. 第25回日本神経科学大会 (東京,日本).
  18. 定藤規弘 (2002.9) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化.京滋眼疾患シンポジウム(京都,日本)
  19. 定藤規弘 (2002.9) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. 統計数理学研究所シンポジウム(東京,日本)
  20. 定藤規弘 (2002.11) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. 第29回岐阜県MR研究会(岐阜,日本).
  21. 定藤規弘 (2002.12) 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. デザイン工学会(和歌山,日本).


  1. 定藤規弘,米倉義晴 (2001.3) 機能的MRIによる高次脳機能の可塑性へのアプローチ:手話の脳内機構. 第78回日本生理学会大会(京都). 
  2. 定藤規弘 (2001.3) 非侵襲的脳機能画像法を用いた手の運動制御へのアプローチ. 第4回健康科学フォーラム(豊中).
  3. Muramoto S, Kimura H, Uematsu H, Ishimori Y, Kawamura Y, Matsuda T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2001.4) Differentiation of prostatic cancer from benign prostatic lesions using dual echo dynamic contrast MRI. 9th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Glasgow, UK).
  4. Muramoto S, Uematsu H, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Kimura H, Matsuda T, Yonekura Y, Itoh H (2001.4) H215O PET validation of tumor blood flow determined by double echo dynamic perfusion-weighted MR imaging. 9th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Glasgow, UK). 
  5. Sadato N, Yamada H, Okada T, Itoh H, Matsuki K, Yonekura Y (2001.4) Brain functional MR imaging during processing of language-related gestures in deaf and hearing subjects. 9th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Glasgow, UK).
  6. Iidaka T, Takeshima S, Yamashita K, Okada T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2001.6) Specific neural responses in the left hippocampus and amygdala to the retrieval of facial identity and emotion An event-related fMRI study. 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Brighton, UK). 
  7. Kosaka H, Oomori M, Murata T, Iidaka T, Yamada H, Okada T, Sadato N, Itoh H, Yonekura Y, Wada Y (2001.6) Schizophrenic patients show increased amygdala activation during facial recognition: a fMRI study. 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Brighton, UK).
  8. Ohira H, Nomura M, Haneda K, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Okada T, Yonekura Y (2001.6) Subliminal priming of valenced face unconsciously modulates subsequent detection of facial expression: fMRI evidence of affective priming. 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Brighton, UK).
  9. Okada T, Sadato N, Yamada H, YonekuraY (2001.6) Frequency dependent response amplitude at the primary visual area: comparison between 1.5Tesla and 3Tesla. 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Brighton, UK).
  10. Maruoka N, Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y, Yonekura Y (2001.6) Greater resistance and lower contribution of free radicals to hypoxic neurotoxicity in immature rat brain compared to adult as revealed by positron autoradiography technique. 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (Toronto, Canada).
  11. Sadato N (2001.6) PET and MRI, which to use for what. 20th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, 5th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (Taipei, Taiwan).
  12. Sadato N (2001.6) From tactile to visual: Cortico-cortical circuitry of the cross-modal plasticity in the blind during Braille reading. 小児神経科学会 (岡山).
  13. Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2001.9) Brain functional MR imaging during processing of language-related gestures in deaf and hearing subjects. Join France-Japan Symposium on Cognitive Neurosciences (和光).
  14. 河内山隆紀,中村 聡,松村道一,米倉義晴,岡田知久,定藤規弘 (2001.9) 機能的近赤外線スペクトロスコピー(NIRS)における解析法. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学同大会(京都). 
  15. 北田 亮,内藤栄一,河内山隆紀,中村 聡,松村道一,米倉義晴,定藤規弘 (2001.9) Internally simulated movement sensations activate cortical motor areas and the cerebellum during motor imagery. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学同大会(京都). 
  16. 定藤規弘 (2001.9) 視聴覚脱失に伴う脳可塑性: 機能的MRIによるアプローチ. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学 合同大会(京都). 
  17. 定藤規弘 (2001.9) 非侵襲的脳機能画像法による高次脳機能へのアプローチ. 第13回機能回復神経学研究会(東京).
  18. 野村理朗,大平英樹,羽田薫子,飯高哲也,定藤規弘,岡田知久,米倉義晴 (2001.9) 感情プライミングにおける神経ネットワーク. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学 合同大会(京都).
  19. 守田知代,河内山隆紀,松村道一,米倉義晴, 岡田知久,定藤規弘 (2001.9) マッカロー効果による錯覚色知覚-機能的MRIによる研究-. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学 合同大会(京都).
  20. 八木下知子, 岡田知久, 定藤規弘,永島 計,細野剛良,米倉義晴,彼末一之 (2001.9) 機能MRIを用いた局所温・冷刺激による脳内賦活領域の検討. 第24回日本神経科学・第44回日本神経化学 合同大会(京都).
  21. 定藤規弘 (2001.10) 非侵襲的脳機能画像法を用いた脳可塑性へのアプローチ. 第25回健康指標プロジェクト例会(京都).
  22. 定藤規弘 (2001.10) Cortical plasticity: an approach with functional neuroimaging. JST領域探索プログラム「ヒューマノイドサイエンス」第2回研究会(京都).
  23. Morita T, Kochiyama T, Matsumura M, Yonekura Y, Okada T, Sadato N (2001.11) Interaction of the orientation and color coding: functional anatomy of the McCollough effect. Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting (San Diego).
  24. Saito DN, Okada T, Morita Y, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (2001.11) Cross-modal transfer form visual to tactile representations during shape matching: a functional MRI study. Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting (San Diego).


  1. 土田龍郎, 高橋範雄, 伊藤春海, 西澤貞彦, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘 (2000.2) 標準入力曲線を用いた非侵襲的脳ブドウ糖代謝量の測定―原理と精度に関する検討―第50回 日本核医学会中部地方会,(愛知)
  2. 村本 聡, 大山信幸, 岡田謙一郎, 高橋範雄, 土田龍郎, 吉本光喜, 藤林靖久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴, 伊藤春海(2000.2) 11C-acetatePETによる前立腺癌転移巣の描出能の検討. 第50回 日本核医学会 中部地方会,(愛知)
  3. 吉本光喜, 脇 厚生, 藤林靖久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(2000.2) [1-11C]Acetateの腫瘍内代謝. 第50回日本核医学会 中部地方会,(愛知).
  4. 植松秀昌, 前田正幸, 定藤規弘, 木村浩彦, 越元佳郎, 山田弘樹, 河村泰孝, 石森佳幸, 米倉義晴, 伊藤春海, 久保田紀彦(2000.2) Quantitative measurement of vascular permeability of gliomas by duble echo dynamic MRI. 第11回福井MR研究会,(福井).
  5. Uematsu H, Sadato N, Maeda M, Matsuda T, Koshimoto Y, Kimura H, Yamada H, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y, Itoh H (2000.4) Quantitative measurement of an extraction fraction by double echo dynamic MRI. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Eighth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition (Denver,USA). 
  6. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Koshimoto Y, Kimura H, Yamada H, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y, Itoh H (2000.4) Underestimation in MR measurement of blood volume of brain tumors. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Eighth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, (Denver, USA). 
  7. 村本 聡, 大山伸之, 高橋範雄, 藤林靖久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴, 伊藤春海 (2000.4) C-11 acetate PETによる前立腺癌イメージング. 第59回日本医学放射線学会学術発表会,(横浜).
  8. 山田弘樹, 村本 聡, 伊藤春海, 大森昌夫, 村田哲人, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴 (2000.4) 運動選択課題を用いた脳のfMRI:大脳皮質賦活領域および抑制領域の検討. 第59回日本医学放射線学会学術発表会,(横浜). 
  9. 椛沢宏之, 高橋良行, 岡田知久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴 (2000.5) 拡散テンソル画像撮像における超高磁場装置の有用性. 第8回日本MR Angiography研究会,(愛媛)
  10. Ishizu K, Nakamura S, Shiozaki T, Sadato N, Takahashi N, Sugimoto K, Fujibayashi Y, Yonekura Y (2000.6) Increasing rate of FDG uptake from early to delayed PET images in lung tumors. Scientific Abstracts of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, (St.Louis, USA). 
  11. Omata N, Murata T, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y, Yonekura Y (2000.6) Age-related changes in energy production in the brain slices of senescence-accelerated mouse as revealed by positron autoradiography technique. The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, (St.Louis, USA).
  12. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y, Yonekura Y (2000.6) Neurotoxicity caused by hypoxia/reoxygenation as revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism of living rat brain slices with a positron autoradiography technique. The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine(St.Louis, USA).
  13. Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Nishizawa S, Yonekura Y, Itoh H (2000.6) Effect of postprandial hyperglycemia in noninvasive measurement of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose in non-diabetic subjects. Scientific Abstracts of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, (St.Louis, USA).
  14. 土田龍郎, 伊藤春海, 西澤貞彦, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘 (2000.6) 標準入力曲線を用いた非侵襲的脳ブドウ糖代謝量の測定―食後高血糖の影響について―. 第51回 日本核医学会 中部地方会,(岐阜). 
  15. 田中雅人, 上坂秀樹, 小室裕冉, 伊藤春海, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘, 小倉久和 (2000.8) マルチエージェントサーバーによる医用画像管理システム(動画像への対応). 第19回日本医用画像工学会大会, (大阪). 
  16. 吉本光喜, 脇 厚生, 藤林靖久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴 (2000.8) [1-C-11]acetateの腫瘍内代謝. PETサマーセミナー, (舞子).
  17. Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2000.11) Plasticity of higher brain function: tactile to visual modalities. Second International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging (FUKUI-2000), (Fukui, Japan). 
  18. Sadato N, Okada T, Honda M, Yonekura Y (2000.11) Cortico-cortical circuitry of the cross-modal plasticity in the blind during Braille discrimination tasks. The 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (New Orleans, USA).
  19. 石津浩一, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴 (2000.11) ガンマカメラ型PETを用いた高感度断層撮影の開発. 第40回 日本核医学会総会, (神戸).
  20. 土田龍郎, 伊藤春海, 西澤貞彦, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘 (2000.11) 非侵襲的脳ブドウ糖代謝量測定における食後高血糖の影響. 第40回 日本核医学会総会 (神戸). 
  21. 吉本光喜,脇 厚生, 藤林靖久, 定藤規弘,米倉義晴 (2000.11) [1-11C]Acetateの腫瘍内集積メカニズムに関する基礎的検討. PET研究会, (京都).
  22. Sadato N. (2000.12) Cortico-cortical circuitry of the cross-modal plasticity in the blind during Braille discrimination tasks. 2nd ISM International Symposium on Frontiers of Time Series Modeling, (Nara, Japan). 
  23. Sadato N, Yonekura Y (2000.12) Cortico-cortical circuitry of the cross-modal plasticity in the blind during Braille discrimination tasks. International Symposium on Inter-areal Functional Coupling, (Kyoto, Japan).


  1. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Koshimoto Y, Yamada H, Kimura H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.1) Quantitative measurement of vascular permeability by double echo dynamic MRI: Theory and clinical application. International Symposium on Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine (ISUM '99) (Kyoto, Japan). 
  2. 角 弘諭, 高橋範雄, 石井 靖, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.2) 低血流域におけるCBF-PETとHMPAO検討との比較検討. 日本核医学会第48回中部地方会, 1999,2, 津.
  3. 高橋範雄, 土田達郎, 杉本勝也, 石井 靖, 藤林靖久, 脇 厚生, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴, 中野 顕, 李 鍾大(1999.2)低酸素診断薬剤Cu-62 ATSMの心筋虚血に対する有用性の評価. 日本核医学会第48回中部地方会(津,三重). 核医学, 36(5),477, 1999,7. 
  4. 村本 聡, 山田弘樹, 石井 靖, 小西行郎, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.2)Brain fMRIによる小児脳の発達過程の評価. 第58回日本医学放射線学会学術発表(東京). 日本医学放射線学会雑誌, 59(2),S98-S99, 1999,2. 
  5. 高橋範雄, 土田達郎, 石井 靖, 藤林靖久, 脇 厚生, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.4)低酸素診断薬剤Cu-62ATSMの心筋虚血に対する有用性の評価. 第58回日本医学放射線学会学術発表(東京).日本医学放射線学会雑誌, 59(2),S134, 1999,2.
  6. 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.3)非侵襲的脳機能画像によるヒト脳機能の可塑性へのアプローチ.第76回日本生理学会大会,シンポジウムS1 第一次視覚野シナプス可塑性研究の統合的アプローチ: LTPから機能再編まで(長崎).予稿集, 71, 1999,3.
  7. 飯高哲也, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.4)若年者と高齢者の記憶と注意に関するポジトロンCTを用いた研究. 第21回日本生物学的精神医学会(仙台).
  8. 山田弘樹, 村本 聡, 石井 靖, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.4)日本手話処理を用いた脳のfMRI.第58回日本医学放射線学会学術発表(東京).日本医学放射線学会雑誌, 59(2),S98, 1999,9.
  9. Muramoto S, Yamada H, Sadato N, Konishi Y, Kimura K, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.5) Mirroring of visually induced fMRI signal time course in the visual cortex of younger and elder infants. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Seventh Scientific Meeting and Exhibition (Philadelphia,USA). Proceedings, 2,1098, 1999,5.
  10. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Koshimoto Y, Kimura H, Sadato N, Yamada H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.5) Cerebral perfusion study with short TE gradient echo MRI. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Seventh Scientific Meeting and Exhibition (Philadelphia, USA). Proceedings, 3,1867, 1999,5.
  11. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Koshimoto Y, Yamada H, Kimura H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.5) Quantitative measurement of vascular permeability of gliomas by double echo dynamic MRI: A preliminary study. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Seventh Scientific Meeting and Exhibition (Philadelphia, USA). Proceedings, 2,1340, 1999,5.
  12. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Koshimoto Y, Yamada H, Kimura H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.5) Quantitative measurement of vascular permeability of gliomas by double echo dynamic MR imaging: A preliminary study. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR), American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR), American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (ASITN), American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR) (San Diego, USA). Proceedings, 290, 1999,5.
  13. 本田 学,花川  隆,福山秀直,柴崎 浩,岡田知久,定藤規弘,中村 聡,脇 厚志,米倉義晴(1999.5)空間認知機能における運動前野の役割:PETとfMRIによる検討.40回日本神経学会総会(東京).
  14. Muramoto S, Yamamoto K, Ohyama N, Takahashi N, Nakamura S, Ishizu K, Sugimoto K, Waki A, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Okada K, Ishii Y (1999.6) Positive imaging of prostate cancer with carbon-11 acetate and PET. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. (Los Angeles, USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),60P, 1999,5.
  15. Omata N, Murata T, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Isaki K, Yonekura Y (1999.6) Hypoxic but not ischemic neurotoxicity due to free radicals as revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism of living brain slices with a positron autoradiography technique. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. (Los Angeles, USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),265P, 1999,5.
  16. Waki A, Yoshimoto M, Kato H, Sadato N, Yokoyama A, Yonekura Y, Fujibayashi Y (1999.6) Differential uptake of 2-deoxyglucose in cultured cells transformed with various oncogenes. . The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (Los Angeles,USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),224P, 1999,5.
  17. Yoshimoto M, Waki A, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Yokoyama A, Fujibayashi Y (1999.6) Non-oxidative metabolism of C-11-acetate: New insight for lipid synthesis imaging in tumors. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. (Los Angeles, USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),232P, 1999,5.
  18. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Yamada H, Yonekura Y (1999.6) Functional asymmetry of prefrontal cortex as revealed by fMRI: Episodic memory for verbal and non-verbal material. Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain.(Duseldorf, Germany). NeuroImage, 9(6 (Part2 of 2 Pats)),S940, 1999,6.
  19. Ishizu K, Kawaguchi N, Takahashi T, Matsushita T, Taguchi M, Waki A, Fujibayashi Y, Sadato N, Yonekura Y (1999.6) Positron coincidence detection and blurring tomography with non-rotating dual detector gamma camera. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. (Los Angeles , USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),303P, 1999,5.
  20. Muramoto S, Yamada H, Sadato N, Konishi Y, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y (1999.6) Mirroring of visually induced fMRI signal time course in the visual cortex of younger and elder infants. Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. (Dusseldorf, Germany). NeuroImage, 9(6),S263, 1999,6.
  21. Waki A, Yoshimoto M, Kato H, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Fujibayashi Y (1999.6) Sensitivity to bioreductive antitumor agent correlated with lactate production, predictable from dg uptake of tumor cells. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. (Los Angeles, USA). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book, 40(Suppl),23P, 1999,5.
  22. Yoshimoto M, Waki A, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Yokoyam, A, Fujibayashi Y (1999.6-7) Evaluation of radio-labelled acetate as a candidate of tracer for estimating the growth activity in tumor. Thirteenth international symposium on radiopharmaceutical chemistry. (St. Louis, USA). Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 42(Suppl 1),S687, 1999,6. 
  23. 村本 聡, 高橋範雄, 大山伸之, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999.6)11C-acetate PETを用いた前立腺癌イメージング.日本核医学会第49回中部地方会(富山).核医学, 36(7),790, 1999,9.
  24. 飯高哲也, 定藤規弘, 山田弘樹, 米倉義晴(1999.7)具象的及び抽象的線画の記銘における脳賦活のfMRI研究.第22回日本神経科学大会(大阪).プログラム・抄録集, 252, 1999,7.
  25. 守田知代, 定藤規弘, 河内山隆紀, 山田弘樹, 小西行郎, 米倉義晴, 松村道一(1999.7) 発達過程における視覚刺激に伴う外側膝状体の代謝変化: fMRIによる計測. 第22回日本神経科学大会(大阪). プログラム・抄録集, 122, 1999,7.
  26. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Yamada H, Murata T, Omori M, Yonekura Y (1999.9) An fMRI study of the functional neuroanatomy of picture encoding in normal aging. International symposium on dementia (Kobe, Japan). Program/Abstracts, 34, 1999,9.
  27. Shiozaki T, Sadato N, Senda M, Ishii K, Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Fukuda H, Konishi J (1999.9) Noninvasive estimation of FDG input function for quantification of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose: optimization & multi-center evaluation. The International PET Symposium in Hokkaido (Sapporo, Japan). Abstract Book, 58, 1999,9.
  28. 植松秀昌, 前田正幸, 定藤規弘, 木村浩彦, 越元佳郎, 山田弘樹, 河村泰孝, 米倉義晴, 伊藤春海(1999.9)造影剤の血管透過性に着目したgliomaの評価. 第27回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(東京).日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌, 19(Suppl),219, 1999,9.
  29. 村本 聡, 山田弘樹, 定藤規弘, 小西行郎, 木村宏輝, 米倉義晴(1999.9)Mirroring of visually induced fMRI signal time course in the visual cortex of younger and elder infants. 第27回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(東京).日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌, 19(Suppl),268, 1999,9.
  30. 塩崎俊城, 定藤規弘, 千田道雄, 石井一成, 福田 寛, 米倉義晴, 小西淳二(1999.10)標準入力関数を用いたFDG入力関数の推定. 第39回日本核医学会総会(秋田).核医学, 36(6),587, 1999,8.
  31. 村本 聡, 高橋範雄, 杉本勝也, 脇 厚生, 藤林靖久, 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘(1999.10)C-11 acetate PETを用いた前立腺癌イメージング.第39回日本核医学会総会(秋田). 核医学, 36(6),626, 1999,8.
  32. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Murata T, Omori M, Yamada H, Yonekura Y (1999.10) Age-related differences in neural substrate of picture encoding.A fMRI study in young and older adults. 29th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience (Miami, USA). Abstracts, 25(Part 1)31, 1999,10.
  33. Tanaka M, Uesaka H, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Komuro H, et al (1999.11) Web-based image management system integrating multiple image servers. Radiological Society of North America, 85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA). Radiology, 213(P), 584, 1999,11. 
  34. Iidaka T, Murata T, Omori A, Yamada H, Yonekura Y, Sadato N (1999.12) Functional Neuroanatomy of picture memory and aging. Tsukuba International Conference on Memory (Tsukuba, Japan). Abstracts. 25, 1999,12.
  1. Baba H, Maezawa Y, Uchida K, Furusawa N, Kokubo Y, Sadato N, Yonekura Y: Evaluation of dynamic stress of the cervical spinal cord using a high-resolution positron emission tomography. Takahashi HE(ed): Mechanical Loading of Bones and Joints, Springer-Verlag, 229-236, 1999.

  2. Hallett M, Sadato N, Honda, M. Ishii K, Waldvogel D and Bushara K: Functional MRI of sensorimotor system. Moonen CTW, Bandettini PA (eds): Functional MRI. Springer, 381-391, 1999

  3. 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘: 脳機能画像でみる高次脳機能. 石川春律, 吉岡 亨(監修), 山嶋哲盛(編集): 脳のイメージング. サイメッド・パブリケーションズ, 20-27, 1999.

  4. 定藤規弘: PET画像とMRI画像の比較. 鳥塚莞爾(編): クリニカルPETハンドブック. 株式会社技術経済研究所, 243-253, 2001.

  5. 定藤規弘: 脳の可塑性と発達-非侵襲的脳機能画像法によるアプローチ. 乾敏郎・安西祐一郎(編): 認知科学の新展開1 認知発達と進化. 岩波書店, 133-144, 2001.

  6. Sadato N, Yonekura Y: The cortico-cortical circuitry of the cross-modal plasticity in the blind. Shibasaki H, Fukuyama H, Nagamine T, Mima T(eds): Inter-areal Coupling of Human Brain Function. Elsevier, 159-164, 2002.

  7. 定藤規弘: 局所脳血流測定による人間の高次脳機能の画像化. 赤池紀扶・東英穂・阿部康二・久保千春(編): 脳機能の解明 生命科学の主潮流 349-353,ガイア出版会, 2002

  8. 島田浩二, 定藤規弘 (2014) 外国語の産出と理解プロセスの熟達化に関わる脳内メカニズム: fMRIによる検討. 横川博一, 定藤規弘, 吉田晴世(編) 外国語運用能力はいかに熟達化するか: 言語情報処理の自動化プロセスを探る, 松柏社, 253-267.(分担執筆)

  9. 中川恵理 (2014) 外国語学習者の文産出プロセスにおいて語彙検索処理の負荷はどのように影響するか. 横川博一、定藤規弘、吉田晴世(編). 外国語運用能力はいかに熟達化するか:言語情報処理の自動化プロセスを探る. 松柏社. 136-153.(分担執筆)

  10. Hiroaki Kawamichi, Kazufumi Yoshihara, Ryo Kitada, Masahiro Matsunaga, Akihiro Sasaki, Yumiko Yoshida, Haruka Takahashi, Norihiro Sadato (2014) Sense of Acceptance: Key Factor of Social Learning. Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 2  Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series 2014, 217-220.(分担執筆)
    Pub Med PDF

  11. Sadato N (2017) Shared attention and interindividual neural synchronization in the human right inferior frontal cortex. The Prefrontal Cortex as an Executive, Emotional, and Social Brain, p.207-225. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56508-6_11.(分担執筆)

  12. 定藤規弘(2019)子どもを「ほめ」て育てるということー脳科学からのアプローチ.「子どもの 未来をひらくエンパワーメント科学」安梅勅江編著, 68-97.(分担執筆)

  1. Koike T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2015) Hyperscanning neuroimaging technique to reveal the "two-in-one" system in social interactions. Neurosci Res.,90C:25-32. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2014.11.006.
    Pub Med

  2. Naito E, Sadato N (2003) Internal simulation of expected sensory experiences before movements get started. Rev Neurosci 14:387-399.

  3. Nakai A, Kashikura K, Kochiyama T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y, Koizumi H,Mayumi M (2003.6) Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Changes to Visual Stimulation in Infants Studied with Functional Optic Topography. NeuroImage 19 Suppl 1: S55. 2003.

  4. Sadato N (2004) Imaging higher brain functions in humans using magnetic resonance. Trands Analytical Chem 23:416-421.

  5. Sadato N (2011) The nural basis of social reward and decision-making.New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience, 137-145.

  6. Sadato N, Morita T & Itakura S (2008) The role of Neuroimaging in Developmental Social Psychology. Brain Imaging Behav 2:335-342.

  7. Sadato N, Nakashita S, Saito DN (2007) Pathways of tactile-visual crossmodal interaction for perception. Behav Brain Sci, 30:218-219.

  8. Sadato N,Morita K, Kasai K,Fukushi T, Nakamura K, Nakazawa E,Okano H and Okabe S (2019) Neuroethical Issues of the Brain/MINDS Project of Japan. Neuron NeuroView, 101(3):385-389. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.006.
    Pub Med PDF

  1. 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999)脳機能画像(fMRI・PET)の統計処理. VISION, 11(2), 81-84.

  2. 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴(1999)脳賦活検査におけるMRIとPET:その役割分担. 日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌, 19(3), 142-146.

  3. 田中雅人, 上坂秀樹, 小室裕冉, 河村泰孝, 米倉義晴, 山下芳範, 定藤規弘, 日野雅夫, 岡野康三: イントラネットとJavaを用いた低コスト・高レスポンス画像管理システム. 映像情報Medical, 31(10), 527-530, 1999.

  4. 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘: PET及び機能的MRIを用いたヒト高次脳機能の可愬性の解明. 学術月報. 53(4), 417-421, 2000.

  5. 湊小太郎, 佐藤哲大, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴, 椛沢宏之: 画像解析の最前線-MR拡散テンソル画像と神経束抽出. 診断と治療. 88(9), 1723-1727, 2000.

  6. 岡田知久, 定藤規弘, 米倉義晴: 超高磁場(3テスラ)MRIを用いた脳機能画像. 日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌. 20(6), 266-271, 2000.

  7. 定藤規弘(2000)局所脳血流測定でみる脳の可塑性. 医学のあゆみ, 192, 1169-1170.

  8. 定藤規弘(2000)PET/機能的MRIを用いたイメージングによる高次脳機能の解析. Molecular Medicine, 37, 285-289.

  9. 定藤規弘(2002)非侵襲的脳機能画像法を用いた高次脳機能障害の画像化. BIO Clinica, 17, 499-503.

  10. 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘(2002)機能的MRIとPETを用いた脳賦活検査. RADIOISOTOPES. 51, 34-41.

  11. 米倉義晴, 定藤規弘(2002)非侵襲的脳機能評価法. 総合リハビリテーション. 30, 34-41.

  12. 定藤規弘(2002)脳の機能はどこまで見られるか-脳機能と画像診断の進歩-非侵襲的脳機能画像法を御用いた脳可塑性へのアプローチ.環境と健康,15(2):72-81.

  13. 定藤規弘(2002)人間の脳活動の画像化.科学,72:288-294.

  14. 定藤規弘(2003)MRIを用いた高次脳機能研究. 医学のあゆみ, 204, 251-255.

  15. 定藤規弘(2003)高分解能MRIによるヒト高次脳機能イメージング. 現代化学, 49-54.

  16. 中井昭夫、柏倉健一、米倉義晴、定藤規弘、小泉英明、眞弓光文(2003)機能的光トポグラフィーによる乳児視覚野の脳血流制御の経時的変化の検討 脳と発達, 35: S114.

  17. 定藤規弘(2003)点字と脳.眼の事典,252-256.

  18. 定藤規弘 (2004) fMRIによる大脳の機能代償の画像化. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌、24:217-219.

  19. 定藤規弘(2004)コミュニケーション能力の源流-人間の感覚統合発達過程の画像化 . 遺伝 : 生物の科学, 66-69.

  20. 定藤規弘(2004)付録 人間の高次脳機能の画像化.遺伝 : 生物の科学,58(3)88-90.

  21. 定藤規弘(2005)機能的MRIによる脳可塑性の検討.神経心理学,21:20-25.

  22. 柿木隆介,秋云海,野口泰基,本田学,中田大貴,田村洋平,田中悟志,定藤規弘,王暁宏,乾幸二(2006)C線維を上行する信号によって賦活される脳部位:機能的時期共鳴画像(fMRI)を用いた研究.日本疼痛学会誌,第21巻第3号.

  23. 定藤規弘(2006)高分解能MRIによるヒト高次脳機能イメージングを例に.脳21,9:16-20.

  24. 守田知代、板倉昭二、定藤規弘 (2007) 脳科学から考える自他理解の発達. 発達、112:45-54.

  25. 豊田浩士,定藤規弘,赤澤威(2008)ネアンデルタールと現代人の頭蓋内鋳型の形状比較.高知工科大学紀要,5(1):25-33.

  26. 定藤規弘(2010)岡本論文へのコメント.Japanese Psychological Review, 53(3):478-480.

  27. 定藤規弘(2010)社会能力の発達過程―脳機能画像方によるアプローチ―.脳と発達,42:185-190.

  28. 田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2010) MRIを用いた脳機能イメージング研究.実験医学, 28:12-15.

  29. 定藤規弘(2011)Dual functional MRI.分子精神医学,11(4):44-45.

  30. 田中悟志,菅原翔、定藤規弘(2011)脳卒中後の認知・運動障害に対する経頭蓋直流電気刺激法の効果.臨床神経生理学, 39:219-226.

  31. 定藤規弘(2011)脳の非侵襲イメージング.生存科学.SeriesB,21:57-66.

  32. 定藤規弘(2011)社会能力と「未来」.生存科学.SeriesB,21:131-137.

  33. 定藤規弘(2012)社会能力の発達過程:脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.日本神経精神薬理学雑誌(Jpn.J.Neuropsychopharmacol.) 32:299-303.

  34. 定藤規弘(2012)「画像で脳の働きをみる」脳科学情報の読み解き方.環境と健康,21(3)303-312.

  35. 定藤規弘(2013)社会脳科学とコホート調査.J.Seizon and Life Sci. Vol 23 B, 2013,3, 43-48.

  36. 定藤規弘(2014)機能的MRIによる社会能力発達における神経基盤の解明.脳神経外科ジャーナル,23(4):318-324.

  37. 定藤規弘 (2014) 「私たち」の脳科学に向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究.臨床神経科学,32(7)797-799.

  38. 定藤規弘 (2015) 社会神経科学の諸課題と展望.Clinical Neuroscience, 33(2)136-138.

  39. 定藤規弘 (2015) 脳科学より褒めの教育効果を考える.LD研究、24(1)61-67.

  40. 定藤規弘,横川博一(2015)第5回社会脳―英語教育研究への新たなる挑戦.英語教育,68-69.(分担執筆)

  41. 定藤規弘(2016)間主観性の脳的基盤.臨床精神病理,37(1)21-27.

  42. 定藤規弘(2016)司会まえがき.臨床精神病理,37(1)29-30.

  43. 定藤規弘(2016)PET・機能的MRIによるアプローチ 機能地図からネットワーク解析へ 「私たち」の脳科学に向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究.脳神経外科ジャーナル,25(5)421-426.

  44. 中村晋之介,尾崎紀夫,定藤規弘, 井本敬二,宍戸恵美子,福村直博(2016)曲線をなぞる運動におけるサッケード位置の解析 An analysis of saccade positions in tracing tasks.信学技報,116(343)19-24.

  45. 定藤規弘,横川博一(2017)第5回社会脳-英語教育研究への新たなる挑戦.英語教育,64(12)68-69.

  46. 北田亮,定藤規弘(2017)点字読の神経機構.CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 35(2)172-173.

  47. 定藤規弘(2016)We-mode neuroscienceに向けて2固体同時計測fMRIを用いた相互主体性へのアプローチ.心理学評論, 59(3)274-282.

  48. 菅原翔,角谷基文,定藤規弘(2017)脳科学からみた「ほめる」.こころの科学,196:30-34.

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