演題:「What is scientific truth?
Identity and cooperation in neuronal societies of the hippocampus」
演者:Prof. Peter Somogyi
(MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, Oxford University, Oxford UK)
Identity and cooperation in neuronal societies of the hippocampus」
演者:Prof. Peter Somogyi
(MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, Oxford University, Oxford UK)
Basal ganglia control of locomotion and muscle tone with respect to the basal ganglia dysfunction」
演者:高草木 薫 准教授 (多次元共同脳科学推進センター流動連携研究室)
Basal ganglia control of locomotion and muscle tone with respect to the basal ganglia dysfunction」
演者:高草木 薫 准教授 (多次元共同脳科学推進センター流動連携研究室)
Strategic Plans of Neuroscience Research and Development in Japan and Foreign Countries」
演者:吉田明 教授(多次元共同脳科学推進センター)
Strategic Plans of Neuroscience Research and Development in Japan and Foreign Countries」
演者:吉田明 教授(多次元共同脳科学推進センター)