To promote the international efforts at NIPS, the NIPS International Workshop was launched in 2008. The workshop invites renowned scientists from around the world, and a wide range of participants from around the country. All presentations and discussions are held in English. In 2015, one International Workshop was held. The themes were TRPs and SOCs --Unconventional Ca2+ Physiology--”. In 2016, two NIPS international workshops were conducted, “Towards elucidation of memory engram,” and “The 4th International Symposium on Salivary Glands in Honor of Niels Stensen”. In 2017 and 2018, no International Workshop was conducted. In 2019, two workshops were held. In 2020, one workshop was scheduled in Kyushu but conducted on the WEB because of COVID-19. In 2022, one workshop “Multi-disciplinary approach to understand neuronal network architecture to control motor actions” was carried out. In 2024, one International Workshop is scheduled.